Archive for November, 2019
Gobble! Gobble! no comments
TakoSushi, 1115 Assembly Street: November 2019 1 comment
I've been in this building at least once, back when it was Doc's Gumbo Grille, but as I view Sushi as Superman views Kryptonite, it never even occurred to me to visit TakoSushi. I see from the various writeups on the closing that they had a Southwest component, which I might have guessed from the Tako, except that sounds very like a Japanese word when spelled that way. While I have not been inside, I have admired the very visible and shiny ventilator for years. I also notice that the Yin/Yang mural is a Blue Sky creation.
According to the Takosushi website and statements to the press, the restaurant considered the building to be unsafe. The State says the owner disputes that, and says that any interior damage would be the tenant's responsibility to fix. Here are two more takes from ColaDaily and WLTX
In a sign of the times, I could not get close enough to the front door to get a good picture of the posted notice (though you can probably read it on the click-through) because there is already someone sleeping in the doorway.
(Hat tip to commenter Beth)
UPDATE 12 November 2020 -- Now Crabby's Cajun:
Boeshreen, 2630 Decker Boulevard: October 2019 (Branching out) no comments
Boeshreen is the follow-on operation to Northeast Market & Coffee House in this much restauranted storefront on Decker. I ate there once, and found the food to be good though the layout was a bit confusing, and I couldn't make it a regular stop because there was no fresh-brewed ice tea.
I noticed recently that they have added Sammi's Deli branding to their operation (after also adding a sno-cone setup). It may be time to stop in again.
UPDATE 22 July 2020 -- Here are some better pictures I just ran across:
However, based on a more recent drive-by, I think they may have dropped the Sammi's branding at this point.
Nonnah's, 923 Gervais Street: 18 November 2019 3 comments
I went to Nonnah's several times years ago, hoping for something like Kamanski's in Charleston. In the event, I decided they liked cake way more than I did -- I prefer pie, cheesecake, custard and other non-cake desserts. I guess it's been more than ten years since I was in -- at any rate they were still on the other side of Gervais at the time.
The State has the story, and I particularly like the Behind Our Reporting postscript. Welcome to the club, guys!
(Hat tip to commenters Dustin & Sidney)
UPDATE 24 November 2019: Added commenter Dustin, who I had missed, to the hat tip.
South Carolina Dream Wings / Uncle Ozzy's, 3315 Farrow Road: 12 September 2019 2 comments
Well, I took my eyes off the old Popeye's location, and missed two closings.
South Carolina Dream Wings was the follow on to Jade Palace which closed in early 2018. South Carolina Dream Wings opened shortly thereafter, and I'm not sure when they closed.
After that, and without ever getting around to changing all the signs, Uncle Ozzy's opened. It was, in a complete change for this spot, a schnitzel operation. The Free Times highlighted it as a Bite Of the Week location, proving once again Yogi Berra's observation that It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future:
The location has had a long and varied history, but Ozzy gives you a good feeling that this could be a place that sticks around for a really long time.
[Update: Uncle Ozzy's closed suddenly after Free Times sampled its Hunterschnitzel on Sept. 12.]
Looking at Uncle Ozzy's Facebook page, it appears that the owners had a falling out.
UPDATE 12 May 2020 Fix the address. There seems to be some confusion, but I think it's 3315 Farrow Road. Certainly what I had (3115 Farrow) was wrong. Also, hope springs eternal. This place is now Noisy Wings:
Lexington Dry Cleaning, 1340 Elmwood Avenue: 2019 2 comments
I'm not sure exactly when this location of Lexington Dry Cleaning, at the corner of Elmwood & Marion, closed, but it was definitely earlier than the Sesqui location, so I'm going to say 2018. As you can see, it has been vacant long enough for a political advocacy organization to move in.
(Hat tip to commenter Justin)
UPDATE 18 November 2019: Changing the closing date from 2018 to 2019 based on the comments.
UPDATE 14 December 2021: Update tags.
Rush's, 2540 Decker Boulevard: 2 November 2019 20 comments
To the best of my memory, I ate at this Rush's sometime shortly after it opened, which is the only time I have been in one of their stores. I'm not sure why that is, as it was fine, and I was impressed with the state-fair-like presentation of the fries in a paper cup.
I admit to being a bit surprised at this closing, as I figured with the county takeover of Decker Mall, they would have a steady lunch business of civil servants crossing the parking lot for a bite.
The State says however that it was a 40 year old building that had age and maintenance issues and:
“At some point you just have to let it go.”
The stonework facings are definitely of another era, though not quite as distinctive as the old Popeye's buildings.
This closing makes two vacant restaurant buildings on the Decker Mall property, which seems odd. As I said with the county office workers (and law enforcement) nearby, I don't see why the site couldn't support a new restaurant, though perhaps either building would have to be razed and rebuilt.
(Hat tip to commenter Tom)
UPDATE 18 December 2019: Added the first picture from 2 November 2019, the actual last day of operation.
UPDATE 4 February 2021 -- To be Cod Tail Seafood & Chicken, a Charleston outfit. I really do not like that name!
UPDATE 22 August 2022: Updating tags.
The Casual Pint, 807 Gervais Street: 2 November 2019 2 comments
The WordPress blog editor has a button called "Save Draft", which is, I suppose, appropriate to this post, as The Casual Pint is no more.
The Free Times noted the opening on 22 July 20 2016 of
the fastest growing franchise in the craft beer industry
and also noted the closing on 2 November 2019.
The only remaining SC location for the chain is 217 Saluda Springs Road in Lexington, which looks to be on the block behind the Mellow Mushroom.
Here is a State story on the Dupree Building of which The Casual Pint was a tenant. It's a nice looking place. I should have checked the entrance to see what's upstairs.
(Hat tip to commenter Heath)
Super 8 by Wyndham West Columbia Airport, 650 Cherokee Lane: Fall 2019 4 comments
I think the only time I have ever stayed at a Super 8 was once when I drove to Florida not knowing it was Daytona 500 weekend, and ended up driving hundreds of miles looking for a place to stay. Given the circumstances, it was OK.
This closing puzzles me a bit as this property was renovated just a few years ago after it closed as The Cambridge Plaza Hotel in 2014 (before which it had been a Best Western). I don't see why it should need a re-working just 5 years later, but apparently that is the case. Of course plans change, and LoopNet says the property is on the market, so any upfit would be on the buyer. It also notes that only 84 of the 115 rooms are "rentable", so I guess it definitely does need some work. This site also notes the availability, and has a nice aerial shot of the property.
In passing, I will note that I really dislike frontage roads like Cherokee Lane which get double-duty out of an Interstate on-ramp.
(Hat tip to commenter Tom)
UPDATE 6 June 2023 -- Now open as a Motel 6:
Hall Marine/MarineMax, 7459 Broad River Road: 30 September 2019 no comments
Apparently, Hall Marine was bought out by MarineMax. The link does not give a date for the sale, but commenter Mitch reports that the local Hall closed on 30 September.
With Lake Murray in the area, I would have expected this meant that they were consolidating at another nearby MarineMax, but instead it appears they have exited the Columbia market entirely. From their store finder, it looks like the closest (and only SC) outlet is in Charleston.
I find the 7459 Broad River Road address a little curious as the place is obviously well off Broad River Road and appears to be on Western Lane.
(Hat tip to commenter Mitch)