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Archive for the ‘Assembly Street’ tag

South Carolina State Fair 2023, Fairgrounds: 22 October 2023   7 comments

Posted at 6:19 pm in closing




Well the State Fair has come and gone. No big surprises this year. The retro swing ride at the intersection of the central way and the North Midway corridor is still gone. I guess it won't be coming back. Somehow the baby duck slide survived another year, and we had some new greasy goodness with doughnut-burgers and Wisconsin fried cheese curds. Aprt from the sky ride, the Bumper Cars were the only place I spent my tickets this year, and there's (somewhat badly focused) video of that below. Those issues (really time for a new camera) are apparent in the skyway video above as well, but I think it gets the spirit of things.

As for the rest, if you've followed these posts, you know what I like, and I liked the same things this year. It's always nice to be out and about on the grounds after sundown!

Next year is coming..

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Crabby's Cajun, 1115 Assembly Street: December 2021   5 comments

Posted at 10:25 pm in closing









Crabby's was the follow-on operation in this space to Takosushi and apparently closed at the end of the year. As I am not a seafood person, I never stopped by, but this was one of a wave of crab-oriented places that have opened in the area over the last few years. I guess it's possible the wave has crested, or, given the history of this storefront, it may just not be a great location for a restaurant.

(Hat tip to commenter Justin)

Written by ted on January 25th, 2022

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McDonald's Hamburgers / University Motor Company, 633 South Assembly Street: 2018 (Merged)   3 comments

Posted at 10:40 pm in closing




I noticed the other day that this old McDonald's at the corner of Assembly & Rosewood across from the Fairgrounds is vacant. The last tenant was University Motor Company, which apparently moved in sometime around 2010, and in 2018 merged with Bluff Road Auto Sales with the combined operation at 1400 Bluff Road.

UPDATE 3 February 2023 -- Now Lyon's General Store:


International House Of Pancakes, 1031 Assembly Street: March 2020 (Open Again)   5 comments

Posted at 12:57 am in closing














Well, here's another casualty of COVID-19.

ColaDaily reports that both the Assembly Street and Lexington IHOPs will not be reopening after closing for the crisis.

This site last featured here when the old classic-look store was torn down and rebuilt in 2013. I confess that I had given up on this location well before the closure in March. I have always appreciated IHOP as a good late-night place for comfort food, and I really like the Harvest Grain & Nut Pancakes. However, it seemed to me that every time I went here after the rebuild, I had some kind of issue. Either I couldn't get seated, or couldn't get waited on, or couldn't get anyone to take my money on the way out. Then there was the time the restaurant was full and apparently only one one kitchen staffer had shown up. I have had much better luck on Two Notch, but they are not open late, so my midnight runs seem to end up at Applebee's these days (well, "these days" before the current unpleasantness).

(Hat tip to commenter Heath)

UPDATE 4 March 2021 -- Both this IHOP and the one in Lexington unexpectedly found a new owner, and are open again. Unfortunately there were still multiple issues during my only visit so far:



Written by ted on June 24th, 2020

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TakoSushi, 1115 Assembly Street: November 2019   1 comment

Posted at 11:09 pm in closing












I've been in this building at least once, back when it was Doc's Gumbo Grille, but as I view Sushi as Superman views Kryptonite, it never even occurred to me to visit TakoSushi. I see from the various writeups on the closing that they had a Southwest component, which I might have guessed from the Tako, except that sounds very like a Japanese word when spelled that way. While I have not been inside, I have admired the very visible and shiny ventilator for years. I also notice that the Yin/Yang mural is a Blue Sky creation.

According to the Takosushi website and statements to the press, the restaurant considered the building to be unsafe. The State says the owner disputes that, and says that any interior damage would be the tenant's responsibility to fix. Here are two more takes from ColaDaily and WLTX

In a sign of the times, I could not get close enough to the front door to get a good picture of the posted notice (though you can probably read it on the click-through) because there is already someone sleeping in the doorway.

(Hat tip to commenter Beth)

UPDATE 12 November 2020 -- Now Crabby's Cajun:



Written by ted on November 26th, 2019

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South Carolina State Fair 2019: 20 October 2019   no comments

Posted at 11:21 pm in closing


I'm afraid I didn't get all the pictures I wanted at this year's State Fair. I usually get a bunch of neon shots at night back in the midway area, and a night video shot from the skyway. This year, it started to rain just as it was getting dark, and that put an end to the outdoor part of my visit.

I didn't notice any particular changes this year, other than that the dinosaur exhibit in the old Steel Building site was not back this year, and that the Rocket was done up in candy stripes for its 50th anniversary. This year was also the 150th anniversary of the fair as a whole, an occasion noted in the annual sand sculpture.

Anyway, it was fun, as usual, and I had my "fair food". Hopefully next year, I will get my normal assortment of pictures and video.

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Garden Bistro, 1303 Assembly Street Suite B: 12 September 2018   2 comments

Posted at 12:22 am in closing











Well, the door sign is true and misleading at the same time.

I have to say I was not really aware of either incarnation of The Garden Bistro, but The Free Times says the closing was announced on 12 September 2018.

I've never been quite sure what to make of this odd little strip of retail and services on Assembly. I don't think I've ever been inside any of them. I do have it in my mind one of the former tenants was big in bringing down the Blue Laws.

(Hat tip to commenter Payne)

Written by ted on October 6th, 2018

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Fairground Plaza Hotel / Country Hearth Inn & Suites, 621 South Assembly Street: Winter 2017 (temporary?)   no comments

Posted at 11:28 pm in closing








I actually went to take some pictures of this place a couple of years ago after driving past it one day and seeing absolutely no cars in the lot. In the event, it turned out to actually still be open at that time, if apparently having a very slow week. I wondered when I saw comenter badger's heads-up if that would be the case this time or not, but they are actually closed this time.

The sign on the lobby door (which you cannot actually read in the picture here) says that they are temporarily closed for renovations. The general state of the lot suggests that it is yet early in that process, and that it was indeed needed.

(Hat tip to comment badger)

UPDATE 11 October 2017 -- Now reflagged as Gallus Stadium Park Inn:


Written by ted on January 22nd, 2017

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South Carolina State Fair 2016, Fairgrounds: 23 October 2016   3 comments

Posted at 10:38 pm in closing






I got back to town a bit late this year, and missed out on some of my State Fair usuals because the buildings closed early the final day, so no art, flowers, sand sculpture or baby ducks this year. I was able to have my annual Italian sausage sandwich, Fiske fries and ride the skyway, swings and bumper cars. Most of the regular rides were there, along with a couple of new, or at least re-painted wacky-house type walk-throughs. Apparently the rocket is no longer the "Time-Warner Rocket" and is just back to "The Rocket", though it does have a few new sponsorship plaques at the base. I still miss the Steel Building: That corner just does not feel right without it.

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Reliable Loan Office, 1304 Assembly Street: February 2016 (moved, sorta)   3 comments

Posted at 12:48 am in closing









Moe Levy's Reliable Loan Office was sort of a portmanteau operation with the signs promising Gun Shop, Coins Jewelry, Army Surplus & Camping Supplies under the Pawn marquee. In this spot since 1950, they looked poised to close entirely after the main Moe Levy's closed.

In fact, they did close in February 2016 with no definite plans announced as this State story details.

In the event, they found a new space at 1727 Laurel Street, and decided to continue with changes as related here. They are no longer pawnbrokers and will concentrate on the Army surplus side of the business as Moe Levy's Army Store. This State video has pictures of the new location and remarks by the owner which are interesting on their own because people just don't talk like that anymore and I miss it.

Written by ted on October 21st, 2016

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