Archive for April, 2019
Litchfield Fish House, 13060 Ocean Highway (Litchfield Beach): Early 2019 3 comments
Capital Bank, 5075 Sunset Boulevard: 2017-ish no comments
Here's another closed bank branch, this one on Sunset Boulevard near Target. I like the view out of the back of the lot. Even though the area has built up considerably, there are still large undeveloped areas in Lexington County.
(Hat tip to commenter JamesR)
Russell & Jeffcoat / Coldwell Banker, 5599 Sunset Boulevard: 2018 no comments
LoopNet says this old Russell & Jeffcoat building is off the market, but there was still a real estate sign out front when I drove by a few weeks ago. These buildings have such a distinctive look that it always seems odd to see non Russell & Jeffcoat tenants in them.
UPDATE 16 June 2022: Updating tags.
Smashburger, 5449 Sunset Boulevard: March 2019 9 comments
I like Smashburger burgers, and their choice of buns (espically the chipolte one), but the fries are so bad that it's not really a competitor to Five Guys in my mind. Nonetheless, every few months I do eat at the Devine Street location.
This particular location is in the new shopping center that was built after tearing down the old Cherokee Trail Veterinary Hospital. I believe that Smashburger was the initial tenant in this suite, and the first tenant of the strip to exit. (Even its Mattress Firm still survives).
(Hat tip to commenter ED)
UPDATE 17 January 2023: Update tags.
Jiffy Lube, 2121 Broad River Road: March 2019 no comments
I was going the wrong way to get into the parking lot when I noticed this Broad River Road Jiffy Lube was closed, so these pictures are shot from a distance and against the sun, but the building looks exactly as you would expect.
This location is directly across the Intersection Center entrance from the Church's Chicken which recently closed and re-opened.
I've been to Jiffy Lube (though not this one) a number of times with no problem, but recently I have found I like the faster places like Express for simple oil changes.
Lifeway Christian Store, 1009 Bower Parkway: 5 comments
I did not know that Lifeway was the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, which obviously is not going anywhere. They are, however, unable to keep these stores open during the ongoing great-unretailing, and plan to close all 170 of them. The plan is to maintain an online presence, though how that will work out I don't know given that Amazon certainly lists religious books.
This storefront is in an odd little plaza that wants to be connected to the one behind it, but isn't, making access harder than it needs to be.
Somewhat ironically, this store moved here fairly recently, previously having been on the other side of Harbison Boulevard.
(Hat tip to commenter JamesR)
Walmart Neighborhood Market, 3603 Broad River Road: 29 March 2019 7 comments
The State says this store opened in January of 2016, giving it just a three year run. The company states they gave it a
thoughtful review process
which I take to mean it was losing money hand-over-fist given they could not have paid off the initial investment in that period and would, I suspect, have stayed if there were a reasonable prospect of doing so in the near term.
Given how long it has taken to re-purpose other buildings on Broad River Road, I see this building as an empty white elephant for years to come.
(Hat tip to commenter Dustin)
Tin Lizzy's Cantina, 700 Gervais Street: February 2019 8 comments
I was not aware of Tin Lizzy's, else I might have gone sometime. The menu looks decent.
When I first heard that it had closed, and was at 700 Gervais Street, I went to the building you see in the first shot, which is not, in fact, the location. Apparently 700 Gervais encompasses the whole arc of buildings around the parking lot there. WLTX has a (very) little more.
Apparently, the only non-Georgia locations of Tin Lizzy's left are in Greenville and Tallahassee.
(Hat tip to commenter JamesR)
UPDATE 11 May 2021 -- It's now Crafty Crab (although nobody has changed the streetside marquee yet):
Auto Money Title Loans, 700 Crowson Road (4701 Devine Street): 4 October 2015 no comments
Many of these pictures were originally part of my Great Flood of 2015 entry Devine / Crowson / Fort Jackson Boulevard. I have decided to break the Auto Money Title Loans building (and later the Subway) out as separate posts to make them easier to find in the future as these two building, along, and even moreso, with the TitleMax building have become somewhat iconic images of the flood. The old posts will remain, and some photos are duplicated.
Anyway, both of these buildings sat on the bank of Gills Creek and in the 1000 Year Flood were filled with water up to the roofs. In addition the creek bank under the backs of the buildings was undermined to the point that with everything, the buildings were total losses.
21 October 2015:
Here we see the buildings a couple of weeks after the flood, when I got back to town from the beach and the roads were open enough for me to go picture taking.
19 June 2018:
Here both buildings have been fenced off, but have not yet been torn down as the FEMA process was still ongoing.
13 March 2019:
Here the Subway has been taken down, and the Title Loans building is next up.
18 March 2019:
Here are some driveby photos of the Title Loans building coming down.
28 March 2019:
Here is the current vacant state of the lot. The Free Times says:
"After extensive information gathering and a lengthy application process to FEMA, the city received Hazard Mitigation Grant Program assistance from FEMA to purchase afflicted homes and the former Title Loan property," a police department release said. "In purchasing the properties with federal grant funds, the city is required to demolish the structures in accordance with FEMA’s conditions, and return the land to green space in perpetuity."
That link also has a good picture of the pre-demolition state of the back side of both buildings.
UPDATE 21 June 2019 -- Here's a picture I took for some reason in 2013 showing the place in operation:
Sole Boutique, 4517 Forest Drive: 2018 no comments
I was not really aware of this little place on Forest Drive, behind The Happy Cafe and in-between Tombo Grille and The Village Idiot. What I can tell from its google reviews is that it sold clothes and shoes. I believe it had the same suite as the former Tag It Art
UPDATE 12 May 2021 -- This is to become Flour Power a kids' party cooking studio: