Archive for June, 2009
S & K Menswear Superstore, 422 Bush River Road: Summer 2009 2 comments
I already wrote about the S & K closing at the Two Notch Road store, so I don't have a lot to say about the Bush River Road closing. I'm still happy with the belt I got at the other store and didn't need to go inside this location, which is good as it was late Sunday and closed anyway.
I will say that if I were going too keep one Columbia store and close the other, I would keep Two Notch and close this one based solely on parking and ease of access. This little strip (which also contains a closed Sounds Familar location) is at the corner of Bush River Road and Colonial Life Boulevard. There is no parking on the Bush River side, and it's not great on the Colonial Life side. Of course, they are closing both stores so the point is moot.
UPDATE 4 June 2012 -- It's now Fashion's Unlimited:
Mike Jones Cars of Columbia, 3011 Two Notch Road: 2008(?) 4 comments
Here's another empty car lot on Two Notch Road (this one is near Beltline). It would be interesting to count them all up some time. If you include Beltline and Decker, I'm sure you could get around a dozen. On the other hand, new ones pop up, and old ones come back, so it's not all doom and gloom.
UPDATE 30 Sep 2010 -- Well, they've knocked down the building now:
UPDATE 25 Feb 2011 -- Well, the new building on this spot is going up pretty quickly. It seems to have car service bays:
UPDATE 11 September 2011 -- It's a car-wash, and it's open:
Golden China, 245 Bush River Road: June 2009 8 comments
I believe I only ate at Golden China once, probably in the 1970s, but it was a favorite of my mother's and I know she and my father went there a number of times over the years.
I don't recall much about the restaurant itself -- I believe it impressed me as a perfectly OK Chinese place, but Chinese food is not really something I care for, so I can't say much. I do remember its long running radio commercial which featured a man and a woman trying to decide where to eat, and went something like this:
Man: I could really use some good Chinese food!
Woman: Golden China!
Man: Suuuure. I'll hop on a plane right now...
Woman: Not "go-to-China" Silly, "Gol-den China" in the Boozer Shopping Center!
Man: Oh yeah!
As you can see from the pictures, the building is now an Indian restaurant (with Chinese decor..) which opened last week (25 June 2009). On the one hand, I'm happy because I like Indian food on the other hand I'm sorry to see a longtime Columbia landmark go, even if I didn't want to eat there.
Check 'N Go, 5424 Forest Drive: 14 March 2009 (moved) 3 comments
When I was taking pictures for the (final) closing of Stevie B's Pizza at the Forest Drive Wal Mart strip mall, I noticed that its next door neighbor, Check 'N Go had checked and went to 7358 Two Notch. That makes three recent vacancies in this strip, which can't be good (though I expect having Wal-Mart as the anchor makes it more resiliant than a non ahchored strip).
Reed's Jewelers, Columbia Mall: 2009 no comments
Well, that will teach me a lesson.
Reed's Jewelers was on the upper level of Columbia Mall, just out the door from Macy's heading towards Sears. I don't own any jewelery, but I do have a watch which needs a battery change about once a year. The last time it stopped running, I went by Reed's to have the battery replaced, and made the mistake of letting the salesman upsell me the "lifetime" battery change option. Sure it was a few dollars more, but they would continue to change it every year for the life of the watch at no additional charge.
I should have suspected that the life of the watch would be longer than the life of the store..
The Diamond Disco / Southern Gentlemans Adult Entertainment, 1995 Old Dunbar Road / Knockers Oasis, Inc., 115 Overland Drive / Tail Spin, 115 Overland Drive, boxing club (?) 115 Overland Drive / Windham Brothers Supper Club / Dixie Disco: 1993, 1999, Jan 2009 34 comments
Welcome to all the folks coming in from The State! Be sure to check out the Alphabetical Closings for a list of other places you might remember.
This defunct I-26 adult entertainment complex apparently occupies two lots in Cayce off of Old Dunbar Road. The front lot is 1995 Old Dunbar Road, and the back lot is off the adjacent side street at 115 Overland Drive.
The Zoom Flume Water Slide / Super Slide & Arcade, 107 Calvin Drive / 5959 Two Notch Road: 1980 38 comments
This is probably the second most searched for closing, after The Bounty. As with The Bounty, I've held off doing a post because the place is completely gone, I don't have any pictures of it, and I don't have any personal memories to relate.
I was thinking that I could do some research at the RCPL and at least come up with an old Yellow Pages ad to hang a post on, but when I finally got a chance to check it out, I found that The Zoom Flume never had a Yellow Pages entry, at least under any category that made sense to me. In fact, they were only listed in the white pages for two years.
So here's what I know about the waterslide: The Zoom Flume was located at 107 Calvin Drive (unless you believe a city directory entry which puts it at 5959 Two Notch Road), which is a small street off of Two Notch Road in between Arcadia Lakes Drive and Fontaine Road. Calvin Drive starts perpendicular to Two Notch, then turns off parallel to Two Notch and Shakespeare Road and runs behind Freedom Suziki. 107 Calvin Drive is now a vacant lot behind Dixie Trophies, Inc.. The slide would, I assume, have been situated up the hill that elevates Shakespeare Road above Two Notch. Currently, for no reason I can discern, the empty lot is surrounded with a formidable looking 7000 volt electrical fence.
People have talked about The Zoom Flume in the comments sections of other posts from time to time, with the most solid information coming from commenter Captain Dave who said:
So that's pretty much it. Not a great post, but hopefully it will provide a place for people who actually went to the Flume to add comments. If anybody has pictures of themselves playing there back in the day, I'll gladly post those as well.
UPDATE 16 Dec 2010: Commenter Tonkatoy sends in this 1984 yearbook ad for Super Slide And Arcade which was apparently another incarnation of The Zoom Flume. It was slated to open in May of 1984. I don't recall that one at all. I've added Super Slide to the post title.
UPDATE 27 April 2017 -- I'm told that if you Facebook, there is a Zoom Flume photo here
W. J. Keenan High School, 3455 Pine Belt Road: 2008? (moved) 10 comments
According to this Columbia Star story, opened in 1963, which means that it has been there most of my lifetime. It didn't really occur to me that I hadn't really seen any school traffic there recently until I cut through Pine Belt one day and noticed all the construction going on.
I kept meaning to go over and take some pictures, but with one thing and another I didn't until this Sunday, when most of the Keenan signage was already gone. It's interesting that there seems to be a rather large auditorium but I can't ever recall going to anything there while we went to various productions at Dreher High School auditorium fairly frequently. Construction at the new school site, 361 Pisgah Church Road started in 1 June 2005. I'm not sure when they actually started using the new building, but clearly they did not use the old one for the 2009 school year.
Sanders Middle school is slated to move into the old Keenan building on 6 July 2009.
Moore For Less, 6246 Two Notch Road: Spring 2009 1 comment
Well, it appears that the Po Folks curse has struck again, and the building at 6246 Two Notch will need another new tenant. The phone is not yet disconnected (just constantly "busy"), but it seems that the Moore For Less used car dealership is gone. I would think that in this economy, used cars would be a sure bet, but perhaps the overall bank mess has affected financing, or people are holding on to what they have and not even getting new used cars...
UPDATE 13 March 2011 -- Well, in the last week they've knocked down the building and cleared the lot:
UPDATE 21 April 2011 -- It's to be a Dollar General and construction has already started:
UPDATE 25 June 2011 -- The Dollar General is open:
UPDATE 29 June 2021: Adding tags & map icon.
Ads & Jingles, Radio & TV: the past 58 comments
OK, here's something a little different for a Friday evening: Ads and jingles I saw and heard growing up. You may have had a different mix if you listened to different stations. Some were for local firms, some for national ones. I wish I could convey how catchy some of these jingles were, but I don't have any recordings, and I'm sure not going to try to sing them here!
Marion Bunside Dodge:
Mar-i-on is the name to remember,
7201 on the Sumter High-Way!
M-- "More Service"
A-- "Able to Serve You"
R-- "Real Value"
I-- "something something!"
O--"something something!"
N--"something something!"
Commercial Office Furniture:
Your next desk
Wil come from C-O-F!
Come to The Captain's Kitchen for 'Treasures of the Sea'!
The whole Carpet Wholesaler's series of TV commercials with Nevin Broome and Joe Pinner: "Save! Save! Save". My favorite though was the one where Joe comes upon Nevin who is tied up.
Joe: What happened Nevin!?
Broome: My competitors tied me up, Joe. They don't want folks to SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!
Broome: Untie me Joe!
Joe: I don't think so, Nevin (filches cigar from Broomes shirt pocket and walks off set).
McDonalds is your kind of place!
which we always rendered:
McDonald's is your kind of place.
They steal your parking space!
Hamburgers out your nose,
French Fries between your toes!And don't forget those groovy shakes
They're make from polluted lakes!
McDonalds is your kind of place.
Burger King:
Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce,
Special orders don't upset us!
The Tons O' Toys elf:
With tons of toys for girls & boys,
Time For Sounds a daytime ETV program which ran while I was in elementary school. The hostess had a "magic chalk board" which was drawn with a music stave and which would play whatever notes she wrote on it. There was also a semi-animated classical re-working of "Pop Goes The Weasel" featuring "Super Weasel" which she played several times (or we just saw that episode several times). The main thing though was the opening theme which though it had no lyrics I always heard as It's really time for sounds, it's really time for sounds!
Ellison Insurance:
The El-is-son, The El-is-son,
Insurance agency, INSURANCE AGENCY!
The Contenential Sound girl:
Sounds real good!
Kaminer Heating & Air (sung in 1940s close harmony, like the Modernaires or Merry Macs):
Put comfort in your home
The Kaminer way.
Call Kaminer,
(boom, boom)
Right away!
Orange Koolie
Lemon Koolie
Koolie Fruit Punch
Koolie in the morning
Koolie at lunch
Natural fruit flavors
Orange... lemon... PUNCH!
UPDATE 18 April 2024 -- Turns out that the fruit punch was Coolie not Koolie, and I finally found the commercial:
UPDATE 16 May 2010 -- The Kaminer jingle can be heard at the end of this commercial: