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Hi Line Imports, 5001 Two Notch Road: 2000s   2 comments

Posted at 6:26 pm in Uncategorized

Here's an imposing looking place. It may not have beaten any other dealerships on size, but the building itself puts on a great front with the massive black columns -- It's The Parthenon of Columbia showrooms. (It's a bit less impressive from the back however..)

I'm not sure exactly what happened here. The sign in the door reads Closed Due To Relocation to Atlanta, but closing signs often (more often than not, I suspect) fail to tell the whole story, if they are not outright lies. For a Columbia business, relocating to Atlanta is like relocating to Mars, except for the part about Mars being an underserved market.

Whatever happened, it happened quickly enough that they didn't bother to settle with Pepsi and have the machine picked up or pack the car display racks, and recently enough that all the tinsel hasn't blown down from the parking-lot display.

UPDATE 30 April 2009:

It's open again as Global Automotive

UPDATE 26 July 2010: Added full street address to post title.

Written by ted on May 18th, 2008

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2 Responses to 'Hi Line Imports, 5001 Two Notch Road: 2000s'

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  1. they actually just moved to harbison. they are called premier plus motors now.


    25 Feb 09 at 5:25 am

  2. I believe (but I could be wrong) that this was a rental car sales place previously. I think Choice was the name...


    9 Feb 10 at 4:28 pm

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