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Lourie's On Main: 30 June 2008   10 comments

Posted at 4:18 pm in Uncategorized

I was driving down Main Street the other day, and noticed that Lourie's was closing. I suppose that if I actually read the paper I would already have known that 30 June is the last day for this venerable institution.

Of course, I suppose it's a little dishonest for me to describe it that way, since that ascribes to me a sentiment I don't really feel. The truth is that back when we actually shopped on Main Street (the 60s up until the mid-70s), I hate-hate-hated shopping for clothes, and I'm sure I made all those trips a very unpleasant chore for my mother. In my eyes, Penny's & Belts/Belks at least had some stuff other than clothes (Penny's had Boy Scout items, some electronics and a candy counter, Belks had book racks) while Louries seemed to be all clothes.

Still, if I'm not devastated to see Lourie's go, I am a bit sad. Main street used to have so much retail, some of it even places a kid would like (Kress and the movie theaters come to mind..) and it's all gone now. On the other hand, on the Lourie's corner, you can see some of the pathologies that have driven people away, even apart from having places closer to where we live with lots of parking. After turning off Assembly, in fact, I saw enough that I was a bit nervous getting out to take these pictures.

By the way, does anyone else think the display window with the bicycle and bare butts is a bit odd?

Written by ted on May 19th, 2008

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10 Responses to 'Lourie's On Main: 30 June 2008'

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  1. Nice Site!


    5 Jun 08 at 4:02 pm

  2. ....ok so downtown Columbia is a high crime rate area because there are a few black beauty supply shops......


    11 Jul 08 at 8:17 am

  3. What? That has nothing to do with it!


    11 Jul 08 at 9:18 am

  4. Actually downtown has a very low crime rate, one of the lowest in the area. Much higher rate of criminal activity in the suburbs and at the malls.

    Downtown, the Vista, 5 Points are all safe places to shop and entertain. Parking is good too if you are willing to walk a block or so. You may even find someting interesting that you have not seen before !

    By the way...With the economy in trouble a lot of local artists are also in trouble. Next time you need a birthday, holiday, or wedding gift, give a piece of art from a local artist... not some piece of junk that will be thrown away in a few years. You can find lots of artists and galleries in the Vista and 5 Points, as well as all over the Midlands.

    Yes, I do work promoting the business development in the Columbia City Center, and I believe that arts and culture are a great development driver and way to make the community unique !

    Fred Delk

    25 Apr 09 at 8:24 am

  5. I discovered the home of the thousand dollar suit 5 years ago when I needed a suit tailored in a hurry for a job interview. My sister knew the owner so he opted to help me. I never really understood the value of 200 dollar shoes, a 75 dollar belt, and a 75 dollar tie, when I can buy the same stuff at Walmart for a whole lot less. The whole package was 1075 dollars. And darn it, I didn't get the job.


    25 Apr 09 at 9:19 pm

  6. Did Louries have a beauty salon up stairs back in the late 60's?


    10 Mar 11 at 9:27 pm

  7. Did Louries have a beauty salon up stairs back in the late 60's?

    Also, does anyone remember the Tasty Bake shop on Forest Drive?


    10 Mar 11 at 9:34 pm

  8. The new Mast General Store is now open in the historic Lourie's building

    Terry Edwards

    25 Jul 11 at 9:17 am

  9. tonkatoy

    1 Mar 12 at 12:24 pm

  10. I remember working at Lourie's in 1988, I trained downtown and then was shortly transferred to the one out at Columbia Mall which was booming at the time. The old store had a "Are you Being Served?" type of feel to it and still used the original mannequins.

    I later worked at Tapp's (the most amazing of all the downtown stores in her glory), back when it still had the luncheonette downstairs and the descending curved stairs. The main floor had jewelry and perfume int he middle aisle, I worked on the third floor in ladies' sportswear. There was an older brunette lady named Joan who was the floor manager, I'm sure she's probably long since gone since she was in her 40's then and I'm in my mid 50's now, so she'd be like almost 90? I hope she's still around though. She had a booming laugh. There was a balding fellow named Louie who ran the menswear dept. I remember the back elevator had the extending gate door and it was truly like working in the 1950's the way things were setup. Down to the sliding credit card imprinters that were new at that time. We had round sale racks in the back of each floor too.

    Anyway, working retail there in the late 80's downtown was a lot of fun during the heyday of malls and shopping.

    Autumn-Skye P.

    12 Feb 25 at 12:16 am

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