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Archive for the ‘Sumter Street’ tag

YMCA, 1420 Sumter Street: 9 July 2016 (moving)   2 comments

Posted at 11:06 pm in closing











I believe I may at one time have had swimming lessons at the downtown 'Y', though it is very hazy now. I remember for sure that I had Karate lessons there, something which my mother was in favor of to try and get me out of my books every now and then, and something which I personally hated (the same thing was true of Little League). In the event, I would sneak over to the neighboring RCPL when I was supposed to be in class.

I had not often thought of the 'Y' since then until my sister recently mentioned that it was moving from this historic building to a new one at 1447 Hampton Street.

According to the 'Y' website, that move is this weekend, and the new 'Y' should be open on Monday 11 July 2016.

Written by ted on July 6th, 2016

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M Cafe, 1417 Sumter Street: 3 July 2015   no comments

Posted at 12:20 am in closing






I actually thought I had done this one, but I can't find any trace of it in the alphabetical list. Maybe we just talked about it in the comments somewhere.

At any rate M Cafe on Sumter Street across from the Y has been closed since July of last year. I was a bit surprised that it had been that long, and that all the furnishings and fixtures are still inside what I would think would be a pretty valuable piece of real estate.

Written by ted on June 22nd, 2016

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American Business Machines, Inc., 1305 Laurel Street: Summer 2015 (moved)   1 comment

Posted at 12:07 am in closing




As I was driving down Laurel Street the other day, I noticed that American Business Machines at the corner of Laurel & Sumter had moved. According to their sign, they are now at 406-D Williams Street, which seems to be somewhere down by the new USC baseball stadium.

Their sign and google suggest that ABM is a typewriter shop, but I doubt there is much business in that now, and the one time I stopped by, I was looking for bulk shredding services.

Written by ted on August 27th, 2015

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Columbia's Greek Festival 2014, 1931 Sumter Street: 21 September 2014   1 comment

Posted at 10:17 pm in closing


It wouldn't be September without the Greek Festival, and this weekend was one more chance to load up on baklava and Greek arts and crafts. The fest has really grown over the years, and this year saw bright sunshine and warm temps for a nice outing before the State Fair finally brings in the nippy weather next month.

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J. Gumbo's, 1401-A Sumter Street: September 2014   3 comments

Posted at 12:09 am in Uncategorized







For some reason I was convinced I had already done this closing and some time ago at that, so when commenter jonathan mentioned recently that it was closed, I searched my list and found out that in fact I had done the location before when it was Quizno's, and had *that* stuck in my mind.

J. Gumbos is apparently a Cajun chain with locations in a number of states with this one being the only South Carolina location. It was about 6pm when I took these pictures, and I was still unable to find a place to park without walking farther than I had time to do. I suspect this is a challenge for the spot, though there are certainly a good number of workers withing walking distance during the daytime.

Personally though I like spicy foods, I never really got into Cajun cuisine, though curiously, I did find a great Italian place in New Orleans once.

(Hat tip to commenter jonathan)

Written by ted on September 19th, 2014

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Cabo Fresh Taco / Anthony's Past Time Cafe, 1425 Sumter Street: July 2011 etc   5 comments

Posted at 1:05 am in closing

Cabo Fresh Taco, on Sumter Street near the hospital and in between Quiznos Sub and The Palmetto Sandwich Shop is gone. I never was really aware that it was there, or I might have stopped by though I very rarely eat downtown.

The replacement operation is already in place, Anthony's Past Time Cafe which I presume is connected with Anthony's Dairy Bar on Two Notch.

(Hat tip to commenter Payne)

UPDATE 2 June 2020: Anthony's closed and rebranded as Massey's some time ago, then Massey's also closed. Rather than put the Anthony's closing on the Massey's closing page, or making a separate page, I will put it here because the pictures here already show it. So I am adding Anthony's to the post title.

Written by ted on September 2nd, 2011

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Quiznos Sub, 1401-A Sumter Street: April 2011   6 comments

Posted at 11:59 pm in Uncategorized

Commenter Jonathan reported this closing, saying

Quizno’s on Sumter is now closed…The owner left a note on the door that he has closed immediately due to health concerns. He always had a smile on his face, and I wish him a speedy recovery.

Let me second those wishes!

This corner spot (on Sumter & Washington) is directly across from the old RCPL site, so I know I must have seen it many times over the years, and I know that it hasn't been Quiznos that long, but I'm drawing a total blank on what may have been here before, even to as basic a piece of information as whether it was a restaurant or not..

Written by ted on May 26th, 2011

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"In hopes that Saint 'Nikki'-las soon would be there.."   no comments

Posted at 2:55 pm in Uncategorized

Written by ted on December 24th, 2010

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Nice 'N Natural, 1217 College Street: 29 October 2010   6 comments

Posted at 1:28 am in Uncategorized

Nice 'N Natural, located on College Street in between Main and Sumter Streets (and next to the former USC Burger King) shares an attractive old brick building with Cool Beans coffe shop. It's within easy walking distance from The Horseshoe, and in general, I have found parking in the area to be reasonably easy, at least in the evenings.

I mention evening, because I must admit that while I've been to Cool Beans numerous times over the years, I never made it to Nice 'N Natural. I was kind of vaguely aware it was there, but I was never in the area during its open hours, and had the tenuous impression from the name that it was a "healthy" place (ie: not something that would be high on my list). The Free Times brief description sort of re-inforces that impression, though "whole grain" attracts me more than "alfalfa sprouts".

I think I read in The State a week or so back that the owners reported that business fell off after 9-11 and never really recovered. If that be the case, then they've hung on for 10 bad years, which is certainly something to be proud of (and of course their 28 years is an extraordinary run for any restaurant).

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Written by ted on October 29th, 2010

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Palmetto Sandwich Shop, 1465 Sumter Street: 31 March 2010   9 comments

Posted at 12:56 am in Uncategorized

Well, today marked the end of another Columbia institution that I somehow never managed to visit. In this case I attribute it to not spending any time downtown coupled with the parking issue, but that's no real excuse, I suppose.

The details were in the Free Times a few weeks back. It seems that SCANA's exit was a factor, as with some other places.

The Palmetto Sandwich Shop was on Sumter street just across from the old RCPL location and the YMCA. This is actually a much-restauranted block, and I was surprised to find Greek Boys, Palmetto Sandwich Shop, some new restaurant setting up, Miyo's and Quizno's all together like that. 26 years is an eternity in restaurant terms, so they made a good run of it, and they made a classy exit with the "Gone Fishin'" banner.

Read the rest of this entry »

Written by ted on April 1st, 2010

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