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Archive for the ‘Olympia’ tag

Granby Grill, 612 Whaley Street: 24 September 2023   4 comments

Posted at 10:07 pm in closing







Granby Grill was the follow-on operation in this storefront to White Duck Taco Shop. It wasn't really on my radar because of the location, but judging by their Facebook, which took a very good-natured approach to their closing, as well as tweaking The State for only noticing them at that point, the owners seem to have a lively sense of humor. In fact, they namechecked me in their opening announcement on the White Duck closing post, and I certainly take no pleasure in closing that loop.

The Facebook entries go on past the closing date, and it appears they were working on other concepts for the place, first burgers and then perhaps biscuits. I'm not sure if either of those will happen, but the biscuit nameplate is up, and the door was unlocked and ajar when I dropped by to get these shots, so we will see what happens.

(Hat tip to commenter Logan)

Written by ted on February 20th, 2024

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Swamp Cabbage Brewery, 921 Brookwood Drive: 18 December 2022   9 comments

Posted at 10:19 pm in closing


















I never made it to Swamp Cabbage Brewery while it was open. I like a beer every now and again, but generally as dessert for a sit-down meal, so I usually stick to brewpubs. In point of fact it was actually hard to to locate this place, and I had to make two trips. It turns out that street numbers on Brookwood Drive are really odd, but after going home and consulting google maps, I finally got there, and found the setup still pretty much intact.

The Free Times had two stories about the closing, here and here.

(Hat tip to commenter MB)

Written by ted on February 6th, 2023

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Fireworks Over America, 916 Rosewood Drive: Fall 2020   no comments

Posted at 11:19 pm in closing






No Smoking

I was down at the far end of Rosewood last month, and noticed this fireworks store/warehouse. Looking at the google reviews, they were active up at least into May 2020. The company itself is still around, and it's not clear to me if this office has closed or just moved somewhere.

At any rate this building is for sale.

Written by ted on September 28th, 2020

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Yandle's Roadside Market, 407 South Assembly Street: April 2014   3 comments

Posted at 12:44 am in Uncategorized









I was not aware of this little roadside market on Assembly at Ferguson until commenter Matt mentioned that it seemed to be closed. That does in fact seem to be the case as the signage has been taken down, and the inside looks fairly hollowed out. You can see a nice picture of the place in full operation here. Also, the webpage is still up, but seems not to have been updated since March 2013.

I enjoy stopping and poking around in this type of place and am sorry I missed it. Often I manage to convince myself that I actually will use some honey or salsa *this time* and end up buying a couple of jars, though in fact it always ends up in my cabinet for years. Given the move of the State Farmers Market from Bluff Road, I can't think of another such market in the nearby vicinity.

(Hat tip to commenter Matt)

Written by ted on May 22nd, 2014

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Central Roofing & Contracting / Safety Equipment Sales & Rentals / Wild Bill Grocery Store / The Dog Shack, 230 Huger Street: Fall 2010 (etc)   3 comments

Posted at 10:25 pm in Uncategorized

Here's a little 1940s building by the tracks at the start of Huger Street (that's you-gee street for you out-of-towners..), that has been, I'm sure, many more things than this list over the years since it was built.

To be honest, I have to say I can't personally remember any of them. It's a section of street I drive very seldom, and some of the tenants, for instance, a roofer, are pretty invisible until you actually need one. The most recent operation seems to have been The Dog Shack hotdog restaurant, which apparently set up shop in April of 2010, and was definitely open as late as 18 June 2010, when a group of Columbia hotdog aficionadoes visited and gave it a mediocre grade.

While I was taking pictures a train rolled through, backing up traffic on Huger. I imagine working all day in that location would get old pretty quick.

Written by ted on March 31st, 2011

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(Nix's) Olympia Grocery (aka Nix's Grill & Grocery): 500 Bluff Road: 2000s   4 comments

Posted at 1:00 am in Uncategorized

This is a country store in the city.

I really have no idea when this place closed. Looking inside the back add-on section, it appears to have been in disrepair for a while. On the other hand, the ice company has not taken the ice lockers back yet. I wish SC would put dates on the "A" restaurant ratings stickers! Honestly, if you told me the place had closed in 1953 or that it was still open some days, I would probably believe either.

This Richland County conservation report PDF says the place was built in the 1920s and

There are nine commercial buildings in the Olympia village. Most of these date from the early twentieth century and are similar to Nix's Olympia Grocery, a one- story, gable-front building with a brick facade and stepped parapet. These small commercial buildings were community-gathering spots and supplied operatives with a place to socialize and purchase needed items.

You can see that at some point the Nix's appelation was dropped and the place became simply Olympia Grocery. The sign itself was apparently supplied by Coke, something once exceedingly common (with the Coke advertisement often as big or biger than the store name), but not seen now on new stores.

The first time I went to take pictures of the place, it was a nice sunny afternoon, but in the event, I couldn't get near Nix's since the laundry down the road was burning, and the street was blocked off by fire engines. By the time I got back out that way, it was the rather grey day you see here. (And the laundry looks like it may be salveagable)

UPDATE 28 March 2011 -- Well, it's gone:

Written by ted on December 3rd, 2010

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Jaco's, 638 Bluff Road: 13 May 2017   7 comments

Posted at 12:11 am in closing

Got 1.5 million dollars for a restaurant? If so, Columbia icon Jaco's on Bluff Road could be yours.

I believe the place used to be a Texaco filling station at some point in its life, and I recall reading a story on the place years ago, in The State, I think, about how the place used to blow off Texaco coporate during its national "always a clean restroom at Texaco" campaign. I'm sure the story was apocryphal, and was presented as such, with the point being a certain devil-may-care spirit about the place.

Unfortunately I can't say from experience as this is yet another of the many Columbia places that go on the blocks before I get around to visiting. I suppose part of it is that I rarely get down that way except for The State Fair, and traffic makes it somewhere you wouldn't even think of stopping then. On the other hand, it may not be too late. I know they had a Superbowl party, so they may be keeping the business open until they get a buyer.

UPDATE 16 May 2017 -- According to The State, Jaco's has been sold and closed on 13 May 2017. I am updating the post title with that information.

UPDATE 3 February 2023 -- Torn down and rebuilt as J's Corner:




Also adding a map icon. (And I note that the address is now listed as 1015 Rosewood Drive rather than 638 Bluff Road).

Written by ted on February 9th, 2009

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