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Granby Grill, 612 Whaley Street: 24 September 2023   4 comments

Posted at 10:07 pm in closing







Granby Grill was the follow-on operation in this storefront to White Duck Taco Shop. It wasn't really on my radar because of the location, but judging by their Facebook, which took a very good-natured approach to their closing, as well as tweaking The State for only noticing them at that point, the owners seem to have a lively sense of humor. In fact, they namechecked me in their opening announcement on the White Duck closing post, and I certainly take no pleasure in closing that loop.

The Facebook entries go on past the closing date, and it appears they were working on other concepts for the place, first burgers and then perhaps biscuits. I'm not sure if either of those will happen, but the biscuit nameplate is up, and the door was unlocked and ajar when I dropped by to get these shots, so we will see what happens.

(Hat tip to commenter Logan)

Written by ted on February 20th, 2024

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4 Responses to 'Granby Grill, 612 Whaley Street: 24 September 2023'

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  1. I guess along with closings we could chart the trendy businesses that become oversaturated in the Columbia area. First it was wing joints, then microbrews, then car washes, and now biscuit joints. What's next, I have to wonder?

    59 Ford Wheelman

    21 Feb 24 at 6:00 pm

  2. I believe Bubbas Buscuits was originally located here for about a month before moving to Lexington, where I think they’ve been pretty successful. This was between White Duck and Granby Grill.


    21 Feb 24 at 7:13 pm

  3. Timely statement by Wheelman. A new Biscuitville is ready to open on Garners Ferry Road.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    22 Feb 24 at 10:05 pm

  4. Hey, Kipp the former Granby Grill owner here. Thanks for covering this. Our sign at Granby Grill was always wrapped around the Bubba's Biscuits signage and when we moved out we took ours with us. I have never been much interested in opening a biscuit place, a bagel shop, a crab joint, a froyo stand or any of that. We are still toying around with reopening something Granby related in or around the Olympia area, possibly later this fall. Cheers!


    24 May 24 at 2:41 pm

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