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Program Note: Today Is Street Day For The New Beach Boys Album!   no comments

Posted at 5:29 pm in commentary

But I got mine yesterday!

Since I reviewed their 50th Anniversary Tour show in Atlanta, I've been waiting for the accompanying album That's Why God Made the Radio.

I am happy to report that it is a "real" Beach Boy's album, much moreso than 1992's lackluster and Brian-less Summer in Paradise which heretofore had been the group's swan-song. The songs are all new, and Brian is fully involved. Is every one a gem? No, but that's never been the case even on Pet Sounds.

If you don't want to risk the whole album, splurge $0.99 for the incredibly catchy Isn't It Time or The Private Life Of Bill And Sue.

Written by ted on June 5th, 2012

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The Beach Boys' 50th Anniversary Tour, Chastain Park Atlanta, 28 April 2012   7 comments

Posted at 4:41 pm in closing



[Front Row Bottom left-to-right: Brian Wilson-Piano/Vocals, Jeff Foskett-Guitar/Vocals, David Marks-Guitar, Mike Love-Vocals, Al Jardine-Guitar/Vocals, Unknown, Bruce Johnston-Keyboards/Vocals]

(Wanted to get this out last night, but my uploads didn't finish..)

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Written by ted on April 30th, 2012

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Jammin' Java / The White Mule, 1530-D Main Street: December 2011   10 comments

Posted at 10:53 pm in Uncategorized

The White Mule is another recent casualty of Main Street, following shortly after the closings of Henessey's and Kimbrell's.

I'd heard the name from time to time, but really wasn't exactly sure where it was. Judging by the stairs in the entranceway, it was a basement club, and judging from the menu on the still extant web site it was a little more upscale than your basic burgers & nachos show-pub.

The State story mentioning the closing dates it to "last week". Given that the story ran on 7 January 2012, the inference I draw is that The White Mule closed out with the year at the end of 2011.

(Hat tip to commenter Tom)

UPDATE 23 January 2012: Added Jammin' Java to the post title based on the comments. I recall the name, but never realized this is where it was.

Written by ted on January 17th, 2012

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Merry Christmas!   1 comment

Posted at 7:22 pm in Uncategorized

I think that's it for this year, folks. I may get a year-in-review post up around New Years, otherwise, Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays!

Written by ted on December 24th, 2010

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Strike The Harp and Join The Chorus   no comments

Posted at 12:12 am in Uncategorized

Written by ted on December 24th, 2010

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A&P Has Pride In Me..   no comments

Posted at 11:45 pm in Uncategorized

Written by ted on December 22nd, 2010

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Danger, Will Robinson!   no comments

Posted at 11:42 pm in Uncategorized

Written by ted on December 21st, 2010

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Icy Finger Waves..   no comments

Posted at 11:38 pm in Uncategorized

Written by ted on December 20th, 2010

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Hard Knox Grill, 1000 Knox Abbott Drive: 9 October 2010   18 comments

Posted at 2:10 am in Uncategorized

I've written about this building before in the closing for Black Bull Restaurant. Hard Knox Grill was the immediate follow-on operation in that building, and was, I believe a rock-and-roll nightclub as well as a restaurant. I say "I believe" because it's another of the many places in and around town that I had a vague intention to get to sometime, but never did until it was too late.

At any rate, looking at the posted operating hours, it's probably just as well I never drove over there for lunch. That sign also appears to tell a story in that apparently at some point full-week operations were cut back to weekend-only mode.

The stack of Free Times newspapers sitting by the door is the "October 13-19 2010" issue. Those would have been dropped off on the morning of Wednesday 13 October. Since they were never taken inside to the rack in the foyer, but there is no pile from the previous week, I think it's safe to say the place operated Friday & Saturday 8 & 9 October, but not since.

(Hat tip to commenter "Nobody")

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Written by ted on October 18th, 2010

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Acme Comics, 2757 Rosewood Drive / 140 State Street: 31 March 2010   7 comments

Posted at 11:05 pm in Uncategorized

When I first started getting "into" comics -- that is seeking them out at a comics store rather than just buying one every now and then off a spinner rack, I usually went to Silver City on Knox Abbott, or Ye Olde Comic Shope on Meeting Street (with the occasional visit to the one on Devine, the one on Forest Drive near Hardees, or the one on Parklane). Either Acme wasn't around at the time (mid 80s) or I missed it somehow. By the time I moved back to town, I was getting comics mostly through a subscription service or I would stop off at Heroes & Dragons with its easy access to my I-20 too-ings & fro-ings. In the event, I think I only stopped at Acme Comics once, when it was in its Rosewood location, and I can't really recall if I bought anything or not.

I must admit that I thought they were still on Rosewood, and didn't realize they had moved to West Columbia until I heard that they were closing. That part of State Street is rather interesting and eclectic though I must admit that the antique warehouse is the only one of those shops I hit with any frequency (and that proably no more than 4 or 5 times a year). I would have thought it a good fit for a store like Acme, but i guess neither the comic nor the music business is what it was these days.

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Written by ted on April 12th, 2010

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