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Archive for February, 2009

Red Wing Rollerway, 1215 Saint Andrews Road: 1980s(?)   25 comments

Posted at 1:39 am in Uncategorized

This building, at the intersection of Broad River & Saint Andrews Roads is apparently Mr. Bingo now (it seems to have an attached strip with a number of little businesses as well), but I'm pretty sure it was originally a skating rink, and I believe it was the last place I put on a pair of skates. This would have been in 1979, when I was a senior in high school. I distinctly remember going out with a group of friends to a rink somewhere near Irmo. I had never been before and didn't go again, so I can't absolutely say this was the place, but it seems to fit.

I had never been much of a skater because I never figured out how it was done. Oh, I could put on the skates, and "walk" around in them, but the "knack" of it -- actually using leg sweeps to move had always escaped me until this particular night, when I finally figured it out. Maybe that's why I never went back -- after figuring out the whole "propulsion" thing, what else was there to do on skates?

I think the building went through a number of incarnations after the rink closed. I seem to remember both a strip club and a C&W bar there, and some signage on the corner seeems to indicate it was a "Smoke House" restaurant as well.

UPDATE 18 Feb 09: The post was initially titled "Skating Rink". Tom in the comments identifies it as a Red Wing, and I have chaged the post title to reflect that.

Written by ted on February 18th, 2009

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Main Beach Arcade, Fernandina Beach Florida: 2005   6 comments

Posted at 1:18 am in closing

Welcome Facebook users 11 July 2017: I see a lot of hits on this old page from Facebook today. Welcome to Columbia Closings. Normally this site focuses on Columbia South Carolina, but there are some other Fernandina pages you may be interested in:

A1A Gas Mart, 816 South 8th Street (Fernandina Beach FL)

Amelia Con 2014, Fernandina Beach Florida

Amelia Con 2016, Fernandina Beach Florida

Island Cinema 7, 1132 14th Street (Fernandina Beach FL)

Kmart, 1525 Sadler Road (Fernandina Beach)

O'Kane's Irish Pub And Eatery, 318 Centre Street (Fernandina Beach)

Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q 2742 South 8th Street, Fernandina Beach FL

Topsy's Downtown Gulf, 710 Centre Street (Fernandina Beach)

A1A Gas Mart, 816 South 8th Street (Fernandina Beach FL)

Indian River Fruit Stand, A1A (Yulee Florida)

And check the Alphabetical Closings page for other Florida references.

And now back to the original post:

Well, I'm on the road, and didn't get all the pictures I wanted to take done beforehand, so I'm going to throw in a few ringers this week.

Read the rest of this entry »

Casual Male Big & Tall, 7357 Two Notch Road: 2008   2 comments

Posted at 1:42 am in Uncategorized

Some of my google hits give the name of this place as Casual Male XL, but the majority seem to go with Casual Male Big & Tall. Anyway, this place was on Two Notch Road in Dentsville, between the Hess station and FedEx-Kinkos. As I hate to shop for clothes, it was never really on my radar, but I noticed sometime after New Years that the storefront was vacant. I kept meaning to get a picture, but somehow never made it to the area at an opportune time, so finally when I found myself driving by one night, I decided I might as well get a shot then or forget about it.

This section of Two Notch has been iffy for several years, with the Wendy's and Shoney's buildings still vacant, and the recent departure of Floor It Now. On the other hand, the old Quincy's just got a nice new tenant, and Lowe's and Best Buy do bring a good bit of traffic to the area.

UPDATE 3 March 2012: I happened to notice that I had a fairly decent daytime picture of this place still in operation in the background of a Wendy's shot I took, so I am putting that at the top, over the original nighttime-only pic.

Written by ted on February 16th, 2009

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Shane's Rib Shack, 2001 North Beltline Boulevard: Jan 2009 (temporary?)   12 comments

Posted at 12:08 am in Uncategorized

I had done a closing on this building, already operatiing as Shane's Rib Shack to remember it being a Pizza Hut and a Rising High.

It now appears that a third restaurant has gone under in this spot. I'm not 100% certain that it's gone for good, and there is a bit of room for hope in the fact that the phone has not been disconnected. The sign suggests that the closing is intended to be temporary, due to a gas leak, but I would say that more than enough time has gone by to correct that, so we'll have to see. I never ate at Shanes as ribs are yet another taste I didn't acquire, but I heard a number of people say good things about the place.

Thanks to commenter MB for the heads up.

UPDATE 7 Oct 2010 -- Zazby's is now open in this building (and has been for a while):

Written by ted on February 14th, 2009

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Carolina Parts Company, 3601 Two Notch Road: 2000s(?)   7 comments

Posted at 12:34 am in Uncategorized

OK, does anybody know if this is right? Google suggests that 3601 Two Notch Road, which is in the block starting at Cushman Drive and going towards Dick Dyer was Carolina Parts Company, and I have a vague memory of a junkyard type place (which the Beware of The Dog sign would support).

However, I had noticed the lot as vacant several times driving and walking by in the past year or so -- except for a battered sign. The lot is apparently being cleared, and the sign is now gone, before I could get a picture of it, but my memory is that it was not a junkyard type sign. The name of the establishment had been obliterated but I think the top part of the sign was for Coke as if it were one of those Coke-subsidised signs you used to see all the time for restaurant names. Does anyone remember a restaurant, or anything that would have a Coke-sponsored sign at this site? Possibly from before Carolina Parts?

Written by ted on February 13th, 2009

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Traffic Stats and Search Queries   2 comments

Posted at 7:17 pm in Uncategorized

Just for fun, here are the recent traffic statistics for These are given in requests, and my understanding is that a page with multiple pictures will be ranked more highly since each request for the page generates a separate request for each picture. In each case, the most recent data is not accurate since the day, week, or month may not be over yet.

Daily Traffic:

Weekly Traffic:

Monthly Traffic:

For some reason, October was a very good month, and you can certainly see the impact of my three week vacation at the end of July and the start of August.

As to what draws people to the blog? Well, Godaddy's report claims that if a search engine gives query data, they list it in the report. I'm not sure what that means in terms of whether this includes google or yahoo or MSN or what. I particularly like numbers 10, 24 & 29:

Rank Search Query Number of requests
1 columbia closings 463
2 forest 445
4 107
5 gibbes planetarium 81
6 red wing rollerway 74
7 columbiaclosings 50
8 trenholm plaza 44
9 peaches records 39
10 thicket or forest -hair -paint 39
11 thoroughbred 36
12 movies behind the mall 35
13 rosa linda 24
14 waccamaw pottery 22
15 village at sandhills 22
16 hollywood video 21
17 woolco 21
18 20
19 rosas lindas 20
20 bumper cars 18
21 winn dixie 18
22 forest lake 18
23 red wing rollerway augusta ga 17
24 crazy 17
25 olive garden 17
26 columbia mall closing 17
27 columbia closings blog 17
28 we are good sandlappers 16
29 clemson and okra 16
30 circuit city 15
? [not listed: 5417] 7,607

Written by ted on February 12th, 2009

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R. M. Stork Brickyard, Bethel Church Road: 1970   49 comments

Posted at 7:34 pm in Uncategorized

I don't have a lot to say about R. M. Stork Brickyard -- if there weren't a plaque, I wouldn't even have the name. I do vaguely remember when it was in operation on Bethel Church Road however, and how the remnants fascinated me after it closed down.

Today the location, just down Bethel Church Road from Trenholm Park (heading towards Satchelford Road) seems a very unlikely one for an industrial operation, and I don't ever remember having seen the trucks going in and out that it would have taken to support the place. Certainly the traffic would be out of character with the neighboorhood now!

I assume this chimney was attached to a brick kiln. I think I remember some domed ones, though I may be conflating memories of Guignard Bricks just across the Blossom Street Bridge. After lying fallow for a number of years, the place was developed into condos, which look to be fairly nice. The chimney now stands in front of the condo's swimming pool and lodge.

Written by ted on February 11th, 2009

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Mattress Place, 6405 Two Notch Road: late 2000s   2 comments

Posted at 1:05 am in Uncategorized

I don't know much about Mattress Place, in fact without Google I wouldn't even know the name of this storefront, but I would notice it from time to time driving up and down Two Notch Road near Arcadia Lakes and the old Po' Folks (though on the opposite side of the street). It never really looked like it was thriving to me, but it lasted a good number of years despite all the other mattress stores in the Two Notch corridor.

Apparently it and the Glory Church on the same lot share the 6405 street number, so I'm unsure if the other google hit I get for that was in the mattress building, or the church building, but the address was also the home of the Quick Pick Community Thrift Store. I can recall seeing that and meaning to stop sooner or later, as you can often find some really neat stuff at thrift shops (I picked up a $9 bike for my niece recently..). I suspect that Goodwill locating on Decker took a lot of their business.

Written by ted on February 11th, 2009

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Bob Andrews Motors, 1111 Harden Street (moved)   9 comments

Posted at 1:00 am in Uncategorized

Back in the 1970s, our Mercury Comets and Ford Maverick spent a lot of time in Bob Andrews Motors's garage. The 70s (for those of you fortunate enough not to remember) were the decade when nothing worked (and we had disco!), and were possibly the rock bottom era for American cars (until now).

My parents always bought cars with 3-on-the-tree manual transmissions as that was how they had learned to drive, and what they enjoyed driving. Unfortunately at some point in the 70s, Ford forgot how to build these (which didn't keep them from selling them..), and the local dealer forgot how to fix them. In fact although they didn't say much, at this remove I'm pretty sure my parents thought the dealership's service department was incompetent about a lot of stuff. Of course there's only so much you can do with a mid-70s Mercury Comet, but my folks always thought Andrews dealt fairly with them, and he generally got the cars back on the road.

Eventually, my parents decided that Detroit had failed the "fool me once, fool me twice.." test and we moved on to Toyotas which hardly ever broke down, and which had competent dealer service departments so we didn't get to Harden Street any more. Still, I'm kind of sad to see the old Andrews site empty (though glad that the business survives on Two Notch). Hopefully something will go into the interestingly shaped existing building rather than knocking it down.

UPDATE 20 March 2010 -- Here's some better pictures of the building:

UPDATE 29 July 2010 -- The old building at 1111 Harden Street has been demolished:

Written by ted on February 10th, 2009

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Jaco's, 638 Bluff Road: 13 May 2017   7 comments

Posted at 12:11 am in closing

Got 1.5 million dollars for a restaurant? If so, Columbia icon Jaco's on Bluff Road could be yours.

I believe the place used to be a Texaco filling station at some point in its life, and I recall reading a story on the place years ago, in The State, I think, about how the place used to blow off Texaco coporate during its national "always a clean restroom at Texaco" campaign. I'm sure the story was apocryphal, and was presented as such, with the point being a certain devil-may-care spirit about the place.

Unfortunately I can't say from experience as this is yet another of the many Columbia places that go on the blocks before I get around to visiting. I suppose part of it is that I rarely get down that way except for The State Fair, and traffic makes it somewhere you wouldn't even think of stopping then. On the other hand, it may not be too late. I know they had a Superbowl party, so they may be keeping the business open until they get a buyer.

UPDATE 16 May 2017 -- According to The State, Jaco's has been sold and closed on 13 May 2017. I am updating the post title with that information.

UPDATE 3 February 2023 -- Torn down and rebuilt as J's Corner:




Also adding a map icon. (And I note that the address is now listed as 1015 Rosewood Drive rather than 638 Bluff Road).

Written by ted on February 9th, 2009

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