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Pizza Place, 2772 Rosewood Drive: 1990s   6 comments

Posted at 10:24 pm in Uncategorized

Some time in the 1990s, I started a quest to find the best pizza in Columbia. I never really finished it as I was living out of town at the time, and my father and I fell into a routine of hitting The Parthenon on Saturdays when I was in town. (In fact, I'm pretty convinced that The Parthenon would have been the winner anyway as I've never had pizza here that beat it.)

Anway, during that process, I checked out Tony's on Knox Abbott, The Villa in Five Points, Pizza Cucina near Spring Valley and a number of places that don't come readily to mind right now. This building, now a real-estate office, was one that was on the list, but which I never got to. I went so far one night as to drive there with my father rather than hitting The Parthenon, but there didn't seem to be any obvious place to park, I didn't want to ask him to walk far, and the place (the name of which I have forgotten) actually looked rather uninviting, so we turned around. I think it changed hands not long after that.

Written by ted on September 10th, 2009

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6 Responses to 'Pizza Place, 2772 Rosewood Drive: 1990s'

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  1. Wow - I have lived not far from here since '91 and I do not ever remember this being anything but Security Realty.

    I do remember when the building right next to it had a pretty rough heavy metal bar. Someone got shot there and they closed it down in the '80s. Cannot remember the name of the place.


    11 Sep 09 at 5:24 am

  2. I don't ever remember it being a pizza place, either. I do remember one establishment that had a short tenure there called "Ma Nat's." I remember at least one other diner type place occupying it, but I'm not sure of the name. . . I do remember now-defunct pizza places near there, though, but I'm not sure of the location, like Sarullo's, Chanelo's, and Gino's. I think Gino was based on Rosewood. . . somewhere. Chanelo's was on Devine, maybe? Don't know wherer Sarullo's was. I think they all folded in the early '80s.


    11 Sep 09 at 8:38 am

  3. Well, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong (and certainly wouldn't be the last..), but I'm pretty sure it was pizza at one point..


    11 Sep 09 at 11:46 am

  4. I remember the pizza place, or at least I'm pretty sure it was a pizza place. A few local bands used to play there on odd nights. I remember the music and the jukebox, but not the pizza.


    11 Sep 09 at 1:02 pm

  5. It was a pizza place in the 70"s. I ate there once. Was not impressed and never went back


    11 Sep 09 at 4:02 pm

  6. I have no recollection of it being a pizza place either, although in the picture, in that strip mall there used to be a Little Caesars. And in the 90's I would have said Five Star out on Decker would have been the best pizza, I found it to be way better than the Parthenon. This opinion stemming of course from my own quest to find the best pizza in town.


    11 Sep 09 at 8:48 pm

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