Archive for the ‘leather’ tag
Tandy Leather, 823 State Street: January 2023 5 comments
At one time Tandy Leather was under the same coporate umbrella as the now defunct Radio Shack, but that's all water under the bridge now. Apparently the current regime dates from 1999, and I don't see any news about them being in trouble, but nonetheless this store has closed, and apparently the next nearest is 100 miles away.
King Leather Company, Inc., 1917 Barnwell Street: 2020 2 comments
I don't know anything about (John) King Leather Company except that it was open until fairly recently and that I don't remember ever seeing it before, though I must have driven this stretch of Barnwell at some point. The phone company can't be bothered to send me directories anymore, but they were still listed in the February 2017 book, so I'm just going to say they were a casualty of 2020 unless I hear differently.
(Hat tip to commenter Justin)
Maudy's Bosom (& Mosob), 709 Santee Avenue: 1974 19 comments
Here's a place I never heard of before starting this blog, but it's come up several times in the comments over the years. Here's what I know from the library and internet:
The 1969 city directory lists 709 Santee Avenue as having two units, 709-A & 709-B, both of which were at the time vacant. The 1970 Southern Bell phonebook has the yellow pages ad for Maudy's Bosom shown above, and they were also in the white pages. That seems to be the last phonebook with a listing, either yellow or white for the shop. They continued to be listed in the city directory in 1971 and 1972 (as 709 without any 'A' or 'B'). In the 1973 city directory, the listing for 709 Santee Avenue changes from Maudy's Bosom to Bosom Walk In Center. This listing repeats in 1974, but that is the last mention of the place.
There is currently no building numbered 709 Santee Avenue. This PDF of city council minutes from 2007 and the Kenny's brou-ha-ha indicates that 701 & 709 Santee were the Santee part of the Kenny's lot. I'm not sure how this location jibes with Michael's comment below..
And now, crowdsourcing -- this is what y'all have said:
Though I never heard Dale say it, I always thought he chose the name of the shop [The Joyful Alternative -- Ted] to be in contrast with other stores like Maudy’s Bosom, The Purple Turtle and AW Fully’s. Instead of loud, blaring acid rock they played loud, blaring Grateful Dead. Patchouli is unique.
Thanks for mentioning the other shops, one of which I think pre-date Joyful. Maudy’s Bosom was the first “head-shop” that I actually remember hearing about in Columbia in the late-’60s, but because I never went there I didn’t write about it. I do know it was in a two story turn-of–the-century house on Santee Avenue behind where Harper’s is now.
Michael Taylor
Jim – what a difference 35 years makes. When Marty’s Bosom opened the city fathers and the local media freaked out, and decided you could not have a Columbia business with the word bosom in the name. To keep from getting closed down, and so that he could buy ads, he spelled it backward and it became Marty’s Mosob.
Now there’s a Hooter’s in every neighborhood.
I just looked at the Dec 6, 2009 post about Maudy’s Bosom. My old recollection was from when it was just called The Bosom and was a drug counseling center. My older sister told me that it had previously been a head shop called what I misheard as “Marty’s,” but my sister tells me that she thinks Maudy’s is correct. But she was a stoner back then, so . . . .
Maudy’s Bosom is correct. Awesome store to visit for “hippie” threads and for incense!!
BTW, does anyone know what "Pieces Of" Fashion Botique and "Conspiracy Records" mean/meant?