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South Carolina State Fair 2011, Fairgrounds: 23 October 2011   6 comments

Posted at 3:51 pm in Uncategorized

OK, you know the drill by now if you've followed my State Fair posts from previous years: I like what I like, and I like to take pictures of it, so there's nothing new or astounding here, just old friends like the Buxom Beer Girl, The Cotton Candy Stands and the ducklings, but I enjoyed being out and about amongst the neon and greasy delights as usual. I took the tripod, but really couldn't get into setting it up to try for HDRs this year, so I just got one, which is not as good as those from last year (2010). I did take a few videos this year, in particular the one above (which has some issues with light spikes, but is quite watchable) and one below the jump.

Meet your party at the (Time Warner) rocket!

Art Entry and Fair Setup 26 September 2011:

Fine Arts Premiere & Awards Reception 9 October 2011:

State Fair in full operation 20 October 2011:

Art Pickup & Tear-Down, 24 October 2011:

UPDATE 24 October 2011: Added full 20 October photoset link.


20 October 2011 Photoset

6 Responses to 'South Carolina State Fair 2011, Fairgrounds: 23 October 2011'

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  1. When did the double ferris wheel dissapear? I remember when they had two of them..but that was years ago.


    24 Oct 11 at 8:56 pm

  2. I don't know, but some years ago the State Fair switched midway operators from Deggeller's Magic Midway to North American Midway. That might have had something to do with it.


    24 Oct 11 at 9:16 pm

  3. Thanks..that could be the reason. I didnt know it was a complete different company now. If I remember right, I think Deggellers was there since the early 60's or mid 60's, but could be wrong. Too bad it changed.


    24 Oct 11 at 11:51 pm

  4. I also didn't see the big Ferris Wheel, either this year or last--but maybe I just missed it hanging out in the food area. The big one could be distinguished from the next biggest because it had round cars, instead of hexagonal or whatever they were on the next biggest. Also, Conklin was the fair operator in the early 90s. I think Deggeller was operating it at least thru the mid 1980s.


    25 Oct 11 at 8:36 am

  5. Now this is funny! I have your calendar up at my desk right now, and October's picture is pretty much a mirror image of Looks like the "O" in Popcorn went out between last year and this year.


    25 Oct 11 at 8:50 am

  6. In the 1960s and 70s it was Goody's Million Dollar Midway.


    26 Oct 11 at 8:34 am

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