Archive for the ‘3538 Covenant Road’ tag
Urban Metro Fashions, 3538 Covenant Road: Late 2015 4 comments
This small urban clothing botique is in the storefront that was the final location for Forest Lake TV. It's listed in the February 2015-2016 phonebook(*), and I think I would have noticed it being vacant for many months as I drive by there several times a week, so I'm going to peg the closing as "late 2015".
(*) For some reason I still have not received a February 2016-2017 phonebook..
The Clothing Exchange, 3538 Covenant Road: 2008 no comments
I probably would not have noticed this small consignment shop coming and going except that it is in the same building as the final location of Forest Lake TV about which I had done an earlier post. Driving by from time to time, it seemed to have gone through several phases. In the first phase, it was open during "normal" hours. Then it was open "by appointment" and finally it was difficult to say from the store-front if it were still in business or not. I suppose even now, it could be, but it's been a long time since I saw a car there, so I'll say not.
UDPATE 3 March 2015: Added full street address to post title.