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Hawthorne Pharmacy & Compounding Shoppe, 1500 Taylor Street: March 2012 (moved)   1 comment

Posted at 12:10 am in closing

Well, it appears that the old Big-T/CVS at the corner of Pickens & Taylor Streets is once again a pharmacy, as Hawthorne Pharmacy & Compounding Shoppe has moved down the block from its long-time home at 1500 Taylor and into the Big-T building.

Well, that's not quite true as the whole building isn't a pharmacy: It appears that during the refit and remodel, it was split up into two suites, and that one of them is an endoscopy clinic. Since Hawthorne has always been something of a specialty shop, it makes sense that they wouldn't need the space to sell all the extraneous non-medical stuff a CVS does. It will be interesting to see what happens to the old Hawthorne building. As of yet, there is no For Sale sign.

UPDATE 6 October 2017 -- Here is the old building about to be demolished:






and here is the hole where the building used to be:



UPDATE 8 May 2018 -- A new building is going up here:


Written by ted on March 16th, 2012

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One Response to 'Hawthorne Pharmacy & Compounding Shoppe, 1500 Taylor Street: March 2012 (moved)'

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  1. Well, you did leave out the Hawthorne Medical Equipment shop in the adjacent building, which also moved to the same location. (The last time I was there, in the ME shop, they told me they were moving.)

    I just hope that the new owners get rid of the planters in front of the windows, which don't leave enough room between the building and the cars to walk unless you're VERY careful.


    17 Apr 12 at 5:29 pm

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