A Roadside Mystery: US-501 Between Galivants Ferry & Marion 3 comments
This mysterious billboard is on the South side of US-501 in betwen Galivants Ferry & Marion. If I'm reading google maps right, it would be at the intersection of US-501 and SC-41. At any rate, it's before you get to Sparky's Fireworks. The sign has been up for at least two years, and was always a bit mysterious to me.
For one thing, there is no indication of what it's for. I mean, sure it says "Web Site of The Year", but that's not really an explanation. Is there a contest? Web site of the year according to whom? Why would anyone driving through the most rural and un-webby parts of South Carolina care? What's more, it's not pithy. Invariably by the time I got home, I never could remember exactly what it was: Um, bestwebsite.com? Yearsbestsite.com? Finally I took this picture to help me remember to check it out.
The first time I did -- it didn't help. I duly went to the site, but it was obviously the text provided by the hosting company. Stuff like
Insert description of your site here.
Insert URL of your logo
Write a few paragraphs describing your products and services. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ligula lorem, consectetur ut mattis eget, varius at justo. Aliquam sodales gravida arcu. Etiam a viverra metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tincidunt nunc nec augue volutpat eget venenatis lacus pharetra. Donec mollis, leo auctor molestie placerat, eros ante tristique lectus, in accumsan enim nibh quis purus. Curabitur eget enim quis ligula fermentum faucibus eget tempus tellus. Etiam dignissim, augue non tristique fringilla, urna nibh viverra felis, vitae commodo eros urna et ante. In et odio erat. Nunc consectetur volutpat sagittis. Ut eu elit nisi. Nam accumsan sapien pulvinar elit pretium egestas sit amet nec elit. Phasellus mattis dapibus accumsan. Suspendisse egestas, justo ut imperdiet vehicula, dui eros tempus lorem, vel molestie dolor tortor vel dui. Vestibulum odio metus, tempus vel auctor sed, commodo nec leo. In sit amet magna et mi hendrerit vehicula vel et neque.
(OK, I used the Lorem Ipsum generator for that last paragraph..)
Anyway, I never got around to doing a post on it then, and now there is something of an explanation, if not a great one. Apparently someone is now using it to sell generic domain names, and push various small coastal oriented sites. It kind of has the feeling of an I might as well do something with it sort of project.
3 Responses to 'A Roadside Mystery: US-501 Between Galivants Ferry & Marion'
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12 Jun 10 at 10:35 pm
Hmm. Someone mentioned here recently about something going into that building, which made me think it must be closed, so I drove over to take some pictures. When I got there, there wasn't any sign on the door or any indication it was closed, so I drove off without taking any. Guess I should have looked closer.
13 Jun 10 at 3:17 am
Considering that the billboard is on the main road between
Charlotte and Myrtle Beach, I suspect they think someone will care.Steven Rowe
24 Jun 10 at 9:49 pm
Speaking of mystery closings, is there any word about the Indian Pavillion in 5 points closing? Their phone has been disconnected and their website is offline.