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Auto Selection, 2561 Two Notch Road: July 2014   3 comments

Posted at 11:42 pm in Uncategorized



Auto Selection was the follow-up operation to K & C Radiator Center in this old gas station building on Two Notch at Covenant, and I believe it lasted about a year.

I have to say I liked the building better in white. I do like the curved facade on the roof, and would like to see the building restored as the sister building on Devine has been.

Written by ted on August 20th, 2014

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3 Responses to 'Auto Selection, 2561 Two Notch Road: July 2014'

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  1. @Ted - When I opened my first business in Five Points at the corner of Harden and Devine, where Harpers is now, It was also an old gas station, a Gulf built back in the 1950's.
    It had three bathrooms, guess why.
    Anyway I painted it three different colors before I felt as though I got it right with white and brown trim.
    So all I'm saying is, anyone who wants to paint their building in yellow, blue, red, purple or green, save yourself the trouble and paint it white.
    Unless you want it to look like the African flag, a whore house or a Carnival ride.


    23 Aug 14 at 9:57 am

  2. Oh yea, one more thing, Please, Please have the lettering on the front of the building, stating the name of your business done professionally. You do not want it to look like you "Cheaped Out" it gives the impression every thing you do is cheap.


    23 Aug 14 at 10:00 am

  3. @Rick - I remember another post on here from a couple of years back that addressed the reason for three bathrooms. I wonder if anyone else remembers that?


    24 Aug 14 at 10:08 pm

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