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God Cares Charities Super Thrift Store: 7121 Parklane Road: 2020   4 comments

Posted at 11:31 pm in closing






This thrift store was the follow-on operation in this Parklane storefront to Marshall's Department Store which moved to the old Fort Jackson Boulevard K-Mart redevelopment sometime in August of 2015 (Just in time for the flood). I'm not sure why Marshall's was giving 7049 Parklane as the address here as 7121 looks OK.

At any rate, the last reviews I can find for this store say "a year ago" (google reviews are annoying that way: Why not be specific?), so I am putting the closing date as "2020".

Written by ted on February 18th, 2021

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4 Responses to 'God Cares Charities Super Thrift Store: 7121 Parklane Road: 2020'

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  1. Originally this was a Winn-Dixie and later became a Party City.


    19 Feb 21 at 6:32 am

  2. Hasn't the Party City always been on the left side where it is now?


    20 Feb 21 at 4:07 am

  3. @Ted. You're right. That is what I get for posting at 6 am. BTW, I think the Party City site was originally Sportsman Hardware.


    20 Feb 21 at 6:44 am

  4. I remember when Columbiana Station came online ca. 1998 that Party City was one of the original tenants (that is still there) and I had always thoguht that this one opened up around that timeframe but I am not 100% sure...from what I've read it was around 1998 when Winn Dixie moved out of this and down to their Decker Blvd. location at Trenholm Road Extension which they operated until a companywide pullout of SC as part of their bankruptcy in 2005....


    22 Feb 21 at 1:21 pm

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