Mayflower Bistro, 1420 Colonial Life Boulevard: Late 2011 1 comment
I wrote about this building fairly recently on a closing for Queenstown Bistro (and a number of prior tenants). Now the follow-on operation to Queenstown, Maflower Bistro has closed as well.
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but I noticed it at least a month ago (and hadn't been able to get over there during the daytime to take pictures), so I'm going to guess it was probably around the end of 2011. As you can see from the "before" pix, the signs that were taken down were fairly elaborate (and attractive). I wonder what became of them...
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6 Mar 12 at 3:00 pm
They had really good food, but it was always odd going in there. Not welcoming I suppose would sum it up best. The owner was not friendly. Seemed nobody there had any decent concept of actually running a restuarant or knowing how to talk to a customer. It definitely seemed that there could perhaps be a back door business of sorts.....