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Archive for the ‘gas’ tag

Circle K, 2624 Broad River Road: 2008   8 comments

Posted at 11:47 pm in closing

I don't have any feelings for or against Circle K. I'm glad to stop at one if I need gas or an Interstate "comfort" break, but I don't seek them out. I'd always imagined they were pretty stable businesses though -- people are always going to need gas, restrooms and snacks, so I was a bit surprised to see that this one, on Broad River Road next to Rush's and across the street from the defunct AMF Bowling Center had gone under.

On the other hand, Broad River Road near I-20 isn't doing great in general what with the bowling center gone, Intersection Center (virtually) gone, Dutch Square a shadow of its former self, Pizza Hut gone, Hooters gone etc.

UPDATE 21 December 2011 -- Here are some pictures from 23 October 2011 as work on getting the tanks out and stripping the canopy begins:

UPDATE 4 April 2012 -- The new canopy is complete, and as commenter Andrew mentions, "El Cheapo" gas pumps have been installed. There is obviously a good bit of work left to do, but apparently it it will be an El Cheapo:

UPDATE 24 August 2012 -- El Cheapo is open (and has been for a while):


UPDATE 23 March 2023: Updating tags, adding map icon.

Written by ted on March 9th, 2009

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Sears Gas, 7201 Two Notch Road (Columbia Mall outparcel): 1970s   11 comments

Posted at 12:36 am in closing

By the time Sears moved from Harden Street to Columbia Mall, it was long past the catalog glory days of being the company you could by anything from, but it hadn't yet been so bloodied in the retail wars that it would reject odd ideas out of hand.

This concrete slab in the Columbia Mall parking lot by the Charleston Crab House (and still actually owned by Sears to judge from the tow-away signs) was one of them. Over this slab was a canopy, and under the canopy was an island with a number of Sears-branded gas pumps. I don't remember a whole lot about the place as we only filled up one of two times there. I'm pretty sure it was self-serve, but since there was no such thing as electronic credit card reading pumps at the time, there certainly would have been a cashiers shed with an attendant. You could pay with cash, or, of-course, with your Sears Card.

My memory is that the place was an experiment that didn't last too long. I don't know exactly what happened, but I can hazard some guesses. First, the location was not convenient unless you were already at the mall. Getting in and out of the mall parking lot was (and is) much more time consuming than stoping at a corner station. Second, in the 70s people actually had some brand loyalty to different gas chains, and felt that name-brand gas was a better product than generic. Now we tend to think it's like sugar, and there's no problem buying Domino's if Dixie Crystals is more expensive. Third, at some point in the 70s (I believe) there was a major scandal about Sears's auto repair operation ripping people off (that's why about all they will do nowadays is change tires or batteries). The opprobrium from that may have tainted their gas business in people's minds. Fourth, it is simply the fact that selling gas was not in the core retail market Sears was (is..) trying to serve. As their fortunes declined, they may have decided that selling gas was a distraction and brand-dillution. (Though I have seen Wal-Mart trying the concept recently..).

At any rate, the place closed after not too many years. The canopy stood for several years after that, but was itself finally torn down. I don't remember the tanks being torn out, and there are still some access points, so perhaps they are still there (though that seems like an enviromental cleanup bill waiting to happen if it really is the case).

UPDATE 20 February 2020: Add tags, address, map icon.

Written by ted on October 13th, 2008

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Forest Lake Exxon, 4751 Forest Drive: 1 March 2008   19 comments

Posted at 12:59 pm in closing

Well, something is going on at Forest Lake Exxon.

I suppose they could just be upgrading the pumps, but then why take down the gas prices from the sign? And usually in an upgrade like that, they try to do it in stages so that there's never a day when they are completely unable to serve customers.

I looked in the window of the convenience store part of the station, and all the food is still in the coolers, and all the tools are still in the car bays, so I'm unsure what's going on. It would be a shame if this place closed as it is one of the last gas stations around which can actually fix anything. I took a slow leak to them a year or so ago, and they had me patched and out of there in under 15 minutes.

I'll check again when I get back in town and see how it turned out.

UPDATE: Commenter Cha Cha says that a "Five Guys" will replace the Exxon.

UPDATE 30 May 2008:

It's official now:

UPDATE 30 June 2008:

They've stripped the Exxon trim from the "patio" roof and have started work inside:

UPDATE 3 Oct 2008 (with pix from 20 Sep 2008):

Still coming along, and looking pretty good.

UPDATE 17 Nov 08:

Well, 5 Guys is now open:

UPDATE 19 December 2017: Add full street address and tags

UPDATE 1 May 2023: Adding map icon.

Written by ted on March 2nd, 2008

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