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Have Your Say Archive 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017   493 comments

Posted at 11:43 pm in

Written by ted on January 13th, 2017

493 Responses to 'Have Your Say Archive 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017'

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  1. Happy New Year to all!!!


    1 Jan 17 at 12:38 am

  2. The latest round of Sears / Kmart closings has 4 locations in SC listed.

    Sears in Florence will close mid-February
    Kmarts in Anderson, Greenville, and North Charleston will close at the end of March.

    James R

    5 Jan 17 at 12:50 am

  3. The Country Hearth Inn, the little hotel on the west side of South Assembly, just before you get to the fairgrounds appears to be closed. Looking at the online reviews of the place, they are. . . somewhat short of 'glowing.' :O


    5 Jan 17 at 9:38 am

  4. Main street grill, in Lexington, closed. That place has been there forever. Seemed empty recently, any time i drove by


    5 Jan 17 at 5:39 pm

  5. I am late to the party about The Lost Cajun. What a shame. That was top-notch food, and the Mister and I travelled a good 40 minutes to go there because it was that good.


    9 Jan 17 at 4:30 pm

  6. The Napa Auto Parts at the corner of Industrial Drive and Highway 6 is closed. Building is empty and all signage is down. It must have happened fast, I drove by a few days ago and i don't remember it looking closed.


    13 Jan 17 at 10:32 am

  7. @IrmoJeff - Back in the 70's if one needed auto parts, NAPA was pretty much the only place to go. Sure, there were independent parts stores but if you wanted to get a good quality part, NAPA was it. NAPA is actually "Genuine Parts".
    If you needed parts and NAPA didn't have it in most cases the dealership was the only place to go.
    Parts at dealerships in the 70's was pretty cool. I had a 1970 Mach1 in 1975 and wanted a front spoiler. You know the kind that went under the front bumper. So I went to Pulliam Ford on Two Notch Road, SOB, they had it in stock and it only cost $45.00. They had all kinds of cool stuff if you just checked.
    Other wise one could go to a speed shop and get some parts, speed shops sold all types of parts back then but not really stack stuff. There was a speed shop in Columbia called PO-Boy speed shop and it was owned by a guy named McQueen Smith. I went to high school with his two sons. He was cool and had all the cools stuff.


    13 Jan 17 at 6:36 pm

  8. OK, with all the NAPA talk, I have to add my $0.02. My dad worked at the Napa when it was on Two Notch before Fontaine Rd. Then they built the new one on O'Neil and he went with them. I think my dad was with them for 15 years or so after he retired from the Army. He gets a retirement check from them. It's not much at all but it's free money.



    13 Jan 17 at 8:35 pm

  9. Yesterday on CNBC:

    "It's starting to look like J.C. Penney (JCP) will be the next department store chain to put its physical footprint under the shrink ray.

    Just one week after Macy's (NYSE:M) and Sears (SHLD) detailed the upcoming closures of a combined 218 stores , Cowen and Company analyst Oliver Chen said that Penney's could ultimately chop its count by some 30 percent. Such a move would leave the chain with roughly 700 locations."

    Joe Shlabotnik

    14 Jan 17 at 4:01 am

  10. This may be not be strictly a Columbia Closing, but i was just reading about Ringling Brothers is closing down their touring circus operation in May after 146 years. The shows at Colonial Life on January 26 and 27 will be the last ones here in Columbia. Forever.

    Get your tickets now :(


    14 Jan 17 at 11:55 pm

  11. I am 46 years old and I have NEVER been to the or a circus.


    15 Jan 17 at 11:48 am

  12. I'm not sure I'm sad at all about Ringling Bros. closing down. Seems like the circus, or at least their version of a circus, is notion of entertainment whose time has passed. They adjusted to it far too late, only dropping the elephants last year (keeping all the other animals), long after public opinion had turned.


    15 Jan 17 at 2:05 pm

  13. I vaguely recall going to the circus one year when I was in Elementary School and I don't think I was very impressed with it...I now wonder (but didn't at the time) if the decision to quit having the elephants was a sign that said circus was on the way out...

    When I was in college, I remember hating the fact that the circus took away some of the parking USC students relied on...


    15 Jan 17 at 2:31 pm

  14. That is sad, Sidney. You should take this last opportunity to experience what has been part of the fabric of the country since your grandparents with 4 Greats in front were living.

    Under the big top besides the large jungle beasts I have seen men shot from cannons, trapeze artists and tightrope walkers. Once I saw 2 guys on motorcycles in an enclosed sphere doing 360s that were surely death defying. Can't forget the 13 clowns that all climbed out of a VW or the popcorn and cotton candy vendors and the hokey Ringmaster.

    It has been over 30 years since my last circus so I don't know what they offer for entertainment today but our grandkids will never have the chance to sit wide-eyed and soak in the sights, smells and sounds of a truly live show.

    RIP another piece of our youth.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    16 Jan 17 at 6:30 am

  15. I've got Sidney beat. I'm 58 and have never been to the circus. Not sure if my work schedule will allow me to go see the final one. Heck, I went to the fair this past year for the first time in about 10. And that was for one of the lunch deals.


    16 Jan 17 at 9:16 am

  16. Mr D's in Lexington is closed. Saw a for sale sign there just now. This is in the building formerly occupied by Gilligan's


    16 Jan 17 at 5:34 pm

  17. While many (myself among them) have been unhappy to see the passing of Williams-Sonoma from Columbiana, this weekend I heard what may be taking their space...

    While this falls squarely in the informational category of scuttlebutt, Columbia may finally have an Apple Store of it's very own.

    Lone Wolf

    17 Jan 17 at 10:30 am

  18. I've been to the circus many times. Always enjoyed it. It truly was the best show on earth. Back in 1972 I worked at the Carolina Coliseum selling cokes on the main floor. I was only 15 years old. A person called me over to but a coke and it turned out to be Joe Pinner from WIS TV. I did not know him as Joe Pinner but I knew him as Mr. Knozit from the Mr. Knozit kids show they had back then. I was a complete goober when I walked up to him and said "HEY, you're Mr. Knozit" he laughed and said "Yes I am" what a dweeb I was.
    I'm still kind of a dweeb after all these years


    19 Jan 17 at 5:43 pm

  19. *called me over to "BUY" a coke.


    19 Jan 17 at 5:43 pm

  20. So is Joe Pinner.


    19 Jan 17 at 9:49 pm

  21. Atlantic Furniture in the Cedar Terrace Shopping Center is closing up.


    24 Jan 17 at 5:48 am

  22. I understand that half of Richland Mall is shutting down. It is the western section of the mall that faces Forest Drive. Unless it is restructured as mixed use, it will be lights out for that side of the mall. Does anyone have more information about the closing?


    24 Jan 17 at 8:43 pm

  23. I haven't heard of it. It was pretty empty last time I was in that part, but that's where the children's theater is I think.


    24 Jan 17 at 11:31 pm

  24. We talked on here before about what to do with Richland Mall. This past weekend I spent Saturday night with my grown son in Charlotte at the Epicenter. Have any of you been to the Epicenter ( It is pretty much what I was talking about what should be done at Richland Mall.
    It has 12 Live music venues. It has several restaurants, bars, a movie theater, a bowling alley. It's has a smaller footprint than Richland Mall but then again it's 3 stories. It's not spread out like Richland Mall, but I think it could still work.

    Oh man, if I had the money, this is what I would bring to Columbia.


    25 Jan 17 at 3:58 pm

  25. Well, when I click on the directory on the Epicentre website, it is 4 stories not 3.


    25 Jan 17 at 4:00 pm

  26. I recall it being mentioned that the wing joelc is referencing (Belk to the former Parisian) is part that is owned by a company out of Arizona and that people were having a hard time getting maintenance stuff done and that was running people the comments on the Jackson's page.


    25 Jan 17 at 10:58 pm

  27. Rivera's Mexican Restaurant at 646 Sunset Blvd. appears to have closed. The building was empty with For Rent signs in the windows. I did not notice it on Monday when I drove by there on my way to downtown, so it might be a very recent closing.

    James R

    25 Jan 17 at 11:06 pm

  28. @Sidney - I just can't see Columbia supporting something of the magnitude of Epicentre. People around here are a fickle bunch. If it's not a sports bar or serves wings or both you don't really stand a chance. And don't get me started about music venues. I mean look at the bands playing at the Music Farm. If you like cover bands, then that's your place. The music scene in Columbia has not been the same since Rockafella's and the original Elbow Room closed up shop. The Art Bar and New Brookland Tavern are still, in my opinion, still the best places to see live music, even if they are dives.....

    I'm curious to see how Dave & Buster's fares when they open in Columbiana Center.


    27 Jan 17 at 12:46 am

  29. Wet Seal has announced it is closing all 171 stores nationwide. There are two in Columbia. One at Sandhills and one at Columbiana Mall. The link for the story is:

    James R

    27 Jan 17 at 6:24 pm

  30. That Epicentre looks like the mall in the movie Crazy, Stupid Love


    29 Jan 17 at 12:22 am

  31. Stein Mart at 1120 Bower Pkwy is closing February 24th...


    29 Jan 17 at 7:58 pm

  32. I just can't not say what I think about Trumps travel ban. Many of the immigrants from the seven predominantly countries that are trying to get to the U.S. is because their country sucks. Do not protest the USA because we won't let you in. Why do you want in? Because your country sucks. Protest in your own damn country for being so fricking sorry. It is not the USA you should be protesting but the country you are trying to get out of.


    30 Jan 17 at 7:46 pm

  33. test 123


    4 Feb 17 at 2:26 pm

  34. @ted - I just sent you an update for Tony's Party Shop and some pics from the Cotton House Seafood place in Irmo.


    5 Feb 17 at 12:49 am

  35. Heads up -- Quaker Steak and Lube next to Thunder Tower Harley Davidson is closed


    5 Feb 17 at 12:22 pm

  36. @Kc - heard about Quaker Steak last Tuesday. Was told they declared bankruptcy. They didn't tell the employees until closing time Monday night. Curious about the declaration as they always had a good lunch business. I figured the locals would flock there at night.


    5 Feb 17 at 3:07 pm

  37. I don't know about the bankruptcy but they are building one off of Bluff Road where the new truck stop is going up right off I-77


    5 Feb 17 at 6:04 pm

  38. Maybe the franchise owner declared bankruptcy. Or maybe there was a real reason that no one knows about.


    5 Feb 17 at 10:43 pm

  39. I don't know if you missed my post or just hadn't gotten to it, but Atlantic Furniture in Cedar Terrace Shopping Center is closing.


    7 Feb 17 at 11:43 pm

  40. I've got the pictures... it's coming.


    8 Feb 17 at 12:27 am

  41. ZZ Top at the Township February 21. Got my tickets today. This will be the fifth time I've seen them in concert. Always great.


    9 Feb 17 at 7:52 pm

  42. Hey Rick, got any plans to go see Alice Cooper??


    11 Feb 17 at 11:53 pm

  43. @Homer - No plans yet. I saw Alice Cooper at the Carolina Coliseum in 1972 when he was on his Billion Dollar Baby tour. Fantastic show for a 16 year old.


    12 Feb 17 at 5:40 am

  44. * I was 16, not Alice.


    12 Feb 17 at 5:41 am

  45. I saw Alice at the coliseum once. For some reason I don't remember what year. It was probably the Welcome To My Nightmare/Goes To Hell era.


    12 Feb 17 at 8:24 am

  46. I saw a lot of great concerts there. It was the perfect venue for rock bands in the 70's.


    12 Feb 17 at 8:33 am

  47. I caught Alice with White Witch at the Township. He hung himself from the gallows during that show. It must have been the Love It To Death tour.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    12 Feb 17 at 3:48 pm

  48. At first I thought "What is ZZ Top doing playing at the township?" Then realized after checking the ticket prices, $250.00 plus, that they don't need to try and fill a large auditorium anymore. The coliseum has about 17,000 seats and the township has about 3500. Why not fill the venue with people willing to pay $250.00 bucks, and I mean FILL the joint and have a crowd that appreciates them. There are PLENTY of people willing to pay the price and ZZ doesn't have to fool around with the $25.00 nosebleed ticket dope smokers. I'm just speculating. As for speculating, maybe they can't fill a large venue anymore, HA HA, that ain't true.


    12 Feb 17 at 6:41 pm

  49. Rick, using those numbers they will have a take of $875,000. Not bad for a li'l old band from Texas.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    12 Feb 17 at 7:46 pm

  50. @Joe - LOL. I agree, not bad a'tall


    12 Feb 17 at 7:54 pm

  51. The Carolina Coliseum was designed to seat 12,000 but about 3,000 seats were taken out so that the SC basketball teams can have two practice courts (something they needed to be more competitive with their SEC counterparts). This means the coliseum can't be used for anything such as basketball games or HS graduations those events are at the nearby Colonial Life Arena.


    12 Feb 17 at 9:41 pm

  52. The bakery on Monticello Road has been open for more than a week now, to serve customers early before Valentines Day.


    13 Feb 17 at 12:19 pm

  53. There is a note in the Free Times (at the bottom of the article about the new Gullah piano bar) saying that Quaker Steak and Lube off of Spears Creek Rd has closed. This is always somewhere I would have liked to go but it is well outside the area that anyone in my family wanted to drive for food.

    The article also notes that Mr D's Steakhouse in Lexington has closed.

    Matt Aslin

    16 Feb 17 at 10:10 am

  54. @Ted - You take some great pictures but what would be cool is, I sometimes would like to see a street view, for lack of a better explanation. To explain, maybe after taking your normal array of pictures of a building/business that has closed, I would Like to see a wide view. Other businesses around it etc. so I can better visualize where, on Two Notch Road for example,where the closed business was or near. Did I make any sense there?


    16 Feb 17 at 4:29 pm

  55. Hmm. I'll try to remember to do more of that.,,


    17 Feb 17 at 1:00 am

  56. Carrabba's on Graces Way in the northeast is closing. They got word Thursday and started refusing deliveries immediately..


    17 Feb 17 at 8:35 am

  57. I went to Carrabba's twice, didn't like it neither time. I think what did them in, and I'm surprised it took this long, is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. If they had been right on Two Notch, they probably would have done so much better.


    17 Feb 17 at 10:07 am

  58. In saying that about Carrabba's, I would be surprised if that new Famous Toastery place right next to Carrabba's last more than a year.


    17 Feb 17 at 10:24 am

  59. Fabric 101 on Fontaine Road is closing. Article in the State says 2-25-17 will be their last day. Items up to 50% off.


    17 Feb 17 at 10:46 am

  60. LA Boutique on Corley Mill Road in Lexington is closing. They may already be out of business. There's a sign out front that says store closing. I think this used to be a consignment shop previously


    17 Feb 17 at 3:44 pm

  61. I was at Harbison Center today getting my son's haircut and noticed the business at in Suite 275 EE had closed. The sign on the door said they moved to Columbiana Circle next to Toys R Us. I am not sure, but I think this might have been the Men's Wearhouse Tux and Formal Wear store. If so, then moving to next to the Toys R US would make sense, because that means they moved into the regular Men's Wearhouse Store. Men's Wearhouse is the only thing next to Toys R Us in Harbison.

    James R

    19 Feb 17 at 1:58 am

  62. I found out Friday that Belk @ Richland Mall is going to move everything on the 2nd floor (except the salon) down to the 1st floor. I found this out at the barber shop next to Belk.

    Matt Aslin

    20 Feb 17 at 11:34 am

  63. Well, that's the end then. That's what JC Penny downtown did. That's what Belk Dutch Square did...


    20 Feb 17 at 12:39 pm

  64. Not sure if this has been mentioned here previously or not, but in case it has not, Century Glass on Bush River Road by the Bush River Memorial Gardens has moved. I think the new address is 4059 Broad River Road according to the tarp over the old sign on Bush River.

    James R

    20 Feb 17 at 3:57 pm

  65. Wow...JUST when I think I can cut down on computer time, I come across this site!!! I grew up in Columbia(born at Ft. Jackson, went to Eau Claire HS and USC '79). Moved to Atlanta after graduation but still have folks around St. Andrews, Harbison and Fish Hatchery Rd.

    Thanks for the memories! I'll be back...I just posted on the old Jeff Price Tennis/Skate/Ski thread...recalling my days as a young tennis buck in the boom years of tennis in Columbia!!!
    BTW, we live in Austin, TX now; so it's not like a three hour drive to come back to visit any more!!!


    24 Feb 17 at 5:14 pm

  66. @CoachRick - It is a requirement that you come back to Columbia before you can make a comment on this page.
    So get in you car and drive back to Columbia so you can make another comment, if not your comments will not be seen by all that visit this site. You're welcome.


    24 Feb 17 at 6:32 pm

  67. @Rick - Dang bud, some welcome wagon you are!!! Don't be dissing the new visitors...haha


    24 Feb 17 at 11:40 pm

  68. I'm trying to get back there! At least for a quick visit. Gonna put our Highlands, NC house on the market in the spring(I hope!). That's not easy to do from over 1100 miles away!!!


    24 Feb 17 at 11:56 pm

  69. Hey Ted - check your e-mail. Just sent you another closing.....


    26 Feb 17 at 5:20 pm

  70. Big T's on Sparkleberry looks like it is converting into a convenience store.


    1 Mar 17 at 9:17 am

  71. HH Gregg announced it is closing 88 stores, none in SC, amidst rumors that it is going to file for bankruptcy.


    3 Mar 17 at 11:58 am

  72. Not only has Cayce lost Church's Chicken recently but now a hotel that was recently rebranded Motel 6 (not sure what it was originally) is now being torn down...


    3 Mar 17 at 11:43 pm

  73. Gateway Plumbing Supply has completed its move. It used to be located across from Uno Pizzeria and Grill (next to Gateway Academy Childcare) in Lexington. They built a new location on North Lake Drive between Old Cherokee and Pilgrim Church at the entrance of the Whitehall Neighborhood.

    James R

    7 Mar 17 at 10:19 pm

  74. The State paper reports today that Mary's Arepas Latin Food has opened a brick-and-mortar restaurant in Cayce.
    That doesn't sound like an appealing menu to me.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    10 Mar 17 at 4:37 pm

  75. @Joe Shlabotnik - Sounds like a case of constipation from hell after eating there to me.
    Can you imagine?
    I'll be sure to avoid this place.
    My kind of humor. Ha-ha, thanks.


    10 Mar 17 at 5:58 pm

  76. Not a loss but it looks like Hu Hot at Columbiana Station, 1260 A-8 Bower Pkwy, Columbia, SC 29212 closed.


    11 Mar 17 at 10:46 am

  77. Unbelievably... Bruegger's on 378 has closed effective yesterday! Someone spoke with the owner, apparently the location wasn't making enough money to justify signing another 10 year lease, so they decided to close. The Irmo and Forest Drive locations are open. Bagel places come and go.. hopefully another one comes in. Very upset that this has closed!!


    14 Mar 17 at 8:49 am

  78. @Brian. Damn! Now I have to go across the damn dam to get a damn Brueggers Bagel.


    14 Mar 17 at 10:32 am

  79. @Beth... Yes. I'm absolutely SHOCKED. On weekends the place was packed. I stopped on mornings, and it was always full.
    I noticed the staff had turned over recently... but I never expected this would close.
    Years ago there were NYB's around Columbia and Lexington, then they all went away. Then a place opened on 378 by Bi-Lo which was a bagel place that was locally owned... that became a MyGym for kids, and now I think is Wild Birds Unlimited? Brueggers being in town has been wonderful... Being from NJ it's as close as you could get to real quality bagels... Definitely better than anything at Panera or ABC....
    Going across the damn isn't horrible, but not ideal.
    I'm VERY sad this has closed.... Meanwhile we have more and more sub places... more and more taco places... more and more grocery stores... less and less trees.


    14 Mar 17 at 10:38 am

  80. O'Charleys on Two Notch in NE Cola is closed.


    14 Mar 17 at 11:26 am

  81. I went to the 378 Brueggers a good bit considering how far away it was. First during the flood recovery when Forest Drive had no water for coffee and then recently during the (ongoing) wifi issues at Forest Drive. They always seemed to be doing a pretty good business to me..


    14 Mar 17 at 11:32 am

  82. O'Charleys on Two Notch and Applebees at O'Neil Court have both closed.


    14 Mar 17 at 12:11 pm

  83. I just noticed the signage being removed from the Applebee's on O'Neil. No loss there. Sad to see O'Charley's close. There's just to many flipping 'fast casual' restaurants that have practically interchangeable menus.


    14 Mar 17 at 1:31 pm

  84. @Brian. I was just at Lexington Brueggers on Saturday. Nothing posted and there was a big crowd! I never stopped on the weekday mornings because when I drove by (usually around 7:05am) it was packed.


    14 Mar 17 at 1:35 pm

  85. Any opinions on Freddy's Steakburgers? Read where they are opening another location in West Columbia.


    14 Mar 17 at 1:36 pm

  86. Have not been to Freddy's yet. Rode by their Killian Road location today on my way to Burger King. Just about pulled in but they were packed. Had a Veggie Burger at Burger King, trying to cut back on red meat and wanted to try it. BLAH! Don't. Boca Veggie Burgers you buy at the super market and prepare yourself are much better.


    14 Mar 17 at 2:00 pm

  87. I tried Freddy's. Took a while to be willing to wait in the line but I think even once the novelty of a new restaurant wears off the line will seem long just b/c they cook everything fresh. It doesn't matter what time I go by the lot always looks just as packed. I liked it. Not something I would eat often - I got their original double combo - but I enjoyed the burger and the fries as well. I recommend trying it. I hope to go back soon to try a custard.


    14 Mar 17 at 10:30 pm

  88. Changes in NE Cola: There was a lot of traffic but I thought I caught a sign on the brand new building still being worked on behind TJMaxx in Village at Sandhill that at least part of it will be a Smashburger. Blaze will eventually be moving into the old Shane's Rib Shack/El Amir next to Blue Fin. Fresh Market will be opening the 26th of April I believe the sign said and Zoe's and Blaze's competition (can't think of the name right now) have had hiring signs up in addition to Orange Theory and Pet Supermarket in that new complex. Hope this helps.


    14 Mar 17 at 10:32 pm

  89. Freddy's is very good. I've only braved the line once but I'd put it ahead of Five Guys and Smashburger. What gives me hope is passing by there in the evening and seeing the parking lot packed beyond capacity and the Hardee's next door practically has tumbleweeds rolling through.


    15 Mar 17 at 9:17 am

  90. For what it's worth... there are only a few websites I visit regularly... and this is one of them. I absolutely love columbia closings, and fwiw I just wanted to say thank you... This page satisfies like a Snickers bar. haha


    15 Mar 17 at 9:18 am

  91. Just think in 5 years the Northeast will most likely have all of Killian Crossing filled up. Hardscrabble Rd will be 5 lanes from Farrow to Kelly Mill. Clemson will be 5 lanes from Sparkleberry to Two Notch. The intersection at Clemson/Rhame/North Springs will be revamped (being done now). I believe there will be another high school in 2020 in Richland District 2. All of these changes just in 5 years. Wow.


    15 Mar 17 at 10:37 am

  92. And US-21 will still be closed..


    15 Mar 17 at 11:20 am

  93. Since someone mentioned Blaze, i just want to take this opportunity to say that Blood Orange Lemonade might be the best thing ever. So good i cant go to Blaze anymore, because i am diabetic and i cant help but drink 4 or 5 cups of it every time i go.


    15 Mar 17 at 1:08 pm

  94. US-21... What a shame. Maybe Trump will give McMaster the 5 Billion and we could put a temporary bridge across it.


    15 Mar 17 at 4:49 pm

  95. I would add the following to Sidney's list:

    - the revamp of the I-26/I-20 interchange that has been known as 'malfunction junction' for over 20 years will be underway as part of the Carolina Crossroads project involving the several interchanges leading to Broad River Road & I-26 as well as I-20/Broad River to 378/Sunset Blvd. (frankly I wish they'd find a way to ease congestion at I-20/Broad River as said interchange is very congestion prone)
    - I-26 will be widened (or the process at least underway) further to SC 202/Little Mountain
    - Broad River Road widened from Lake Murray to Ballentine
    - Leaphart Road & Rainbow Drive both will have new bridges over I-26
    - Leaphart Road intersections with Chris Drive & Harbor Drive will be upgraded (on either side of the I-26 bridge)
    - I-20 from 378 to Longs Pond Road widened (this project is about to get underway)
    - I-77 widened up towards Blythewood

    and to echo what ted said about US 21 being closed, I have similar feelings towards Wilton Road in West Columbia which closed after the October 2015 flooding.


    15 Mar 17 at 5:22 pm

  96. On the previous list when I said, "Broad River Road widened from Lake Murray to Ballentine" I was referring to where Lake Murray Blvd. pulls into Broad River...then after I-26 it will continue until 76 and 176 splits off and 176 is up to become 3 lanes from said split until I-26 (I know that bridge was on the news as a bridge that is falling into the structurally deficient category so hopefully it'll get an upgrade)...


    15 Mar 17 at 5:43 pm

  97. @Sidney - on the downside, in 5 years, while the whole Killian Rd. area out to Blythewood will be booming, Sandhills and the area along that stretch of Two Notch will, no doubt, be feeling the downhill slide that the Two Notch/Decker/Parklane is suffering from.


    15 Mar 17 at 6:07 pm

  98. @Homer, I agree, Sandhills will go downhill. But like I said before, Kahn needs to lower the rent in Sandhills to bring more stores in. I really hope Killian Crossing will be more of a night life area with restaurants and bars.


    15 Mar 17 at 10:13 pm

  99. @Sidney - As things are growing closer to Ballentine and up to Chapin I can already see the blight from the Dutch Square/Broad River Rd. area creeping closer to the Harbison/Irmo area.


    15 Mar 17 at 11:02 pm

  100. Just read the O'Charley's on Two Notch is going, going, gone! We have one in Lexington though.


    16 Mar 17 at 8:38 am

  101. Here's the link to that O'Charley's closing in NE Cola.


    16 Mar 17 at 12:42 pm

  102. Its funny how both the O'Charley's and Hu Hot closings were posted here before The State newspaper! You GO TED!


    16 Mar 17 at 5:02 pm

  103. Brian

    18 Mar 17 at 9:41 am

  104. Anyone else having trouble with comments not posting here? I was able to get my comment posted on Dianne's on Devine, but could not get comments to post here on Have Your Say yesterday.

    James R

    18 Mar 17 at 9:52 pm

  105. Family Christian Stores at 5541 Sunset Blvd. had someone out front with a sign saying "Everything Must Go!" When you go to Family Christian's website, ( it says all stores "All Stores Closing" before switching to another page that indicates their online store has already closed.

    James R

    20 Mar 17 at 10:32 pm

  106. Hi Ted. Would you please contact me via my email address here. I would like to pick your brain about a couple of "how to" things if you don't mind.


    24 Mar 17 at 12:54 pm

  107. Looks like Taco Cid has called it quits; they moved from Charleston Highway to Lexington Drive over near Midlands Tech - Airport a while back, but the signage at that location is now gone.


    24 Mar 17 at 10:05 pm

  108. Yep, closing here.


    25 Mar 17 at 12:39 am

  109. This might be a 'closing': I drove by Maurice's sauce plant, located behind the Piggy Park across from the K-Mart, and I think there's a sign on it saying 'For Lease.'


    25 Mar 17 at 7:56 am

  110. @James R, I saw the Family Christian store in Sandhills has its closing sign out also.


    25 Mar 17 at 9:18 am

  111. Too bad. I went in there with my grandma once after going to HiWire inside Plex. FCS went bankrupt and is closing all stores.

    Tris Sprinkle

    25 Mar 17 at 2:09 pm

  112. @ Sidney,

    Not surprising. As my original post noted their online store is already closed and their website indicated all stores were closing. Not sure when their final day is, the website and the guy holding the sign out front of the Lexington store said 40% off, so it seems like the closing is in the early stages. Maybe by the end April?

    James R

    26 Mar 17 at 5:06 pm

  113. Wow, I'm pretty behind the times with regard to Taco Cid! :-)


    27 Mar 17 at 3:50 pm

  114. @Payne - Taco Cid. Yes you are behind the times but no worries. Taco Cid had a following, some really liked their food, some not so much. Taco Cid has been around for quite a while as you may know and after the original owner passed, sometime in the late 80's or early 90's, his nephew took over. The nephew passed at an early age and it really never got any traction after that.

    As recently as when they moved their last location from Charleston Highway tp Platt Springs Road I approached the owner about a franchise, she was not interested and the story goes...


    27 Mar 17 at 6:20 pm

  115. I know there had been some discussion on the Next Best Thing Consignment Shop closing on Lake Murray Blvd. a little while ago. I followed them on Facebook and about a week ago I got a notification that their Facebook page had changed their name. They are now Copper Barn Furniture.

    Next Best Thing had vacated the building on Lake Murray when the Facebook page changed. Facebook says Copper Barn is in Irmo, but it does not give an address. Does anyone know anything about this? Facebook also says Copper Barn Furniture opened in 2012.

    James R

    29 Mar 17 at 11:23 pm

  116. @Jmaes R - That's a good question. I live in Irmo and have never heard of it. I'm familiar with most of the store around here excepting the ones along Broad River Rd. @ Kennerly and going up toward Ballentine. I can't even find a reference on Google maps. Where is Andrew when you need him? If anyone can dig this up he can.


    29 Mar 17 at 11:54 pm

  117. @ted - I've been meaning to run by Next Best Thing to get some photos since they vacated the premises but have been too busy. Maybe I will get by there this weekend.

    There is also another little consignment/gift shop that has closed in Irmo. If I get a chance I'll take some pics of it whenever they aren't around cleaning out the building.


    29 Mar 17 at 11:57 pm

  118. Payless Shoe Source announced their bankruptcy today which supposedly includes the closure of 400 stores. That's about a 10% reduction as they have around 4,400 stores worldwide. If you go to the Payless Shoe Source website, it appears they intend to announce the store closure list tomorrow morning at 10 AM after they have had the chance to talk with the employees of the affected stores.

    I story I read attributed the declining sales to the internet and the lack of mall traffic. I know I have stated it here before, but I cannot see that many people buying shoes on the internet. Shoes are something you need to try on in the store for the best fit. It's not necessarily sizing, but the actual fit with the arch, heel, etc. I know from one New Balance shoe to the next, the size might be the same, but they do not feel the same on my foot. In either case, I will try to check out the closing list tomorrow morning and see if any SC stores are on it.

    That story also noted that GameStop will close approximately 150 stores due to big box competition in console units and declining video game sales. It would not surprise me if one fo the two Lexington stores were on that list. The two are practically on top of each other and that has to mean higher overhead than necessary. The one store is located in the Wal-mart plaza on 378. If you exit the back side of that plaza you are at the Publix on 378 and Old Cherokee where the second GameStop is located. GameStop has not announced the list of 150 stores, nor did their website indicate when they would announce the closings.

    James R

    4 Apr 17 at 8:25 pm

  119. Payless posted their store closing list here

    There are no SC stores on the list.

    James R

    5 Apr 17 at 7:54 pm

  120. In other news, the owner of Krispy Kreme is apparently purchasing Panera Bread.

    James R

    5 Apr 17 at 7:56 pm

  121. Hmm, if they could get Einstein Bagels into Panera that would be a big step up for their bagels.


    6 Apr 17 at 1:48 am

  122. Looks like the end has come for HH Gregg the whole chain is shutting down starting Saturday

    Thomas S

    7 Apr 17 at 8:10 pm

  123. Aww damn. I get all my stuff from HH Gregg, Fridge, washer, dryer, several TV's. Gonna have to watch for sales in the next few weeks. Would like to get another Sony 65" TV, a stove/microwave combo, a dishwasher.


    8 Apr 17 at 8:07 am

  124. Bad if HH Gregg shuts down, boost for Best Buy.


    8 Apr 17 at 11:04 am

  125. I was never impressed with hhgregg. I think that their checkout process was too involved and the overall vibe in the store left a lot to be desired.

    A simple web search for hhgregg liquidation yields the following:

    Tiger Capital Group has been lined up to liquidate everything. hhgregg had 220 stores in 19 states...88 of them the liquidation had already started and now the whole companies is liquidating after being unable to secure an investor.

    hhgregg has two Columbia locations:

    Village at Sandhill
    Columbiana Station (Bower Parkway)

    The Columbiana Station one is next door to a recently closed Stein Mart (which has already featured here). Those two create a large vacancy that could easily bring someone big in (though I'd like to see it get World Market). Village at Sandhill (at least to me) seems like a tougher nut to crack but we shall see...


    8 Apr 17 at 12:38 pm

  126. I went in HH Greg one time. I also was not impressed. Selection was limited and the sales people were pushy, not what I expected at all. I have found the best prices on appliances at Jeffers-McGill. I purchased my first cam-corder from them in 1991, I've purchased a washer and dryer from them, a high end gas cook top, an under the counter Maytag Ice Maker, a Maytag dishwasher, a refrigerator and double wall oven. I always shopped around, and they always beat every body else's prices. I don't really know them that well so this is not an endorsement, I just go to where the best prices are. I have considered making large appliance purchases on line but have not crossed that threshold yet, still a little wary of having a large appliance shipped to me via motor freight.


    8 Apr 17 at 1:20 pm

  127. The Wich Wich in the Sandhills has closed. Sign is already down and lots of packing up taking place inside. There is a new pizza place about to open down the street a bit (in the old Al Amir?) Do not understand who does business planning in Columbia, Mod pizza across the street just opens, and another competing chain opens in the Sandhills? Just seems a little crazy.


    8 Apr 17 at 1:54 pm

  128. There was an entry here for 'Midland Manufacturing' on Universal Drive, but it seems to have disappeared, possibly in the meltdown a while back. The subsequent occupant 'Bass Pallets' has also closed. Maybe there's not that big a market for hauling bass by the pallet load.


    8 Apr 17 at 2:09 pm

  129. I went to Which-Wich twice, and both times they got my order wrong, despite having a system completely designed not to do that. They also did not have fresh-brewed tea.


    8 Apr 17 at 2:27 pm

  130. @Badger - Heh heh. There are always pot holes out in front of this place you refer to. Anytime I go down that street I have to dodge them. Seems like there is a low lying area that water collects and pot holes occur.


    8 Apr 17 at 2:35 pm

  131. I absolutely HATED going to HH Gregg. It always felt like going to a used car lot, with the salesmen swooping down on you like vultures as soon as you walked in. I only went there if I needed something right away and Best Buy didn't have it, and I always regretted doing so. Good riddance to commissioned sales.


    8 Apr 17 at 4:32 pm

  132. I got an email from HH Gregg (or possibly the company handling the liquidation). It states that everything is 30% off.

    It looks like the electronic version of the guy with the neon colored sign standing in the middle of traffic.

    The website it directs you to lists every HH Gregg location and is titled HHGregg liquidation.

    Matt Aslin

    8 Apr 17 at 10:57 pm

  133. I know a semi-retired gentleman that worked in the appliance/electronics sections of the store. He had finally had enough of them after they continually added to his workload and began screwing with his commissions.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    10 Apr 17 at 6:40 am

  134. I thought this was interesting enough to post here. Not really a closing but more of "not opening". It's about Killian Crossing.


    10 Apr 17 at 8:44 am

  135. The State Newspaper reports that El Burrito in 5 Points will close.


    11 Apr 17 at 9:55 am

  136. It's good to know that El Burrito is not closing due to financial troubles. I knew Suzi back when she was starting the restaurant. I used to be part of a circle of peeps she asked to "test" the food before they officially opened. She brought the concept with her from Atlanta where similar restaurants were taking off. El Burrito was the first one of it's kind in Columbia.


    12 Apr 17 at 12:11 pm

  137. I was driving down Harden St. this morning and saw that the Rite Aid has closed and the building is for rent? Before it was a Rite Aid it was an Eckerd Drug for many years! Pictures posted soon!

    Patricia Lewis

    13 Apr 17 at 6:44 pm

  138. The Flood of the Millienum still lingers on! At least the damaged businesses of Liberty Tax Offce and Title Max on Devine St. ate still standing with no signs of repair or tearing down in progress! Same thing with the Subway on Crowson Rd.!

    Patricia Lewis

    13 Apr 17 at 6:50 pm

  139. hhgregg's liquidation is underway and my finding was that unless you were in the market for a sofa, TV (or certain TV accessories), appliance or mattress that there isn't anything worth your while there...

    Patricia's comment on the Rite Aid on Harden Street prompted me to check and I remember it featuring here but there wasn't a link on the Alphabetical page...her comment on the Deinve St. Buildings post-flood made me realize that the best thing to do is raze them and make it a greenspace (like they were planning to do with Zorba's on Decker Blvd)...


    15 Apr 17 at 2:45 pm

  140. I saw this afternoon that the Jiffy Lube on Forest Dr at Perceval has moved out. I can't think that traffic was ever really good at this location due to the lack of space with it being squeezed in between the gas station and the car wash. The lot is so small that I have gotten stuck in the lot after getting gas and not being able to get out until someone else got done getting gas and left.


    15 Apr 17 at 5:00 pm

  141. Roosters Racks


    17 Apr 17 at 5:32 pm

  142. Noticed today that something is going on at the Five Guys by Columbiana Mall. Not sure if they are renovating it or if it is going to be something else.


    18 Apr 17 at 6:36 pm

  143. WLTX is reporting that Harper's in Five Points has closed for good. Only went there a few times but I know it was the "go to" place for a lot of people.


    19 Apr 17 at 10:29 am

  144. The closing of Harper's is really sad, to me. I've had lots of good times and good food there. When my parents would come to Columbia, they liked going to Harper's. It was always tasty, service was always good. It's truly disappointing to see them go.

    But, am I the only one who thought it was out of place in Five Points? Five Points is an absolute toilet that somehow manages to keep getting worse.

    Harper's - Thanks for the good times. You will be missed.

    Lone Wolf

    19 Apr 17 at 11:07 am

  145. Damn, that does suck about Harper's. Had many many dinners, drinks, and lunches there during the '80s and '90's.

    I think it was a Grandy's fast food restaurant before it was Harper's. I recall seeing a picture here before that when it was a car stereo store.


    19 Apr 17 at 1:46 pm

  146. Harpers and El Burrito are definitely noteworthy closings that readers can identify with and appreciate as their are actually histories behind them. Many of other fly-by-night and out of the way corner strip mall closings......not so much. Those are all pretty much expected, along with the shops that go into certain "death spot" locations thinking they are going to be the one to break the trend. Never happens.


    19 Apr 17 at 2:10 pm

  147. The Cross Fit gym in Lexington has moved out of the Pastime Pavilion and across town to the Old Mill.
    The Lexington Discount Beverage Center will be taking it's place at 900 N. Lake Dr.

    John R

    19 Apr 17 at 3:25 pm

  148. Has anyone listened to 99.7FM yet? Alpha Media has brought alternative/modern rock back to Columbia, albeit a low power station W295CL. For the first time since they turned WARQ into a t*rd, rock music from the 90's onward is back on the air. Actually they are saying this is WARQ-HD2. I wonder how long it will last?


    20 Apr 17 at 12:11 am

  149. Another change: Maybe something happened to my car radio, but I don't get 96.1 as an HD station anymore, so no Son Of Steve or Classic Vinyl or whatever the HD2 channel is/was.


    20 Apr 17 at 12:31 am

  150. I found an old postcard with a Gulf gas station... Derrick's Gulf Fountain on Gervais & Assembly Streets, by Wade Hampton Hotel and phone number was "9363". Have you heard of this business and what is located there now?


    20 Apr 17 at 2:15 pm

  151. Well, I am already disappointed in 99.7. If the new stuff they are playing is what is considered modern rock nowadays then I'm right back to XM full time. Some of this crap sounds like it should be on WNOK.


    20 Apr 17 at 11:39 pm

  152. 99.7 is playing the "Modern Rock" format, which focuses more on the alternative rock genre. I prefer the Active Rock format, which is a mix of classic and contemporary rock with a focus on hard rock. As a compromise I listen to 94.7 out of sumter/florence which uses the mainstream rock format. This is similar to active rock, but with slightly more classic rock songs.


    21 Apr 17 at 5:58 am

  153. Thanks Carl. I'll have to check out 94.7.


    21 Apr 17 at 9:45 am

  154. Good news, Ted! You've won another trip to Columbiana - bebe is closing all its stores by the end of next month.


    21 Apr 17 at 9:57 am

  155. Ted, still enjoying the site, keep up the good work.

    I do have a question about a vacant building on North Main/Wilson Blvd. Heading out N. Main from town towards Blythewood, the building is on your left, right past Lake Elizabeth (the bridge is still out from flooding 1.5 years ago, so you have to go around). The building sits right at the road, and is painted red, white, and green (although very faded now), so I'm assuming it was an Italian restaurant. I would love to find out what this place was. Maybe it was a happening place when US-21 was a main thoroughfare. Don't know the name of the place, so I can't find it if it is already listed here.


    21 Apr 17 at 3:07 pm

  156. Since beach areas are sometimes discussed here, I will mention that Myrtle Beach's Palace Theater will be torn down soon. Suffered storm damage last year and the owner gave up.


    21 Apr 17 at 5:22 pm

  157. The Five Guys on Columbiana Dr. is in the process of remodeling. According to the sign on the door they are adding hand spun milk shakes and an infamous Coke Freestyle machine among other things.


    23 Apr 17 at 9:54 pm

  158. Rock 99.7 is starting to grow on me. I listened to it quite a bit in my shop on Saturday and it reminds me of a cross between the old 93.5 and the Palm. Got my fingers crossed that it works out.


    23 Apr 17 at 9:55 pm

  159. I also noticed some activity around the old Hemmingway's location in the Kroger Shopping center in Irmo. At one time Kroger was thinking about expanding into the space but, at the time, were unable to come to a deal with the centers management company. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


    23 Apr 17 at 10:14 pm

  160. Darci Strickland had this post announcing a remodel on the Village at Sandhill Five Guys to feature the freestyle, a hand spun machine and other remodels and I felt that something like that was going on with Columbiana's but hadn't made it by to confirm (though I was planning to and report back when I did)...I had noticed billboards in Sumter noting that their Five Guys had the Freestyle and felt it was only a matter of time before the ones in Columbia got it...


    23 Apr 17 at 10:26 pm

  161. I don't like freestyle machines at all! They get the last person's drink choice dripping on to your hand and into your ice.

    As for the shakes, I have no intrinsic objection, but am afraid it might be the start of 5G losing focus like some many chains do.


    23 Apr 17 at 11:15 pm

  162. I like the freestyle machines as that's the only way to get diet Barq's in Columbia.


    24 Apr 17 at 7:37 am

  163. anyone know what's going on with the mr. suds self car wash on hardscrabble (near Clemson rd.). it is all taped off and closed. it is still listed on their website. Best value for $5 self wash places around. I am guessing it is not part of the hardscrabble Clemson intersection redo?


    25 Apr 17 at 8:39 am

  164. The stretch of Hard scrabble that Mr. Suds is on is being prepped for widening...I don't know enough to know how Mr. Suds will be affected ultimately...I know that Living Springs Lutheran's property will see a large impact by this and that a Circle K has completely closed because of the land needed though it remains to be seen how it works out but the need to widen Hard Scrabble has been there for years...


    25 Apr 17 at 11:36 pm

  165. It's amazing how much they have cleared out already on Hardscrabble Rd.


    26 Apr 17 at 10:27 am

  166. If Mr. Suds is planning on remaining open, from the looks of the cleared land nearby it'll be so close to the completed road that cars driving past it are going to get wet. I'm wondering if both it at the Agape Physician's Care next door are both going to wind up closing.


    27 Apr 17 at 11:42 am

  167. The State newspaper is reporting that Fujiya on Rosewood has closed and Sakura will take its place after some remodeling.


    28 Apr 17 at 1:40 pm

    Not a closing but an opening. Rode by there today and the parking lot was full.


    30 Apr 17 at 2:01 pm

  169. All 3 Smart Choice Title Loans in Columbia/Lexington have closed down. Matter of fact, the entire company closed all its' offices as of February 17. Their 3 locations were on Broad River Road, Two Notch Road, and Lexington

    Bart Laber

    1 May 17 at 10:02 am

  170. ^Good.


    1 May 17 at 4:15 pm

  171. Google yields them as being at the following addresses:

    - 1221 Broad River Road (at intersection with Arrowwood)
    - 4260 Augusta Road #R (between Ermine and Oak Drive/St. David's Church Road)
    - 7716 Two Notch Road (across from IHOP, between I-20 & I-77)

    I can only hope that something better can wind up in these spots in due course...


    1 May 17 at 5:25 pm

  172. Now if the rest of them would do the same!!!!!


    1 May 17 at 6:11 pm

  173. Yuuuup!!!


    1 May 17 at 7:00 pm

  174. Has anyone heard about the restaurant D.L. McLaughlin's in Irmo closing? It's going out on Broad River road and seems like it has been there forever.


    3 May 17 at 3:10 pm

  175. It's been mentioned here, but I have not gotten out that way.


    3 May 17 at 11:16 pm

  176. @ED & ted - last time I was by D.L. McLaughlin's was on St. Patrick's day. The restaurant had a For Sale sign in the window but the bar was packed. I don't know if they were doing something special for the day or not. I haven't been back by there since.


    4 May 17 at 12:44 am

  177. @ED and ted - drove by D.L. McLaughlin's this afternoon. There is a large For Sale sign on the front door. Couldn't stop to check it out as there were several pickups there and people milling around. Not sure what was going on.


    5 May 17 at 11:09 pm

  178. Banana Republic at the mall closed, there are no more in Columbia


    6 May 17 at 9:23 am

  179. Thanks for the info about D.L McLaughlins. It looks like the Bi-Lo in Friarsgate is closing at the end of June. The address is 7949 Broad River Rd, its not the same store on Broad River that was turned into a Harvey's


    7 May 17 at 1:08 pm

  180. I wonder if it is destined to become a Harvey's?


    8 May 17 at 12:13 am

  181. @Homer, I don't think so, from what I understand the employees were offered jobs at other Bi-Lo locations.


    8 May 17 at 6:20 pm

  182. Well, if Bi-Lo closes up shop that will leave another little strip mall practically empty....


    8 May 17 at 11:41 pm

  183. Awww....i had my very first job when i was in high school at that Bi Lo, #126 if anyone is interested.


    10 May 17 at 12:27 am

  184. The Yogo Novus on Clemson Rd at Sparkleberry Lane next to the Krispy Kreme has closed.


    11 May 17 at 2:13 pm

  185. IMHO, The Yogo Novus has succumbed to the Location Disease. That was an awful place to have a yogurt business. I feel like yogurt/ice cream businesses need walking traffic.


    11 May 17 at 3:36 pm

  186. BI-LO #5526, Friarsgate Plaza, 7949 Broad River Road, Irmo, South Carolina 29063-2358, is closing in June.

    There goes one of BI-LO's more successful Richland County stores.


    17 May 17 at 2:59 am

  187. Bi-Lo #5580, Sandy Ridge Square, 2916 Emanuel Church Road, West Columbia, South Carolina 29170-3010, is speculated to close in June also.

    Walmart Neighborhood Market #6291 has been performing well.


    17 May 17 at 12:26 pm

  188. @ted - Coopers Corner on River Drive just before it crosses over the Broad River is closed.


    17 May 17 at 1:41 pm

  189. Rainy Day Pal Used Books in the Lexington Old Mill Complex has posted signs outside saying they are going out of business. Not sure when their last day will be, but they were one of the hardest hit by the 1000 year flood that breached the Lexington dam. It was surprising that he even re-opened and even though it has been some time since the flood, I think closing can be attributed to that.

    James R

    19 May 17 at 11:45 am

  190. Please take Carolina Wiring Service off the closing site. We are not closing. Thanks, Carolina Wiring Service


    23 May 17 at 2:46 pm

  191. All-Star Pizza on US 1 in Lexington has apparently closed. Papa Gio's has opened its place.

    All-Star Pizza was mentioned in some discussions on this blog a while back (maybe 2014?) when Kovachi's in Lexington moved. Supposedly Kovachi's chef left to go start the All-Star Pizza business.

    I find also it interesting that Papa Gio's has opened in this location. Papa Gio's was mentioned in the recent closing post for Northern Style Pizza on Broad River Road in Irmo. Given the similar of Papa Gio's opening so soon after the others closed, I have to wonder if Papa Gio's bought the others out.

    James R

    24 May 17 at 11:19 pm

  192. The BI-LO at Friarsgate Plaza on Broad River Road is closing. My father stopped in today (5/28/17) and found the place mostly empty, with only one cashier and one bag boy. The manager told my father that the reason for the store's closing is the new Walmart up the road near Ballantine.

    Mike R.

    28 May 17 at 6:24 pm

  193. I doubt the Ballentine Walmart is the reason why...that Ballentine Walmart opened in August 2009...considering it's been 7½ years I'm sure there is more to it than that (i.e. expiring lease, decling sales, negative profit, changes in neighborhood demographics, etc.)


    29 May 17 at 7:46 pm

  194. I noticed this weekend that they have moved a house off of Fork Ave. in Irmo. They are clearing the property all the way back to the old Silver Fox Tennis Shop on Lake Murray Blvd. Not sure what may be going on.


    29 May 17 at 9:09 pm

  195. The old Hemingway's in the Kroger Shopping Center in Irmo has been gutted to the bare walls. I asked one of the Kroger employees if they had bought the space to expand the deli and bakery as the past rumors have stated. He told me no; he heard that Kroger could not reach an agreement with the center management and that they had been concentrating on the Killian Rd Marketplace before they make any other plans for Columbia.


    29 May 17 at 9:27 pm

  196. Without being thought of as argumentative, the reported closing of the Bi-Lo on Emanuel Church Road in West Cola might not be a thing.

    I had opportunity to shop there a few times this past weekend and not only was it busy, there were 0 signs of them calling it quits. If anybody has more info...

    Lone Wolf

    30 May 17 at 10:14 am

  197. Apparently, the Elmwood Avenue Lizard's Thicket will be closing temporarily for some major renovations. They are expected to be closed for a couple of months. Renovations begin June 5th.

    James R

    30 May 17 at 9:00 pm

  198. five guys irmo sc closed

    matt rauch

    31 May 17 at 6:28 pm

  199. bi-lo newberry sc turned in to harveys like the coubia sc stores

    matt rauch

    31 May 17 at 6:30 pm

  200. its time you do a atchove about great american cookies coubia place

    matt rauch

    31 May 17 at 6:31 pm

  201. bi-lo 365 stonewall st orangeburg

    matt rauch

    31 May 17 at 6:37 pm

  202. is closing down come to orangeburg tonight and see

    matt rauch

    31 May 17 at 6:37 pm

  203. The Regency Beauty Institute on Harbison is closed. Soon to become a Shoe Carnival.


    1 Jun 17 at 5:06 pm

  204. Regency Beauty Institute closed systemwide as I noted last October (with a WIS story) but the imparted spot in Columbia at Harbison Court never featured was not long after ITT Technical Institute folded up...

    Shoe Carnival used to be at Harbison Court (where Dollar Tree is now) but then they moved into and now they're returning to Harbison Court (though in a different spot)...


    1 Jun 17 at 9:03 pm

  205. Does anyone remember the name of the Columbian that once proposed building a restaurant/ meeting facility that would hang out over the Congaree River?

    Frank Mancuso

    4 Jun 17 at 6:27 pm

  206. Looks like Tilted Kilt at 380 Columbiana Drive has recently closed down.


    4 Jun 17 at 7:42 pm

  207. @ Frank Mancuso: the "Build the Bridge" was proposed by J. Temple Ligon. Still lives in town.

    Midnight Rambler

    4 Jun 17 at 9:39 pm

  208. Thank you, Midnight.

    Frank Mancuso

    5 Jun 17 at 5:38 am

  209. @ Lone Wolf:

    BI-LO #5580's sales have decreased since Walmart Neighborhood Market #5291 opened. (Walmart Neighborhood Market #5291 is constantly busy.) Besides aesthetic updates years ago, BI-LO #5580 has not undergone significant improvements such as adding a pharmacy department, lowering prices, and staying ahead.

    Prepare to see more BI-LO (and Harvey's Supermarket) stores in Richland and Lexington counties close with leases not being renewed.


    5 Jun 17 at 1:15 pm

  210. I saw this morning the Aldi in Lexington is closed for renovations. That store really isn't that old.


    6 Jun 17 at 9:25 am

  211. I have pored through all these closings from A to Z and can't find a post or mention of JuSuDi's and used to be next door on the right to LaBracska's (sp???) Pizza! It was owned by the Jackson family and was named after Jack Jackson's three daughters Julie, Susan and Dianne! It was designed to look like a cave and they had some of the best Italian Food I have ever eaten even having been to Rome, Italy twice! A runner up would have to be the old Lugi's over in West Columbia across from what was Colite Industries on #378 Augusta Rd.

    Patricia Lewis

    6 Jun 17 at 1:20 pm

  212. ted

    6 Jun 17 at 1:25 pm

  213. Hi Ted,
    I'm with WMBF News in Myrtle Beach, and we're working on a story about the history of the Pavilion. I love the video you have of the last rides there. I wondered if you would be willing to let us use that footage, with credit to you?

    You can reach me via email or by phone at 843.839.7930
    Thanks so much!
    Ashley Talley


    6 Jun 17 at 5:10 pm

  214. Go ahead Ted. But tell her (Ashley) she not only mentions your name but the website too! And the name of the website should be typed across the screen, not just mentioned.


    6 Jun 17 at 8:12 pm

  215. Sears just posted the latest stores that will be closing. The one at Columbia Place Mall is on the list. Not a big surprise.


    6 Jun 17 at 8:44 pm

  216. I can't say I'm surprised on the forthcoming closure of Sears at Columbia Place Mall based off of things I saw the last several times I've been in it.

    Beth mentioned the remodel of Aldi in Lexington...I do rememember that one opening in 2014 and there as an article in The State a few weeks back that is is part of a large $1.6B investment Aldi is doing to bring a more modern design, eco-friendly componets such as recycled materials, energy-saving refrigeration and (the one I'm the happiest about) LED lighting.

    BTW Patricia Lewis, anytime you are looking for something in the Alphabetical Closings list, hit Control+F (or Command+F on a Mac) and then type what it is you're looking for and that will help you find it easier...

    I would hate to see Bi-Lo #5580 close as it is next door to a Blockbuster that featured here and feel like it'd be difficult to find something new for it...


    6 Jun 17 at 11:13 pm

  217. I can confirm that the Tilted Kilt is closed. Five Guys near Columbiana I think might be just remodeling.


    7 Jun 17 at 9:34 am

  218. I looked at Tilted Kilt's website and the location on Gervais (the old Carolina Wings) is not listed. I've never had a good opinion of this chain since the biker brawl at a location in Texas a few years ago.

    Matt Aslin

    7 Jun 17 at 10:49 am

  219. @ Andrew:

    Is there speculation of a Publix supermarket and/or a Kroger Marketplace hypermarket for Red Bank?


    7 Jun 17 at 12:33 pm

  220. Most all of the Tilted Kilts here in Atlanta have closed. This Hooters ripoff always had crappy food and horrible service at the locations I visited. Staff never seemed interested in service, only flirting and tips. Mismanagement and everything a business shouldn't do.


    7 Jun 17 at 3:43 pm

  221. WIS just announced that the Sears at Columbia Mall is on the list of the latest closures from Sears Holdings.


    7 Jun 17 at 5:56 pm

  222. @Knight I have seen discussions that Kroger was considering a marketplace on SC 6 near Old Orangeburg

    As for Publix I heard they were looking at Lexington/Red Bank area when I was in college (2007-09 timeframe) but they have since opened up at Hendrix Crossing (847 Highway 378)...

    And as to Tilted Kilt I never made it (would've like to have gone but it never worked out)...but I can confirm that Five Guys's Columbiana Crossing location is a remodel (Village at Sandhill's location underwent something similar recently and I wouldn't be surprised if the others get something similar in the months ahead)...

    Columbia Place Mall is getting lonelier and lonelier I swear (though I can't say I'm surprised bout Sears going)...unless Sears can get some new corporate leadership I don't see it looking better I'm afraid (but even then it might be too far down)...


    7 Jun 17 at 9:32 pm

  223. Save-A-Lot St. Andrews closing down Thursday June 22nd


    10 Jun 17 at 2:09 pm

  224. I don't think Tilted Kilt ever had a vista location...Carolina Wings did close but it's now something called Twin Peaks...the only one I know of was on Columbiana Drive.

    I'm not surprised about Save-A-Lot at 817 St. Andrews Road. I did make it in once and wasn't impresed...I spoke with one of the managers who indicated that once Walmart Neighborhood Market opened up on Broad River Road that it did a number on their business...I have since figured Save-A-Lot to be the Motel 6/Econo Lodge of grocers...


    11 Jun 17 at 12:21 am

  225. Yes, pretty sure he's thinking of "Twin Peaks", which I understand is also something of a breasturant.

    I didn't even know there was a Save-A-Lot on St. Andrews..


    11 Jun 17 at 12:28 am

  226. @ Andrew:

    Publix #1383, Hendrix Crossing, is in a different trade area from Red Bank. Publix's #1383 trade area is working in its favor. BI-LO #5757 nearby is an instant failure. The new Lowe's Foods #268 opened up without its pharmacy department and higher prices.

    Red Bank should already have a Publix. I guess Kroger could beat Publix there with a Kroger Marketplace.


    11 Jun 17 at 3:25 pm

  227. @ Sidney:

    Kroger closing its St. Andrews Road store in 2012 was questionable. It would be logical to return closer to Harbinson Boulevard with a Kroger Marketplace hypermarket.


    11 Jun 17 at 3:58 pm

  228. My understanding on Publix was that they were looking to build either at either the area where the Hendrix Crossing store is or Red Bank and then they ultimately decided on Hendrix Crossing...the way Red Bank is has built up in the last 10 years or so I wouldn't be surprised if Red Bank winds up with a Publix and/or Kroger Marketplace eventually...

    Red Bank's Piggly Wiggly is still holding on but the way Piggly Wiggly (in general) has been headed I have to wonder how much longer they'll be able to.

    Bi-Lo #5757 (Lake Murray Shopping Center, US 378, Lexington) is just like the Bi-Lo at Forest Park (4711 Forest Drive) that has recently closed as they took it over from Piggly Wiggly but haven't done much in terms of aesthetics to make it look like a Bi-Lo.

    I don't know where Kroger could build a marketplace store in Irmo but the only spot that pops out would be around Broad River & Koon (that's the only space I see the land being available for it)...

    Kroger's 2012 closure of #409 (817 St. Andrews Road) was noted here that it stemmed from the fact that the store had been unprofitable to the tune of $1.2M and was headed further downward.


    11 Jun 17 at 6:43 pm

  229. Sidney

    12 Jun 17 at 5:20 pm

  230. Sorry, they are filing bankruptcy.


    12 Jun 17 at 5:20 pm

  231. The majority of the Kroger stores in and around ATL have branded gas stations where you get discounts on gas the more points you accumulate in the month. Everywhere gets the food discount, but the 20 - .30 off gas is the dealio. I heard they built a new Kroger in West Columbia, or Lexington somewhere with a gas station. True?
    Remember when it used to be Kroger Sav-on?


    13 Jun 17 at 1:50 pm

  232. As for Kroger gas stations, currently the only two Krogers that have them are the Kroger Marketplace at 1028 Roberts Branck Parkway (Farrow & Killian) and the Irmo (7467 Woodrow Street) stores. At this point the other two Krogers (3403 Forest Drive & 10136 Two Notch Road (Sparkelberry Square)) don't have a gas station and I don't see how the Forest Drive one could fit one but Sparkelberry Square could but the only space I could see it fitting is along Graces Way behind Sparkelberry Square.

    Currently there is no West Columbia or Lexington Kroger and no official plans to build one that I'm aware of but I have heard rumors that Kroger is exploring the Lexington/Red Bank area for a potential new Marketplace.

    Gymboree's bankruptcy has been rumored in recent months so I can't say I'm surprised about it...


    13 Jun 17 at 5:34 pm

  233. Publix uses a metric based off of roof scans on satellite imaging when looking for sites. There are not enough roofs that fill the requirements. I am not 100 percent how it is measured but I believe it's sizes of houses in surrounding areas. Yes Red bank is growing but it is not the clientele publix prioritizes. I can confirm there are no plans for a publix in red bank. However he's Kroger was seriously looking at red bank. However the new killian crossing superstore is not doing the projected sales. In fact the irmo store just had their expansion pushed back to a deli dept refresh within existing walls. I don't believe Kroger until the sign is on the built building. I worked their for 14 years and they "were seriously looking at locations" in Lexington


    14 Jun 17 at 9:27 pm

  234. Andrew the sparkleberry Kroger doesn't have a gas station because the landlord wouldn't allow it to be built. During their most recent remodel they looked for off site locations in the vicinity even considered buying the station at the light before the target shopping center I believe if used to be a hess


    14 Jun 17 at 9:34 pm

  235. There is supposedly a Kroger market going in where Capital City Stadium is off Assembly. It's been in the works for over 5 years. The latest news on it appears to be from around June of last year.


    15 Jun 17 at 8:39 am

  236. I absolutely hate the fact that Sears is dying. I am brand loyal MFs. Columbia Mall was our playground when we were kids in the early '80s and that Sears had a cool baseball card shop in the middle of the store. I have never seen that concept since.
    RIP retail!


    15 Jun 17 at 4:23 pm

  237. Awhile back I asked if Northwood Church on 378 had moved because I saw a commercial real estate sign out front indicating the site was for sale. At the time it seemed as if the sign might be advertising the vacant lot next to the church because the Church's website indicated they were still holding services. Today, I noticed a different commercial real estate sign in front of the church that indicated the church is relocating. I do not know when, but just wanted to give a heads up on it.

    James R.

    16 Jun 17 at 1:47 pm

  238. Nestle Toll House in Sandhills, where my son was the manager for a little over a year, a few years ago, has closed up shop.


    19 Jun 17 at 10:00 am

  239. The Ascena Group which owns Dress Barn, Lane Bryant, Catherine's, Ann Taylor and several other boutique chains has announced it will be closing 250-650 stores over the next two years.


    19 Jun 17 at 10:46 am

  240. @Sidney -- I figured the walk-ins from the theater were keeping that open. Wonder if that traffic is down.


    20 Jun 17 at 12:23 am

  241. The traffic could have been the problem. I also think the staff could have contributed to the downfall. And also the price could have been a factor. IMHO, I just don't think it was run correctly from the district level on some occasions and the corporate level on others. When my son was there, he would run out of certain cookies all the time just because they didn't have any in the warehouse to send him. And what is so funny, when I watched Undercover Boss, one of the stores was out of Chocolate Chip Cookies for the same reason.

    They would also hire just anybody who wanted a job. So when it came time to decorate a cookie cake, some of them came out just plain AWFUL. There was one floating around on FB a few months after my son left and if that would have been mine, I would not have paid for it. It was really bad.


    20 Jun 17 at 9:38 am

  242. I love this site so much, and appreciate it even more now that I've been trying to find stuff about Hilton Head. If anyone out there knows of anything similar, but focuses on Hilton Head, let me know.


    23 Jun 17 at 1:25 pm

  243. I talked to someone who works in the same strip mall that the Harbison 5 Guys is in. She told me that the restaurant is being remodel, but because of some problems getting permits, the project is taking longer than expected.


    24 Jun 17 at 1:25 pm

  244. @Tom -- I can believe they are running behind -- I saw people working in there at 11pm on a Saturday night recently.


    24 Jun 17 at 4:55 pm

  245. Looks like Bojangles on Columbia Drive in Lexington has closed. I heard rumors they were closing but drove by there today and it appears its a done deal. I know they were open as late as last week.

    I pulled up Google Maps to try and get an address and they show the building but no Bojangles, I think the address was 461 Columbia Ave.

    Interesting that it was removed from Google Maps so quickly. I am guessing management reported it closed and Google somehow confirmed it.


    27 Jun 17 at 8:44 am

  246. From what I see, two new Pelican's Snowballs are being built- the Decker and Main St locations.


    27 Jun 17 at 8:09 pm

  247. My guess is the Bojangles in Lexington will become another auto title loan business. The blue paint and quick turn around are very similar to what happened with the old Bojangles location by Lexington Medical Center when that Bojangles location built a new store and moved a couple of doors down.

    James R.

    28 Jun 17 at 11:33 am

  248. Ignore my last post about Nestle closing up. They switched over to a combined Nestle Toll House/Planet Smoothie store.


    29 Jun 17 at 9:48 am

  249. The State paper is asking for people's 'memories of Main Street'. We certainly have shared many here. They request that you e-mail them to Salley McInerney (

    John R

    29 Jun 17 at 2:25 pm

  250. The 5 Guys on Columbiana Drive is re-opening on Saturday July 1st at 11:00am according to a sign I saw today.


    1 Jul 17 at 12:44 am

  251. ^^ I can confirm that Five Guys at Columbiana Crossing is back in business (and does have the Freestyle so you can get your favorite Freestyle beverage with your burger and large fries)...


    2 Jul 17 at 12:56 pm

  252. ^^^ Double ditto and triple confirmed. Five Guys on Columbiana is back. I just had lunch there. They have two Freestyle Coke machines and added milkshakes to the menu. The sign on the door says something to the effect the remodel went from 30 days to close to 90 days due to landlord requirements they hit during the project.


    4 Jul 17 at 3:08 pm

  253. Hot 4 Wings in Lexington, announced on their Facebook page that they would be closing near the end of the month due to "unexpected personal medical issues". Shame to see this place go, they had a great selection of wing flavors and the only local restaurant, that I know of, that served Filipino food. I believe this is the same location as Wingnuts, which ted covered when they closed.


    8 Jul 17 at 11:11 pm

  254. I think I saw a 'For Lease' sign on the Long's Drugs beside the Food Lion near Lower Richland HS on Garner's Ferry.

    Also, I saw a 'For Sale' sign on Jed's, a popular local joint on Pineview between Garners Ferry and Shop Rd.


    10 Jul 17 at 9:29 am

  255. The State reported that Bob Brandi has sold the Pitt Stop Convenience Store Chain (34 stores) and 8 stand alone Burger Kings to a New York based convenience store company called Applegreen. Applegreen is the largest convenience store chain in Ireland according to The State. Details can be found at

    James R

    16 Jul 17 at 3:58 am

  256. The Motley Fool is reporting that Wells Fargo plans to close hundreds of branches by the end of the year to make the bank more "efficient."


    19 Jul 17 at 6:39 am

  257. With all of these companies going bankrupt and closing stores, I can't for the life of me see Killian Crossing being any more full than Village at Sandhills. Online retail has killed the box stores. I see the new buildings they have built in Killian Crossing and I'm thinking, who is going to occupy those buildings? Mattress Firm?

    Once again, instead of retail stores, I suggest a restaurant/bar/nightlife village with STRICT security. Restaurant / bar / nightlife is an experience that you can't get online. I wish I had the money and the contacts (of restaurant owners) to bring this together.


    19 Jul 17 at 9:05 am

  258. @Sidney - I was talking to an employee at Kroger in Irmo and asked him if the store was planning to move into the old Hemmingway's space next door as it has been rumored for months. He told me that Kroger had spent so much money on the Kroger Marketplace on Killian that they didn't have money to upgrade or expand the Irmo store. He also told me that Killian store was 'not meeting corporate expectations' and that the Irmo store was making a lot more that Killian.


    19 Jul 17 at 1:24 pm

  259. @Tom - they can close all of them for all I care. Next to BOA, the worst bank around....


    19 Jul 17 at 1:26 pm

  260. What I think is wrong with Corporate America now is that they are run by older men and women who can't or don't want to face the fact that online retail has taken over.


    19 Jul 17 at 7:46 pm

  261. @ Sidney, a far bigger and older problem is that Corporate America is looking for the fast buck, while Corporate Japan and Corporate China look at long term goals.


    19 Jul 17 at 8:00 pm

  262. @Sidney - that all depends on the line of business. Retail, sure. But there are other businesses that are trying too hard to get rid of the knowledgeable older employees while manning the place with kids that have a lot of 'book learning' and they have no clue what it actually takes to get the job done.


    19 Jul 17 at 11:51 pm

  263. Quarter-capitalism makes long-term goal planning all but impossible. Shareholders want results now, and three months from now, and three months after that, and if they don't get them, they can collectively find corporate leadership who will. Shifting to online sales is a massive undertaking for a company that's established in brick-and-mortar, and simply put, most companies are unwilling and/or incapable of investing the time, money, and corporate culture change that's required. If you're an exec who knows the shareholders will call for your head if you dump that kind of capital into a project that won't show results for over a year, you're going to be very hesitant to take that plunge.


    20 Jul 17 at 12:22 pm

  264. My biggest issue with corporate America is their willingness to compromise ethics for the almighty frontline employees aren't appreciated the way they need to be...

    Online retail has undoubetedly revolutionized the way many shop but there are still certain folks (not all of them are baby boom/WWII generation) that prefer to go to the actual store. Plus there are certain things that it seems more preferable.

    Not only that, some people actually prefer to run to the bank vs. banking on their phone...I may be a millennial but I refuse to bank on my phone (I prefer running checks to the bank and plus it's an excuse (on some days) to get out of the house)...

    Many here older than me remember stores like Brendle's, Woolworth, Jackson Camera, Colonial Stores and Big Star grocery fading off...I can say I've seen stores like JB White, hhgregg, Circuit City, Hancock Fabrics, Piece Goods Shop, Phar Mor (like most of you have) fade off...businesses have to adapt to changing marketplace conditions and some do better than others and it does result in some fading off into the sunset so that's likely happening with some of these bankruptcies but in due time other stores are liable come along (some of which aren't household names yet)...


    20 Jul 17 at 11:15 pm

  265. The Sunshine House day care on St Andrews Rd is closed. It sits off the road, sort of behind the Thai restaurant across from Aldi, so its not easy to see from the road. But i had business at the Vet next door yesterday morning and had to go back there and it was pretty obviously closed. It looked like the place had been closed for awhile, all the bushes in front were all pretty overgrown.

    It was a little surprising and sad, because just after we were married the fabulous Mrs IrmoJeff worked there for awhile.


    21 Jul 17 at 7:18 am

  266. There is an article in Free Times about Varsity Billiards reopening. It was reopened by the owner of Al-Amir. The thing is that they are not serving any alcohol so I wonder how many people are going to play pool when they can't buy a beer.

    Matt Aslin

    21 Jul 17 at 9:42 am

  267. The Sonic on North Main Street closed on Friday.


    23 Jul 17 at 7:10 pm

  268. And they say North Main is making a comeback...


    25 Jul 17 at 9:51 am

  269. North Main Street is likely making a comeback indeed.

    Sonic has been closing locations for several years.


    25 Jul 17 at 11:44 am

  270. I have heard supermarket Publix has purchased property at the southeast quadrant of Platt Springs Road and South Lake Drive in Lexington County for a new store.


    25 Jul 17 at 11:46 am

  271. If you didn't know, The Skyline closed about 6 weeks ago (open since the 60's I believe) The owner, Janice Gardner passed away yesterday.

    The Skyline Club 100 Lee St West Columbia, South Carolina


    27 Jul 17 at 9:30 am

  272. I went to Columbiana today and noticed that the Burger King is still temporarily closed. It has to be at least a month or close to it since my last excursion to the mall and it was closed then. Not sure if they're planning on remodeling or what but thought I'd report the temporary closing regardless.

    p.s. Took a few pics after politely declining samples from the nearby eatery.


    27 Jul 17 at 5:26 pm

  273. All of the Burger Kings, Pitt Stops etc.. in Columbia were sold last month when Bob Brandi sold out to Getty Realty Corp. of Jericho/

    Getty Realty Corp. is a publicly traded real estate investment trust that owns 736 properties and leases 87 properties in 24 states, the release said.

    The purchase is a partnership with Applegreen, the largest convenience store and gasoline station operator in Ireland. Applegreen U.S. is headquartered in Long Island, N.Y., where the company also operates stores.

    Applegreen, which operates 232 convenience stores and gasoline stations in Ireland, will lease the Columbia area stores from Getty.


    27 Jul 17 at 9:26 pm

  274. I didn't think the BK at Columbiana was owned by Brandi. I looked on their webpage and that location is not listed, I don't know if this is because it has closed was not part of the Bob Brandi company.


    28 Jul 17 at 1:08 pm

  275. There are also a few BKs on Ft Jackson


    28 Jul 17 at 9:00 pm

  276. The West Columbia McDonald's on Sunset/Chris Drive is temporarily closed as of 8/4 for some pretty aggressive renovations.


    4 Aug 17 at 8:44 am

  277. Ted, where did ya go? Spammers are invading.


    4 Aug 17 at 12:10 pm

  278. p1440824_tn2_tn.jpg


    4 Aug 17 at 1:55 pm

  279. In the public shopping center on 378 in Lexington, just drove by and see that Hot4Wings has closed and has a for sale sign in the window. I think this had been a wing place before, and once was Osaka, and a few other things. ...
    Anyway, it is closed


    5 Aug 17 at 6:13 pm

  280. Public shopping center??


    5 Aug 17 at 6:17 pm

  281. Sorry. Auto correct. Publix.


    5 Aug 17 at 9:37 pm

  282. Just announced that as many as 160 IHOPs and Applebees will close nationally.


    10 Aug 17 at 5:34 pm

  283. Zacks reported today:

    Macy's, Kohl's and Dillard's all said Thursday that a key sales figure fell again in the latest quarter as customers increasingly shop online, at discount stores and elsewhere. Nordstrom, the outlier, saw those sales rise 1.7 percent overall and even more at its discount Nordstrom Rack unit.

    At Macy's the decrease wasn't as bad as Wall Street expected, and Kohl's managed to keep the decline to just 0.4 percent. But Macy's Inc. shares fell 10 percent, Kohl's Corp. fell nearly 6 percent and Dillard's Inc. dropped almost 16 percent after reporting a loss of $17.1 million.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    10 Aug 17 at 8:00 pm

  284. I like Applebee's pretty well for late night burgers, just wish I could get a baked potato. The Two Notch IHOP closes early, and every time I've been to the Assembly one over the last year I've had some kind of issue, so I'm giving IHOP some time off..


    11 Aug 17 at 12:24 am

  285. Has anyone tried Freddy's Steakburgers on Killian Road?

    Joe Shlabotnik

    11 Aug 17 at 3:28 pm

  286. Last time I went to Applebees on onleil ct it was the worst food and drink I have ever had. I swear they had washed my beer glass in the toilet and the food was awful. No wonder they went under.


    11 Aug 17 at 6:20 pm

  287. Freddy's is really good, it's been a regular stop for a couple of months now. It's less greasy than Five Guys, and more substantial than Smashburger.

    The Freddy's on Sunset across from Lexington Medical opened up on...Wednesday? One day this week.


    11 Aug 17 at 9:56 pm

  288. How are the fries?


    12 Aug 17 at 12:13 am

  289. I like 'em. They're the tiny-cut fries like Smashburger, but I've never gotten less than a metric ton of them for a serving. And you can get chili and cheese and onions piled on top if you're into that but they're just dandy with nothing on them but salt.


    12 Aug 17 at 3:39 pm

  290. I wasn't too impressed with Freddy's...I plan on trying the one near LMC but the Killian one the patties were the thinnest I've had (like thinner than pancakes I've had)...I can't remember but I feel like the fries were on the skinny side as well...


    12 Aug 17 at 7:15 pm

  291. I agree with John. I was glad to see the Applebee's on O'neil Ct. close. The last time I ate there the food was terrible. And to top it off they had rap music playing over the sound system. Give me a break!!

    On the flip side the one at Columbiana Centre id still very good. Picked up a couple of steaks the other night and they were cooked perfectly. But, like Ted, I wish they had backed potatoes.


    14 Aug 17 at 12:30 am

  292. The State is reporting that House of Fabrics at 1312 Main Street is moving.


    14 Aug 17 at 6:59 am

  293. Last time I went to Applebee's O'neil Ct, me and my 17 year old son went for lunch. The bartender said he couldn't sit at the bar. She proceeded to tell me it is a State law. I told her that was not true. She said well, it's an Applebee's policy. I told her that was also not true because we do it all the time at the Spring Valley location. She then said, well, it's our policy here. At that point, me and my son just walked out and went to the one near Spring Valley and sat at the bar.


    14 Aug 17 at 9:19 am

  294. I looked at the property transfers on The State this morning. There are a couple that I thought were interesting.

    7467 St. Andrews Road 29063 - $16 million
    This is the Kroger shopping center in Irmo

    5571 Sunset Boulevard 29072 - $3.6 million
    This appears to be the IHOP in Lexington

    The only large property in Richland county was one of the main st office buildings.


    14 Aug 17 at 11:28 am

  295. My hypothesis on the Kroger sale is that the commercial real estate firm that owned Irmo Village is divesting themselves of that property...

    The loopnet page on the Lexington IHOP reveals that it still has 10 years left on its lease so something along those lines must be going on there as well (but with the recent announcement of plans to close a bunch of IHOPs and Applebees it remains to be seen how it all pans out...


    14 Aug 17 at 8:45 pm

  296. Noticed on my way to Costco the other day that the Microtel on Piney Grove has been rebranded a Super 8. Both Microtel and Super 8 are under the Wyndham hotel umbrella of brands.

    I also noticed the Value Place Extended Stay Hotel at US 1 and I20 is now a WoodSpring Suites. It appears WoodSpring bought Value Place. If you look at Google Maps Street view you can see the old signage and logo, which was very unappealing and typical of extended stay hotel chains. If you then go to the WoodSpring Suites website and look at the Lexington location, you can see pictures of the new exterior. Much brighter and more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

    James R

    17 Aug 17 at 10:16 pm

  297. Sunset Tax Service (in front of Shooter's Choice on 378 in West Columbia) has closed and there is a for rent sign in front.


    18 Aug 17 at 10:09 pm

  298. A friend of mine told me that he heard that the Carmike Cenemas on Afton Ct. had been bought out by AMC. Anyone heard anything about this??


    22 Aug 17 at 4:46 pm

  299. Cinemas even. If I could type I'd be dangerous...


    22 Aug 17 at 4:46 pm

  300. I've seen some movies that could have shown in a Cenema..

    But yes, I noticed that two weekends ago when I went to see Valerian that the sign out on Columbiana still said Carmike but that everything else, and the policy trailer, were now AMC. Don't know if they have changed the roadside sign yet.


    22 Aug 17 at 11:46 pm

  301. Rick checking in. Been a while. I still check out the comments from time to time but find most comments to be...
    @Homer - who don't know you can't type?
    I went to a sinama a few weeks ago. It was okay. Regal sinermas at Richland Mall, probably one of my favorites. Spent close to $60.00 bucks after tickets, large pop corns, drinks and candy. Saw Dunkirk first weekend it came out. Dunkirk, directed by Christopher Nolan. Nolan has directed some very good movies and he did not let us down on this one. The movie is complex. We really never get to know the characters as in a traditional film and viewers are thrown right into the middle of the battle / evacuation. This is a war film but not a blood and guts movie. I recommend all see it with an open mind. A open bottle before going doesn't hurt.
    Just be sure to take a C-Note if four or more go. Two of us went for close to 60 bucks. They didn't even check to see if we had tickets as we passed the point of no return in the semana.


    24 Aug 17 at 7:03 pm

  302. Helping Hands plant nursery on Broad River near Ballentine is for sale. It's next to the large San Jose restaurant.

    Mike R.

    24 Aug 17 at 9:09 pm

  303. AMC purchased Carmike a while back and are in the process of rebranding them as AMC Amazing, AMC Classic, or AMC Dine-In theaters. The one on Afton is an AMC Classic, which appears to be the bottom tier of the rebranding options.

    A little confused though because that Carmike and the Columbiana Grande up the road used to always have different movies with no overlap. Now they basically show the same stuff.


    25 Aug 17 at 9:40 am

  304. @Rick - wondered if you were still lurking around.

    I went to see Wonder Woman a couple of Sundays ago at the Carmike. The matinee ticket, medium popcorn and large drink was $20.00. Just reminded me why I don't go to the movies that often.....


    25 Aug 17 at 8:16 pm

  305. Sort of like the 67 premium channels I have. They overlap like crazy and show the same junk over and over. As soon as my year is up I'm dumping them all (if I can).


    25 Aug 17 at 8:18 pm

  306. The Columbia Star is reporting that Bates House and Bates West and two other USC dorms will be torn down and replaced.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    26 Aug 17 at 12:52 am

  307. I appears that the Blue Coyote bar near the US 76/US176 fork in Ballentine has closed. Drove by on the way home Friday evening, and the place was dark. This was before midnight, and it's usually open later than that when I pass by.

    Mike R.

    26 Aug 17 at 1:13 am

  308. On the subject of the old Carmike theater... since it's rebranding I've noticed two things. First, they don't show as many Bollywood films. Second, they have reduced their price for the early shows. It used to be $6.50 now it's $5.24 like the Dutch Square AMC.

    On another note, the Cola. Grande on Bower Pkwy now has full size recliner seats. And I think they got a new AC system. It was almost too cold last time I went.

    John R

    26 Aug 17 at 2:08 pm

  309. The Cinemark at Coastal Grand mall has full electric recliners with footrests and assigned seating. It's quite nice.

    RIchland Mall Regal has seemed a bit dowdy to me lately though the picture quality is ok. I do like the Regal policy trailer with the monorail. I remember the old Regal at Inlet Square (before it was Frank's). It seems like they seldom had actual ticket takers inside. I wonder how many teens over the years skipped over to the 'R' shows, or just didn't buy a ticket at all?


    26 Aug 17 at 2:33 pm

  310. I'm going to have to check out the Columbiana Grande. I haven't been there since they installed reclining seats. But knowing me, I'd fall asleep during the movie.


    26 Aug 17 at 2:38 pm

  311. @Rick - no one checked my ticket at Carmike either. I could have wandered to any theater I wanted to.


    26 Aug 17 at 2:40 pm

  312. At Carmike there was one girl at the ticket window, one at the concession stand and no ushers to be seen anywhere.....

    BTW - has anyone been to the discount theaters on St. Andrews Rd. since they went user new ownership/management?


    26 Aug 17 at 2:42 pm

  313. @Homer - Let me make what I was saying perfectly clear for all. We purchased tickets and then went to the concession stand. Afterwards when we moved to the cinema area where there would normally be someone checking to see that we had tickets, take the tickets and drop the tickets into a slot into the little stand they have there, thus allowing us into the main hallway where all the theaters are, there was no one.

    We could have walked in, as crowded as it was, skipped purchasing a ticket, bought our snacks and walked right into any theater we would have wanted to.


    27 Aug 17 at 11:32 am

  314. @Rick That's not unusual at all anymore. The Regal at Sandhills is where I usually go and once you go past the ticket taker just inside the door, you're free to go wherever. I've never had anymore stop me and ask for tickets in the past six or seven years. The profit for theaters is in the concessions, not the tickets, so as long as you're in the door I doubt they're concerned with which movie you're seeing as long as you're not under 17.


    28 Aug 17 at 9:09 am

  315. Not sure if anyone reported this or not. The self serve car wash on Hardscrabble Rd kinda across from the Waffle House was torn down. Rode by there yesterday and saw it was completely gone.


    30 Aug 17 at 10:31 am

  316. Apocalypse Comics on Columbiana Dr., down from Five Guys posted on Facebook today that is was closing after Labor Day. Their message seemed to implied that they lost their lease.


    30 Aug 17 at 8:41 pm

  317. Noticed on my way home from campus that Republic Finance at 1605 Fairlane Drive (Sunset Blvd and Fairlane next to Saffron and Frank's Tire) appears to have closed. Their sign had been removed from the building and there is some sort of notice posted on the door.

    James R

    30 Aug 17 at 10:33 pm

  318. Republic Finance has moved its office to: 1116 Nashville Hwy, Suite 107, Columbia, TN 38401


    31 Aug 17 at 5:53 pm

  319. This may have already been pointed out here but I heard that the Inn at Clausen's is closed.


    5 Sep 17 at 7:26 am

  320. I got 2 closings that I saw Saturday.

    Farm Bureau office on Two Notch Rd (near the entrance to Spring Valley subdivision)

    Maleo's in Columbia Place Mall Food Court.

    Columbia Place Mall Food Court is down to 3 restaurants now. Sarku, a Chinese place and a place that sells philly cheese steaks.


    5 Sep 17 at 12:28 pm

  321. @Justin - according to there was a fire at Claussen's. Haven't heard the extent of the damage.


    5 Sep 17 at 6:07 pm

  322. On top of this, we have a shuttered Meineke across from the Big Lots end of Seven Oaks Shopping Center on St. Andrews and now today I noticed that the Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse at Harbison Court is closed...


    5 Sep 17 at 7:40 pm

  323. @Homer, do you have a link for that? The only reference I see on coladaily is from 2015..


    6 Sep 17 at 12:20 am

  324. @ted - my bad. I didn't even look at the date on the byline. God, getting old sux!!!!


    6 Sep 17 at 4:57 pm

  325. Sign by the door at Krakenpub on Rosewood says 'Reopening Soon'. Any info?

    Midnight Rambler

    6 Sep 17 at 5:18 pm

  326. @Homer, that is the sad and sorry truth!

    Of course I didn't even know there was an Inn there, so you're one up on me.


    6 Sep 17 at 11:33 pm

  327. @ted - It was a nice place. I spent several nights there when I went to b-day parties and such in 5-Points.


    7 Sep 17 at 5:56 pm

  328. @Ted, Homer - Also being reported on Colatoday is that Finleaf Gallery on Devine St is closing after 17 years.


    8 Sep 17 at 7:50 am

  329. My wife was in palmetto subs about 2 weeks ago. On 378 next to antai, that used to be the Cajun place, and a yogurt shop. Apparently the owner of the sub shop used to own the Cajun place. He told my wife that they were actually going to be closing the restaurant. I just drove by and the lights were out it's a Friday at 5 p.m. I guess it's closed that location doesn't seem to be very good for a restaurant as it's been several already


    8 Sep 17 at 5:17 pm

  330. That whole plaza that @Brian mentioned is a nightmare to get out of. I'll subject myself to that for Momma Rabbit's but not for a standard-issue sub shop.


    9 Sep 17 at 10:55 am

  331. Reading about all the closings. For some reason I started thinking about the games we played as kids before video, cell phones, computers, etc. We played Army in my neighborhood. All the kids would get together and run around shooting each other with our toy guns. Boy.. that's not politically correct theses days. Simon Says, Hide and go seek, Even though It was on the sissy side we played jump rope and hop scotch. We made skate boards out of steel wheel roller skates attaching them to a board, we built go carts that had no motor but just rolled down a hill. When the Big Wheel came out, the kid that had one of those was cool. Rode our bikes around all day long and camped out with our buddies on the weekends during summer. We'd stay awake all night wondering around the neighborhood. We knew where all the fruit trees were, plum, apple and cranberry trees, blackberry bushes. We would hit them up for an energizing snack. We would go by the girls houses that we thought were pretty hoping they might be out as we were. Never happened, we would walk for miles to get to one of their houses. Never saw one out but the excitement on the way there was great . Now days kids get excited about a cell phone, they have no idea what fun is.


    9 Sep 17 at 6:57 pm

  332. @ted - I just sent you some pictures of the Meineke that Andrew mentioned several days ago. I also sent some pictures of another closing in Irmo.


    9 Sep 17 at 11:02 pm

  333. I drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry.

    If it keeps on rainin' the levee's goin' to break
    When the levee breaks I'll have no place to stay.
    Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan...


    10 Sep 17 at 3:14 pm

  334. I was an ugly baby, the doctor told my mother when I was born, "I did every thing I could, He pulled through anyway."

    And my wife, is she fat, whenever she wears high heels she strikes oil. I took her fishing and everyone asked me what I used for bait. I gave her a hickey and got fur in my mouth. Boy is she ugly. We decided to only smoke after sex, she's up to three packs a day, me? I've had the same pack since 2001. And boy does she love to scream during sex, especially when I walk in on her. And my kid's their no price either, My daughter has gained a nickname of Fed Ex, when ever she goes to a boys house, she absolutely has to be there over night. She's been picked up so many times she starting to grow handles. I tried to tell my son about the birds and the bees, he told me about my wife and the butcher.


    10 Sep 17 at 3:24 pm

  335. Thanks, Rick!!


    10 Sep 17 at 4:16 pm

  336. Today The State reported that Devine Foods in Shandon is closing indicating that it will be in November as the owner is 78½ as he's grown too old to work (a typical case of an owner ready/needing to retire with no one to pass the torch on down to)...


    13 Sep 17 at 11:32 am

  337. A news crew in Florida asked a lady how many churches in her town had the doors open when hurricane Irma hit, she said she didn't know, she eats at Popeye's.


    13 Sep 17 at 2:39 pm

  338. @Rick - do you need an agent? I can pimp you out to comedy clubs.....


    13 Sep 17 at 4:56 pm

  339. @Homer - Thanks, I'll be here all week. Try the fried mushrooms.


    13 Sep 17 at 5:33 pm

  340. I used to eat at Devine Foods on Friday, or Saturday nights. That is the only days of the week when Angelo would cook his "Shrimp Athena". The Greek potatoes were awesome, but you had to get them shortly after the kitchen opened of dinner as they would sell out very fast. One batch for the night, that's all.


    14 Sep 17 at 12:28 pm

  341. I've seen a sign near the new Hobby Lobby in Lexington indicating that Tuesday Morning is coming soon. Lexington already has a Tuesday Morning in the Food Lion Shopping Center at US 378 and North Lake Drive. Does anyone know if this store is moving? Surely, Lexington is not big enough for two Tuesday Mornings.

    James R

    15 Sep 17 at 9:46 pm

  342. The Little Gym in Lexington has closed. I am not sure how long ago. I noticed it when I picked up a rental car from Hertz recently. The address was 5347 Sunset Blvd. Ted did a post on another location of the Little Gym moving in 2014.

    James R

    15 Sep 17 at 10:22 pm

  343. I understand JP 4Corners on Forum Drive has closed. The last time I went by there the dining room was empty.


    17 Sep 17 at 1:04 pm

  344. My son worked at Arizona's before they changed the name to JP 4 Corners. Food wasn't that great for the price. I went there mostly to drink (my daily alcoholic days). I really think an Outback Steakhouse would do GREAT at this location.


    17 Sep 17 at 10:49 pm

  345. Just read where Toys R Us may be filing for bankruptcy in both the United States and the UK in the next couple of weeks. Not surprised. I have always thought Toys R Us' prices were too high. At the same time, this is the last of the large chain toy stores. I remember when Children's Palace and KB Toys went out of business.

    James R

    18 Sep 17 at 3:25 pm

  346. Toys R Us had a location on Two Notch Road in front of Columbia Place Mall that closed and featured here (now home to Virginia College) but the one at Harbison & Columbiana is still going strong and while I remember the Harbison one from my childhood I can count on one hand the number of times I set foot in it (even dating back to those days)...

    I also meant to mention that I looked at the shopping complex James R referenced on Tuesday Morning but didn't find any signage indicating a new store but if it was I'd be willing to bet that it was a move as they just did in moving to Harbison Court while leaving St. Andrews Center (former Clusters of Whitehall)...the Lexington one was originally a CVS before they built the nearby standalone store in front of The Home Depot....


    18 Sep 17 at 5:09 pm

  347. The church may be taking down the old Hawthorne Pharmacy building at Bull and Taylor. There is a large piece of equipment behind the building.


    21 Sep 17 at 1:21 am

  348. @ Andrew - The signage for Tuesday Morning at the new Fresh Market / Hobby Lobby shopping center in Lexington was a small temporary sign about the size of a residential real estate sign. I did not see it yesterday, though. Not sure what that means. Interesting that CVS used to be in the shopping center near Food Lion.

    James R

    23 Sep 17 at 9:56 am

  349. Crescent Moon Bar and Grill in Lexington has apparently closed after four years in business. They are located out Augusta Highway next to the CVS and near the Lexington High School. When I googled them to see if their website was still up I found The State apparently reported this closing on August 18 -

    James R

    23 Sep 17 at 10:01 am

  350. My wife read today that the Past Times Pavilion 8 Theater in Lexington has been sold for $3.1 million. It appears the sell is between property management companies and not the actual companies that operate movie theaters. Not sure what this means. Maybe the place will get a facelift. The whole plaza could use a makeover.

    James R

    23 Sep 17 at 10:41 pm

  351. I noticed last week that Post Call bar/restaurant in the Lake Carolina town center and the small small store convenience next door to it have both closed.


    25 Sep 17 at 10:33 am

  352. @Frank, the Hawthorne Pharmacy was being demolished this morning on my way to work.


    25 Sep 17 at 10:41 am

  353. Last night I noticed that the BP at the corner of Percival and Forest Drive is closed and I think that the pumps have been removed.


    25 Sep 17 at 11:41 am

  354. They should demolish that whole corner and remove everything. In fact, go ahead and demolish both sides of Percival all the way from Forest to Decker. Eye sore central!


    26 Sep 17 at 1:17 pm

  355. Hawthorne Pharmacy on the corner of Taylor and Bull is GONE.


    27 Sep 17 at 4:52 pm

  356. @palmettoconnection, you sort of got your wish, the old Jiffy Lube and car wash at the BP has been torn down. It looks like the BP station might be the next to go as everything is ringed by a construction fence.


    28 Sep 17 at 10:51 am

  357. That BP and Shell station at the corner of Percival and Forest Dr is a HOMELESS HAVEN.


    28 Sep 17 at 10:53 am

  358. THe Shoe Carnival in Harbison has completed its move that was mentioned about a week ago on the closing for Rugged Warehouse. As Andrew correctly stated, they actually moved into the space recently vacated by the beauty school. Shoe Carnival's old space between Target and Publix is now vacant.

    James R

    29 Sep 17 at 9:58 pm

  359. Are you and @Andrew retired? How do y'all have so much time to find these insignificant closings such as Shoe Carnival in Harbison, and/or where they moved to? Has anyone posting here ever bought anything at a Shoe Carnival before?
    I know it says Columbia Closings, but come on.
    Ted, it's time for this site to evolve a little bit. The best feeds on here have been when people can contribute memories, experiences of a place they basically have a connection with.
    We all know Sunset blvd churns over businesses like it's nobody's business. There are certain retail "death spots" around town, but those are usually specific individual locations. Sunset Blvd is one long Death Spot. Does anyone really shop those places.
    I truly believe before and after pictures, post cards of locations around Columbia, the Grand Strand, Florida where you go, etc. Maybe ask readers to submit their pics on a more continuous basis.


    3 Oct 17 at 12:39 pm

  360. Heh. No I'm not retired, and never will be at this rate. I'd love to make only posts which get hundreds of comments, but I'd love for the Prize Patrol to pull into my driveway too. This is a hobby blog, and it's what I see driving around town (mostly on weekends since 2012) or tips that I'm following up on. I don't think I've neglected Sunset too badly, here are the posts tagged Sunset, but I certainly spend more time on say, Two Notch


    3 Oct 17 at 11:54 pm

  361. @ted - COLAToday reports that Pizza Man on Woodrow and Rosewood is closing on October 15.


    4 Oct 17 at 7:22 am

  362. Ted, do you have a facebook page for Columbia Closings? Maybe you can start one and then us readers can post our pictures/memories there. I know it takes a lot of time to do stuff like this, I used to maintain 4 websites at one time back in the late 90's / early 2000's. But having a fb page wouldn't take too much time. It would be self-maintaining in a way. Viewers post their pictures and post some memories. You would just have to weed out the spam and bs. It would also allow us to edit out grammatical errors, lol.
    If you did start one, a fb page, I wouldn't mind being a moderator of the fb page. No ads, no spam, I will delete them all.


    4 Oct 17 at 9:09 am

  363. Maybe @palmettoconnection should start his own site? I think this one is great.

    Maybe, and I know this is crazy, two different people can have different places that they feel a connection to and shop at.

    I very much appreciate all of the updates AND when commenters (like @Andrew) provide additional info on what's coming and going.


    4 Oct 17 at 10:18 am

  364. I don't believe any closing posted here is insignificant. For example, regarding the Shoe Carnival one, maybe someone remembers getting his first pair of sneakers there as a kid that he bought with his own money after cutting his neighbor's grass for several months. Sometimes the comments aren't necessarily about the location but based on a memory that gets sparked because the location reminds him of something else, a similar place even.

    This is a great site. I think it's tacky to criticize a website that is someone's hobby.


    4 Oct 17 at 11:16 am

  365. I think the site is great as well. However, I am just throwing out ideas as I stop by here often and have been for years.

    @kkaos - I'll take the odds that that isn't the case with shoe carnival, or for any of the readers that stop by here. If someone did go to that effort to save up for shoes it wouldn't be for ones found at shoe carnival.

    The kids today only shop online, so experiences will most likely be about how fast, or slow their order was delivered.

    Ted is a phtog, so he would appreciate the before and after pictures of places around town taken from the same angle that have been posted here and have garnered conversation and memories, not just a "closed" posting.
    For Ex...Like what did Dutch Square and Columbia Mall area look like before construction started on those, Buildings Downtown, USC campus, Shandon, Northeast Coulumbia, Irmo, Lake Murray, Southeast Columbia down Sumter Hwy. What did it look like before Williams Bryce stadium was built, the Vista buildings, 5pts, Forest Acres, the Country Clubs, Main Street, etc...just for some added content.
    Same with Pawleys Island, Garden City and Surfside beaches.
    But, you are right @kkaos, the shoe carnival closing is important to the citizens of Columbia new and old.


    4 Oct 17 at 12:55 pm

  366. I'll be the first to admit that some closings featured here are more meaningful than others...some I've never heard of, others I think fondly on and some I know folks have many fond memories of...there are even cases where posts here chronicle a remodel. Not only that there have been cases where we've seen something close, feature here and when something new opens up in the same spot, it all gets chronicled here.

    I've had times I wish I could go back in time to chronicle things people have spoken of...sometimes to remember things like Woodhill Mall, Bush River Mall or Decker Mall in their heydays, to remember Rosewood Shopping Center before it was demolished for the Publix-anchored building that is there now or to chronicle closings of past that people still talk about such as when Belk & JC Penney closed their respective downtown stores, Tapp's closed 100% or two I remember that have been brushed on before such as Phar-Mor and Piece Goods Shop, JB White, Sears living 5 Points or some restaurants of past such as Taco Cid, Steak & Ale, Old County Buffet, The Whale's Tail or Captain's Kitchen...

    As for the shoe thing, Shoe Carnival may very well carry a style of shoes that is a someone's best fit...or it also brings around memories of how they've moved around and what used to be where which is places others used to remember (in this case, Shoe Carnival's Columbiana Station spot is a former Dressbarn)...


    4 Oct 17 at 2:20 pm

  367. "If someone did go to that effort to save up for shoes it wouldn't be for ones found at shoe carnival" followed by a smug "But, you are right @kkaos, the shoe carnival closing is important to the citizens of Columbia new and old."

    People have different connections to different things than you, man. Your experience isn't the same as the next person's experience. Just acknowledge that, be polite, and move on.

    That shopping center was new(ish) when I got married and my wife and I would spend a lot of time at various stores there back then. That shopping center reminds me of simpler times and I am always interested in knowing what has come and gone there.


    4 Oct 17 at 2:27 pm

  368. The Columbiana Station portion that Shoe Carnival is moving from was built in the 1997-99 and I actually remember it going in as I was in 4th/5th grade as it all took shape which greately impacts the light I see it in...I also remember Just for Feet opening (where Haverty's is now setting up shop)...

    Sometimes people are trying to remember something that used to be somewhere and someone here that remembers can assist in that process (and I've been on both sides of that equation)...


    4 Oct 17 at 8:25 pm

  369. I second Ken's thoughts that this site is great. While many of you come to this site for memories, I am not originally from the Columbia area, so I do not have many memories (yet). I come to the site because I find it interesting to see how business and society evolve from a historical perspective. I also come to this site to find out if something is still open before I go. There have been a number of times I have seen places that I want to visit but they end up closing before I get a chance to get there. Coming here first saves me a few disappointments of showing up someplace not knowing it closed.

    James R

    4 Oct 17 at 11:30 pm

  370. Folks, I read all your comments (though I have proved time & again that I don't always *remember* them..) and take them in the spirt they are posted in. I welcome suggestions whether I ever get around to doing them or no.

    If you like "before & after" posts, you may be interested in these:

    Columbia Athletic Club

    Brickyard Shopping Center

    Roper Pond

    Bell Camp

    Planet Hollywood

    Myrtle Beach Pavilion


    5 Oct 17 at 12:19 am

  371. @ken I don't see where I referenced you in any thread above. If you understood my point then you would not reply with generalities and the obvious. @andrew makes sense. You not so much.
    My response to @kkoas 2 cents was polite. It could have been a whole lot less polite.
    My general questions regarding if anyone had bought anything from some of these places were simple yes, or no questions. I don't believe there was a request for an essay.
    @JamesR give us some examples of the number of places that you were headed before finding out they were closed on here.
    @Ted your dedication is appreciated.


    6 Oct 17 at 10:25 am

  372. I bet ive bought a hundred pairs of shoes from that Shoe Carnival. When my kids feet were growing a full size every 6 months from the time they were 10 until they were 14 or so, i couldnt afford to buy all our shoes at Dicks or Dillards or some shoe boutique in the trendy part of downtown.

    I know my posts on this site probably cause me to come off as a well to do man of leisure. But the reality is im just a lower middle class working slob. So places like Shoe Carnival are missed by me when they close.

    Besides its not like a few boring posts about places like Shoe Carnival can possibly be ruining anyone's Columbia Closing experience, can they? I mean if you dont find a post interesting, dont click on it.

    IMHO, Ted this site is perfect. Dont change a thing.


    6 Oct 17 at 2:58 pm

  373. Just saw on The State website that the Best Buy on Two Notch near Columbia Mall will close on October 28.


    6 Oct 17 at 7:42 pm

  374. WOW!! I remember when the Sparkleberry Square Best Buy opened in 2011 (in a former Circuit City) thinking that the other 7006 Two Notch Road Best Buy would close then but I was told then by corporate that it wasn't going 6 years later it is folding up and the way the article is worded it's obvious to me that people prefer the store at Sparkleberry Square & Harbison stores to the point that business had been in decline though the fact that it's close to the approaching Holiday season says something (idk what)...I'll be the first to admit I did lean towards Sparkleberry (I can think of several things I've bought at that Best Buy) and Columbiana myself so I guess I had a lot to do that...I also once heard that the Two Notch store did better than the Harbison one (this was before Sparkleberry Square's opened)...


    6 Oct 17 at 11:14 pm

  375. Indeed "Wow". There goes my goto place for hard drives etc when I don't have time to amazon it. Very surprising that the place will close before the Christmas season.

    On the other hand, I've always thought that this location suffered from not having a traffic light. It seemed to me that it would have been fairly cheap to do a deal with the low rent stripmall next door to maybe knock down the end unit and bring traffic to the Columbia Mall Boulevard light around the back of the store..


    7 Oct 17 at 12:53 am

  376. Update on Uncle Ned's on N. Main:
    It's also closed down.
    It didn't go well with the hours, I presume.


    7 Oct 17 at 12:37 pm

  377. @palmettoconnection

    Mostly restaurants, but some of the more memorable posts that have saved me an unnecessary trip are:

    Dianne's on Devine

    Heroes and Dragons Comic Book Store

    Columbia Antique Mall

    Consignment 1st (Furniture Consignment)

    James R

    7 Oct 17 at 10:24 pm

  378. I believe The Original Brunches Too at 1787 South Lake Drive in Lexington closed down yesterday. There was talk on one of the neighborhood happenings pages on FB about it last week.


    9 Oct 17 at 10:01 am

  379. Story from the Charleston pare but will looks like the it will affect the Rite-Aid stores around here.

    I know it says the current Rite-Aid locations will transfer over to Walgreen's but I can't imagine this would be true in all locations like in Lexington where Walgreen's and Rite-Aid are across the street from each other:


    9 Oct 17 at 10:07 am

  380. Prestige appliance on fernadina closed last month


    9 Oct 17 at 5:38 pm

  381. The State is asking if the Pizza Man is closing. Says it seems to be a foregone conclusion and that published reports indicate this Friday as the last day, but no one is confirming.

    James R

    9 Oct 17 at 10:51 pm

  382. Queen's Quarters Gifts at 1207 Sunset Blvd. (next to Jackson's Southern Buffet) is apparently closing according to comments on their Facebook page. I noticed "Retirement Sale" signs in the window today so I did a little research. The retirement sale has been going on since early September. It is not clear when they are closing, but they are at 50% off the entire store. Guess I will need to stop by here within the next couple of days. I hope I can find the time.

    James R

    9 Oct 17 at 11:19 pm

  383. the Gymboree in the Sandhills will be closing soon. do not know exactly when. There were guys dancing on the Clemson rd. entrances with 70% off, store closing soon signs on Sunday. One dancing guy had awesome moves.


    16 Oct 17 at 9:26 am

  384. The Sandhill Gymboree has already featured here and everything and as noted there it seems to be a drawn out liquidation...


    16 Oct 17 at 12:24 pm

  385. The Lexington Barber Shop on West Main Street next to Goodwill and Kmart has moved to a new location out by Lowe's Foods across from Lexington High School. The new address is 2440-D Augusta Highway.

    James R

    16 Oct 17 at 10:29 pm

  386. thx for the link Andrew, I don't shop there.. but noticed the guys with signs.


    17 Oct 17 at 8:30 am

  387. @ted - M Grille in the Vista is closed. The sign on the door says they closed September 18th.


    20 Oct 17 at 2:01 pm

  388. Barberito's on Saluda Pointe Ct in Lexington is looking pretty suspect. They've had a sign up for a couple of weeks now indicating that they're closed for equipment repairs.


    23 Oct 17 at 9:15 am

  389. The Circle K/BP/Jiffy Lube at the corner of Percival and Forest Drive is now gone. There is a lot of dirt piled up which makes me wonder if the gas tanks have been removed as well.


    24 Oct 17 at 12:07 pm

  390. Piggly Wiggly in Red Bank announced today on their facebook page they are closing Nov 11th. Did not renew their lease. Employees were notified on Monday of the closing


    25 Oct 17 at 5:18 pm

  391. I swung by the Red Bank Pig Jimmy mentioned and it was clear that the liquidation is underway...


    27 Oct 17 at 7:42 pm

  392. Looks like the Rooftop Pizza on Rosewood closed. No activity there yesterday evening and no notes on the door.


    28 Oct 17 at 9:48 am

  393. Silver City Comics in West Columbia has announced the store will be closing. No final day was provided.

    Thomas S.

    28 Oct 17 at 2:47 pm

  394. Comic stores are taking a beating.


    28 Oct 17 at 5:42 pm

  395. A comment on Serena's Lounge.
    Went to the place a few weeks ago early evening around 5:30 thinking it's a good place to play pool.
    I was definitely wrong the place appears to be a hotbed of human trafficking. There appears to be two Asian women that live there.
    It was odd.
    One Asian lady was bossing other one around. Making the lady goback and forth across the street to the laundromat. My girlfriend asked the lady why does she have bandages on her and in broken English she said something about a guard dog had attacked her and she just got out of the hospital. You could tell that they don't get outside much cause the skin was very pastie as if they stay inside and get very little sunlight.
    We came across this site looking for a place to play pool.

    Richard jameston

    30 Oct 17 at 4:33 am

  396. Did anyone here go to the Devine Foods on the final weekend?


    31 Oct 17 at 12:23 pm

  397. Oh, I guess Nov. 15 is the close. I thought it was ltwo weekends ago.


    31 Oct 17 at 12:41 pm

  398. To go along with what was mentioned on the closing of Pizza Man on Rosewood I have found a WIS story talking about plans to auction off their assets...I myself never went but things I heard about it were less than favorable...


    1 Nov 17 at 6:01 pm

  399. I want the pinball machine.
    They should give it to me for all the quarters I put in it!



    1 Nov 17 at 6:12 pm

  400. “As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

    Poor Mr. Carlson brings in the holiday season.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    4 Nov 17 at 4:22 am

  401. Barberitos in Saluda Pointe appears to be permanently closed. Jason posted on this as a suspect closing a couple of weeks ago. When I came by on Friday, I did not see their sign on the building anymore. I checked their website and it lists Anderson and Charleston as the only two locations in South Carolina.

    James R

    4 Nov 17 at 11:25 pm

  402. Barberitos at Saluda Pointe has a dental office in its old spot. Good riddance, too. They sucked.


    5 Nov 17 at 4:41 pm

  403. Does anyone know what they are building between Miyo's and Sam's in Sandhills?


    5 Nov 17 at 8:27 pm

  404. @ Zach - Garlitz Dental had been next door to Barberitos in Suite C. Baberitos was in Suite B between Garlitz Dentistry and Starbucks. Unless the dental office moved, but their website still says Suite C.

    James R

    5 Nov 17 at 9:49 pm

  405. The Lexington Ledger is reporting the Moe's House of Pizza has opened up in the old Brunches Too location at 1787 South Lake Drive in Red Bank. I don't get to Red Bank often, so I was unaware that Brunches Too closed. If you go to Brunches Too's Facebook Page, the reviews of Brunches were pretty bad. THe last post on Brunches Too's Facebook page for that business was October 7, so they closed pretty recently and a couple of people have posted on that page about the opening of Moe's beginning November 1. Given the quick turn around, I wonder if Moe's is being operated by the same owner under a different name.

    James R

    5 Nov 17 at 9:57 pm

  406. New buffet restaurant next to Discount Tire on Killian Rd in NE Cola. Building brand new. Apologize b/c I forgot the name. Not one I had heard of before.


    6 Nov 17 at 12:24 pm

  407. ^^ that buffet has been discussed here before and I saw the signage for it when I was out that way this weekend but can't remember the name of it, either. Apparently it's under the same ownership as the Jasmine Buffet...A while back it was noted in The State that Jasmine's ownership was also planning one for the former Ryan's at 10052 Two Notch Road but such project seems to be moving sluggishly at this point...


    6 Nov 17 at 1:48 pm

  408. Heard today that the Wells Fargo on Columbiana Dr., next to the Verizon store, will be closing in February.


    6 Nov 17 at 8:55 pm

  409. The buffet going in on Killian will be called Freesia Buffet


    7 Nov 17 at 9:27 am

  410. Not surprised about the one on Columbiana Dr since there is one right around the corner on Harbison


    7 Nov 17 at 9:28 am

  411. Thanks Sidney...I thought it was a name beginning with F but couldn't remember...


    7 Nov 17 at 5:49 pm

  412. palmettoconnection

    8 Nov 17 at 11:10 am

  413. The State paper shows that Ike Cogburn has passed away. He and two of his brothers ran Cogburns restaurant.

    John R

    9 Nov 17 at 8:30 am

  414. To follow up on Jimmy's comment I can tell you that Red Bank's Piggly Wiggly is no more...


    10 Nov 17 at 8:36 pm

  415. I was in an area of town today that I am not frequently in and on a street I had never been on when I noticed what appeared to be a vacant building. Does anyone know what is (or was) in the office building at 1515 Burnette Drive? It looks like a really nice building, but perhaps the location isn't visible enough to generate the business.

    James R

    11 Nov 17 at 12:36 am

  416. I think that was the late Jerry Fowler's real estate office.


    11 Nov 17 at 9:33 am

  417. JB

    11 Nov 17 at 10:48 am

  418. Did a little further checking and can confirm what badger said about it being Jerry Fowler's real estate office. Jerry had his own Saturday Morning show on WVOC and everything and even served on the Lexington Richland 5 school board. Jerry passed away following a cancer battle in May 2008 and his real estate business ultimately folded and nothing has come about to fill the building. Not only that, I remember Keven Coehen and Kevin Skipper utilizing the time to pay tribute to him and then kevin Skipper had a show of his own at the time and that time was also allocated to pay tribute to him...Kevin Skipper died in 2015...

    John R mentioned Cogburn's restaurant...that name sounds familiar and everything but I can't remember where it was (and it hasn't featured here) so I find myself wondering where it was.

    JB confirms suspicions on the closing on Rooftop Pizza Pub on Rosewood (never made it to either that or the Moe's Grapevine that was there previously (and has featured here)).

    The tavern spot that palmettoconnection metioned appears to be located inside the hotel at Bush River & Zimalcrest and is currently known as Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Columbia...


    11 Nov 17 at 3:57 pm

  419. Andrew I seem to recall eating at Cogburn's on Main Street or nearby in the early 70s and they then moved just across the river on 378 on the left in the mid 70s. My wife and I were driving around checking out Christmas lights on Christmas eve and were surprised to see the restaurant open.

    We went in and had a great steak dinner and the remaining employees joined us in a nice Christmas eve meal that couldn't be beat. Good times and even better memories. I am fortunate enough to still be with that lovely lady who contributed to and verified this story.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    11 Nov 17 at 8:21 pm

  420. Thanks, Badger and Andrew.

    When I researched online, Jerry Fowler was one of the possible businesses I found. Another said the address was a private residence for an Alton Clark. Yet another led me to believe this had been the offices of the Better Business Bureau at one time. I also saw something about an insurance agency under the name of Wendy Bowen. I was somewhat confused by all the different businesses I found, so I posted it here to see if anyone could clear up my confusion.

    James R

    11 Nov 17 at 10:59 pm

  421. @ted - I just noticed today that Nathan's Restaurant on Hampton St. is closed. In looking it up, The State reported that they closed in early April of this year.


    12 Nov 17 at 4:29 pm

  422. About Jerry Fowler's office buoldimg: Yes, part of the building was used by an insurance agent.


    13 Nov 17 at 6:14 am

  423. Looks like the are finally tearing down the old San Jose/Taco Cid Restaurant on Columbia Ave in Lexington. Anyone have any idea what (if anything) will be built here?


    14 Nov 17 at 11:22 am

  424. It looks like the Persona Pizza on Bower Parkway is closed for rebranding to Firenza Pizza. I have a couple of pictures if you want them.


    17 Nov 17 at 3:11 pm

  425. Hello everyone. I'm back!!!!


    18 Nov 17 at 2:01 pm

  426. Where'd you go Homer?


    19 Nov 17 at 8:06 am

  427. Rick, been working on a music project. Digitizing a bunch of vinyl..... Talk about a pain in the ass!!!

    Now it's time for me to snoop around and play catch-up...


    19 Nov 17 at 8:53 pm

  428. Homer, what is your process? I have been doing that with an ION turntable.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    19 Nov 17 at 11:39 pm

  429. Joe - I'm using a jury-rigged set-up. I have a Honestech VHS to DVD that I used to record my VHS tapes to my computer via a USB connection to my VCR. I connected the RCA audio cables from the box to the tape line-outs on my receiver. Then I used a combination of Nero and some freeware to split the tracks once I had the audio recorded to my computer.

    An ION turntable would be a lot easier but I just bought a Stanton professional DJ turntable about a year ago and did not want to invest in another.

    It's not pretty but it works.


    20 Nov 17 at 10:31 pm

  430. That doesn't read quite right now that I look at it but I think you'll get my drift.


    20 Nov 17 at 10:34 pm

  431. Heard that the Red Bank Piggly Wiggly is either closing or already closed. That leaves two that I know of that are left; N. Main and Devine St.


    21 Nov 17 at 11:34 pm

  432. Kmart #7062, 1143 Broad Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150-1971, could be in the process of closing. Its pharmacy closed in December 2016.

    I have not heard anything in regards to Kmart #4141, 1143 Broad Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150-1971, and Kmart #7616, 748 West Main Street, Lexington, South Carolina 29072-2545, closing.


    23 Nov 17 at 4:55 pm

  433. Correction:

    Kmart #4141 is located at 1500 Charleston Highway, West Columbia, South Carolina 29169-5048.


    23 Nov 17 at 5:16 pm

  434. Red Bank's Piggly Wiggly is indeed closed (but hasn't featured here). I can gather some pics if Ted doesn't have any...

    I haven't heard anything on Sunter's Kmart but it looks kinda dated the times I've been by it (just from the exterior).


    23 Nov 17 at 5:23 pm

  435. I've been in both the Lexington & West Columbia Kmarts and both continue to churn along as far as I can tell...


    23 Nov 17 at 5:26 pm

  436. I have read and heard speculation Sears Holdings will announce another round of store closings before the year ends or in January. I would not be surprised if Kmart #7062 closes.


    23 Nov 17 at 10:11 pm

  437. I should clarify that my outings in both the West Columbia & Lexington Kmarts were in the previous month or so (I remember both having diners and now neither do)...


    23 Nov 17 at 10:15 pm

  438. I think diners inside Kmart stores have been eliminated completely.


    23 Nov 17 at 10:55 pm

  439. I worked in the Arrowwood Rd. Kmart for about a year back in the mid 70's. The diner grub was comparable to what you would get at the old diners that used to occupy all of the drug stores back in the day. Referring back to the Dutch Square posts; does anyone remember the diner that was in the Eckerd's?


    25 Nov 17 at 11:35 pm

  440. Back in the 60's and early 70's my parents did a good percentage of their shopping at Sears and Roebuck in Five Points and the K-Mart at Garners Ferry and Jackson Blvd.
    The diner in K-Mart always had such great smells coming from it I always got hungry and wanted to eat there. My parents rarely let us get anything but when they did, it was great. I also remember the diner in Woolworths at Richland Mall back in the day before the mall was remodeled. I was coming of age in the early 70's and would go to the mall often with my friends. We always at the lunch counter.

    Around 1995 my Wife and I vacationed in Charleston. We paid a visit to the Woolworths on King Street and were amazed they still had the old style diner, or luncheonette as I believe they called it. The waitresses said that was one of the few remaining Woolworths to have a lunch counter in South Carolina if not the entire USA. They also said they would be shutting it down in the next month or so. We took pictures with the Waitresses at the counter and I still have it somewhere. Checking on the internet it appears the only Woolworths still open with a lunch counter is in Bakersfield CA.


    26 Nov 17 at 9:53 am

  441. @Homer, I am not too young to remember the lunch counter at Eckerd's, you had to pass by it to go out into the main mall area.

    I also remember the diner in the back of K-marts, I think it was replaced by Little Caesar's at the front (or this was the case at the one on St. Andrews). That was then replaced by a counter with more generic offerings and finally closed. Also K-mart was one of the few places you could get a genuine ICEE.


    26 Nov 17 at 12:16 pm

  442. I remember Kmart #4141 (1500 Charleston Highway) having a Little Caesars but it didn't work out for me to make it...none of the current Little Caesars locations were in operation yet. Then at one point I knew a lady that worked at that Kmart and she told me that the diner was no longer (she did note that people came in asking for it but apparently it didn't do enough business to be viable).

    About 2 years ago, I journeyed to the Kmart in Lumberton, NC as that Kmart had a Little Caesars in it but said Kmart closed in the summer of 2016 at the same time Camden's Kmart did.

    Lexington's Kmart had a generic format that did have a pizza option (but wasn't associated with any particular brand) but then it was a Nathan's hot dog place for a while. I enjoyed it several times but as noted before, it isn't around anymore.

    Most of my Kmart Shopping as a kid was the Seven Oaks Kmart but I don't remember that one having anything. I do have a vague recollection of tables/chairs being in place for something but don't really remember it being operational (I don't doubt ED it was simply before my time). I heard that Camden's Kmart did at one point have a diner but it was gone for a good while as the business didn't justify it (according to an Aunt of mien that lives in that area).


    26 Nov 17 at 1:42 pm

  443. How about another blast from the past. How may of you remember the Fountain Room in the basement of Tapp's on Main St.? When I was a kid we would go there quite often when I went with the folks shopping downtown. I have a snippet of the original menu:

    Broiled Rib-eye steak on a hot bun w/ French fried onion rings and French fried potatoes and salad $.69

    Seafood Platter
    Breaded Haddock portion, one deviled crab, scallops, jumbo shrimp w/ Tartar sauce, served with French fried potatoes, salad, hot bread, coffee or tea $.90

    Chopped barbecue on a hot bun w/ French fried potatoes and salad, coffee or tea $.60

    Mr. Guy Malone's Special
    Sliced spiced ham on a hot bun, special sauce w/ French fried potatoes and salad, coffee or tea $.60

    Not sure what the date is but......

    The full post for Tapp's is here


    26 Nov 17 at 2:37 pm

  444. Here are some other things I wonder if anyone remembers:

    A merry-go-round in the middle of the original Belk at Columbiana (which went on to be Parisian and now is JC Penney).

    A sporting Goods Store in Harbison Court (where Babies R Us is now)...

    The clock that used to be above Micheals when they were at Harbison Court (where Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse was)...

    I remember when Revco was announcing their plans to close their Clusters of Whitehall store that a frown was in the letter O...

    Rooms to Go at Landmark Square...

    The original Rosweood Shopping Center...

    Phar-Mor at Broad River/I-20 (though my best memories are the one at Harbison Court)...

    BTW Homer speaking about Tapp''s my understanding that Tapp's closed in 1995 and I have a distant relation to the Tapp family and my mom told me she spoke with a Tapp family member who still hears from people that miss Tapp's.


    26 Nov 17 at 5:35 pm

  445. I remember that sporting goods store in the present Babies-Backwards-R-Us location. I bought a really good baseball glove there about 20 years ago.

    On lunch counters, the one that always sticks out in my mind was in the Sky City nearest my hometown. The lunch counter stayed open even though I never really saw anyone eating there. When I was a kid that kind of fascinated me. I barely remember the one in the K-Mart a few miles away (although I do remember the Icee machines at K-Mart being up front). What I remember more about that K-Mart was when it had a substantial supply of building materials toward the back, stuff like 2x4s and interior paneling and so forth. Our family built a house in the late '70s and I'm pretty sure all the paneling and a lot of other stuff came from K-Mart.

    I also remember the big Sears in Augusta (when it was in the old three-story freestanding outlet, before the store moved to the Augusta Mall) having a really nice counter where you could get different types of peanuts, candy and so forth by the pound. That little shop-within-the-store figures in at least one story that gets told around the dinner table during family get-togethers.

    One more memory from my childhood: the Bi-Lo that was next to the Sky City had a pair of Wometco drink machines in the back of the refrigerated goods section. One was for hot drinks and the other was for cold drinks, and it was one of those machines that dropped the cup, dumped the ice and dispensed the drink, then you opened the little sliding door to get the drink out.

    The last time I saw a drink machine like that was in 1997, in the break room at Gambrell Hall at USC (it wasn't a Wometco machine, but it was the same principle). I think I made a point of getting a drink from that machine every chance I could because it brought back memories of that machine in the Bi-Lo.

    Alaska Jill

    27 Nov 17 at 9:39 pm

  446. House of Fabrics has reopened on Bush River Rd., behind the Captain D's.


    28 Nov 17 at 11:56 am

  447. I have found an article with a slideshow of defunct restaurant chains that some of you might enjoy reminiscing about (the only ones I know on the list are Ponderosa and Steak & Ale though there are several others I remember being discussed here)...


    28 Nov 17 at 11:09 pm

  448. Some have featured here, others I knew about vaguely, many I had never heard of.

    I did know about Claudia Sanders having had the occasion to read the Colonel's Wikipedia entry lately. Truly "a man in full".


    28 Nov 17 at 11:20 pm

  449. I can remember two locations of Burger Chef. One was at Boozer Shopping Center and the other one was on Beltline. How about Applegate's Landing, or the two A&W Rootbeer Drive In's here in Columbia, Shakey's Pizza, Lums had two locations here in town. Then there was Gene's near Sears in Five Points and the other was at the Corner of Huger and Blossom St. Sambo's I remember right well before it became Denny's. There were 2 locations or more for Sambo's in the 1970's or 80's...I dont remember now.

    Del Bazemore

    30 Nov 17 at 12:31 am

  450. If I remember isnt/wasnt Gene and Doug Broome brothers? Gene's Hamburgers and Pig n Chick, and Doug had Doug's Big Boy, but had to change it to Big Joy because Shoney's was gonna sue him for using the name. I dont remember what year it closed though on North Main.

    Del Bazemore

    30 Nov 17 at 12:33 am

  451. @ Del There was also a Burger Chef on Two Notch Rd. across the street from Midlands Shopping Center.


    30 Nov 17 at 6:42 am

  452. @ted - I received a flyer in the mail saying that Hannah Piano Company at 6169 St Andrews is closing after 42 years. The owners are retiring.


    30 Nov 17 at 7:32 am

  453. Does anyone know if Pavlov's on Green Street in Five Points closed? I walked by there today from campus on my way to five points and it looked pretty bare. The Salty Nut in front of Pavlov's seemed to have some business.

    James R

    1 Dec 17 at 10:16 pm

  454. I was out near Sandhills today and noticed an empty storefront at 10159 Two Notch Road. This is a shared address with Batteries Plus right across from the Target. I looked it up on Google Maps Street View to see if I could tell what had been there. If you stand in the Lizard Thicket's parking lot and look at the building, Google Maps' image is from July 2015 and you can zoom in on the building to see it used to be a Quick Cash. If you stand in the middle of Two Notch Road, Google Maps' image was taken in March 2017 and the business had already closed.

    James R

    3 Dec 17 at 12:09 am

  455. Scrolling down the road on Google Maps indicates Quick Cash moved to 10244 Two Notch Road.

    James R

    3 Dec 17 at 12:10 am

  456. One Taco, Two Taco in Lexington has closed @ 5225 Sunset Blvd has closed. I believe this is the location of the previous Saucy Dogs. Didn't get a chance to eat there, but saw someone mention this on facebook.


    14 Dec 17 at 10:08 am

  457. @ Ed,

    That is not surprising. I ate there once and I was not impressed. This was not only the previous location of Buddy's Saucy Dogs, but also the same owner. Seems there might be a common denominator between the two closings.

    James R

    14 Dec 17 at 10:23 am

  458. Saw a story in The State newspaper that Richland County Council is looking at buying Columbia Mal and turn it into a county government complex.


    14 Dec 17 at 11:23 am

  459. The Free Times indicates that the Wired Goat in the Vista has closed.


    14 Dec 17 at 12:51 pm

  460. @Tom heard about this news and there seems to be way more questions than answers. They are proposing moving county offices to Columbia Mall, tearing down the old offices and putting up a new judicial center AND building some kind of aquatics center/library/sheriff's office/critical care center in lower Richland. Sounds like way too many projects being taking on at one time and most of this is being talked about in secret and behind closed doors. Glad I pay taxes in Lexington.


    14 Dec 17 at 12:57 pm

  461. @curley-ted. At least it was water pipes and you did not get them mixed up with the gas pipes. That would have blown up all of our computers. Thanks for not passing gas.


    14 Dec 17 at 3:48 pm

  462. I have located the article talking about the plans to overhaul everything.

    Richland County has already overhauled the former Decker Mall into some type of this where Columbia Place Mall is headed??

    With the community reputation of Columbia Place Mall the way it is I don't see it become a big shopping destination like it was in the 80s.

    I also can't say I'll miss Wired Goat in the Vista...I went there one night with several folks and wan't it doesn't have street visibility...


    14 Dec 17 at 9:19 pm

  463. Andrew, can you tell me when the Hampton Pontiac dealership on Fernandina closed and if there is any activity on the property?

    Joe Shlabotnik

    14 Dec 17 at 10:25 pm

  464. I am currently unaware of any acvitity on the Hampton Property since it closed.

    I did a little digging and found a comment from July 15, 2014 from Homer asking when did it close and badger asked on March 7, 2014 in the Have Your Say archives so it's been mentioned but never really discussed much since then and never featured here.

    Another one that never featured here (or got lost during a database crash) is the Rite Aid in Five Points and I noticed today that it has signage indicating it's a hard hat area (telling me that something is about to happen with it)...


    14 Dec 17 at 11:07 pm

  465. Welcome back, Ted!!!


    16 Dec 17 at 12:03 am

  466. @Joe - I drive by the old Hampton dealership daily. There is no visible activity going on at all. The shrubbery and grass are not even being kept up.


    16 Dec 17 at 12:11 am

  467. In Lexington... closings

    Palmetto Subs
    One taco two taco


    16 Dec 17 at 4:06 am

  468. What a disaster WVOC AM 560 has become and I can't believe Gary David "Bamboozle" still is hosting the morning drive "news" program and blathering sewerage. That station went downhill right after John Wrisley was disgracefully fired. I'm glad we have WQXL for real local talk radio at the moment, as for WVOC I'd say add it to the closings list!


    16 Dec 17 at 12:03 pm

  469. Once Keven Coehen was let go from WVOC I lost just about all interest I had in them...I think unless the FCC can institute regulations strengthening requirements on stations like WVOC being locally owned (as opposed to companies like Cumulus, Clear Channel, Raycom, TEGNA, etc.) I don't see it improving (I feel that way about local TV news and radio stations)...

    I don't remember John Wrisley but do remember enjoying some of Gary David (as well as sports director Christpher (Topher) Thompson) though I can't tell you the last time I tuned in.

    As long as WVOC is still on the air I wouldn't feature it here...


    16 Dec 17 at 3:35 pm

  470. The latest Arbitron ratings show WVOC ranks 7th in the Columbia market with a 3.5% share of listeners.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    16 Dec 17 at 4:31 pm

  471. Not surprised Palmetto Subs closed, the were only until 4pm everyday and seemed to rely on a lot on catering business. The windows were so dark that it looked like they had shut down long before they actually did.


    17 Dec 17 at 12:10 pm

  472. So I found out what they are building in Sandhills between Sams and Miyo's. It's going to be Burlington's.


    19 Dec 17 at 4:39 pm

  473. I guess they are positioning for the Richland County take over of Columbia Mall. I wonder what Macy's will do....


    19 Dec 17 at 5:44 pm

  474. I have never known Burlington to build ground up like that...but it does make me wonder about the future of the Burlington at Columbia Place Mall


    19 Dec 17 at 5:45 pm

  475. I'm hoping Macy's moves to Richland Mall...


    19 Dec 17 at 6:44 pm

  476. @Andrew The only other place I've seen Burlington do that is across from the Charlotte IKEA a couple of years ago.


    20 Dec 17 at 10:11 am

  477. This is from the Colliers website

    Sandhill Station includes Sam's Club (opened Fall 2016), Safe Credit Union (opened 2016), and Burlington Coat Factory (opening Spring 2018)


    20 Dec 17 at 3:18 pm

  478. @ted - Dave's Transmission at 2146 Sumter St. is closed as reported by Free Times. Apparently, a new restaurant will be opened in that spot in the near future.


    21 Dec 17 at 9:32 am

  479. So what's up with Richland Mall or whatever it's called now? Are they gonna tear it all down except for Belk's? Or are they just gonna leave it as it is. Yes? No? Maybe? Seems people cant make up their minds on what to do with that waste of space. Here's an Idea, why not tear it all down except for the old White's store, and just rebuild the Mall like it was until 1989.

    Del Bazemore

    23 Dec 17 at 1:10 am

  480. It's still called "Richland Mall". Basically all the going businesses have been moved to the Belk side of the mall, Belk has closed its doors to the other side and it is empty over there now. (Though you can still go in through the doors on that side I think).

    The Children's Theater gift-wrap has moved to the other side of the hall, so don't despair if you look down the escalator and don't see them.


    23 Dec 17 at 2:10 am

  481. I still say they should tear it all down except for the old JB White's store and just rebuild the Mall as is was up until 1989 before it changed to that waste of space it is now. I would like to congratulate the people that actually thought that COLUMBIA was a place to build an Atlanta/Charlotte type of "Fashion Mall" here, and you see how well that idea went over.

    Del Bazemore

    23 Dec 17 at 4:27 pm

  482. I read somewhere that the late 80s development of Richland Mall was pioneered by a company out of Australia as part of a venture into the US that didn't work out...the only way I could see it redeveloped is if there are tenants willing to occupy the finished product...


    23 Dec 17 at 10:26 pm

  483. I believe there are several owners that would have to agree to tear it down. Tearing it down would also cost a fortune. I'm guessing we are stuck with this.


    24 Dec 17 at 8:48 am

  484. I'd say a good Columbia Closing not yet listed has got to be the fountains at Finlay Park. Not operational for over two years straight and a lot of false promises to get the fountain either working again or revamped. The City of Columbia basically said recently the falls will never run again. What a HUGE disgrace and how embarrassing the city still tries to advertise the park when it hasn't been operational in TWO YEARS. Goodbye Finlay Park fountain, it was nice knowing ya.


    26 Dec 17 at 8:01 pm

  485. @Tumbleweed -- that's why I found this 19 Dec State article amusing. I'm guessing the reporters didn't wear through much shoe leather.


    26 Dec 17 at 11:35 pm

  486. Good grief there is so much wrong with that article. Misspelled words, misused words and just misinformation in general. The address they give for the Alston Trailhead is actually the address for the Palmetto Conservation Foundation offices downtown. I hope no one shows up at their offices ready to do a photo shoot.

    I went to the web page they give for Finlay Park, and on the page about the park they show the latest Tripadvsor reviews which includes such gems as “park from hell”, “Skip this one” and “huge disappointment”. I remember when Finlay park was a nice place to go and hang out, it had one of the best views of Columbia. Such a shame that the powers that be let it get go.


    27 Dec 17 at 8:55 am

  487. Another screw up on the top 10 list is the listing for Pine Island on Lake Murray. The website listed is for Pine Island Country Club in NC. They also completely fail to mention that Pine Island on Lake Murray is private and is only accessible by employees of SCANA.

    I'm just guessing here, but due to cost cutting measures, The State has obviously gotten rid of all their proofreaders and doesn't pay mileage so their reporters find it easier to just put together stories by not leaving the office.


    27 Dec 17 at 10:44 am

  488. If it were not for my Mom I'd cancel the subscription to The State in a heartbeat. Over $400/yr. just so she can read the obituaries, play the Jumble and look at the Kroger ad. I get more news from the Free Times than ever from the that rag.


    27 Dec 17 at 10:11 pm

  489. The problem I think lies in the fact that local news outlets (newspaper, radio and TV) are all owned by large companies who aren't as interested in keeping good quality employees because the investment in them isn't worth it to them. I don't see it heading anywhere better unless we can get away companies like McClatchy, Raycom, Clear Channel, Cumulus, etc. owning these outlets and go back to the days where these news outlets are locally owned again.


    27 Dec 17 at 10:28 pm

  490. Speaking of people NOT proof reading before something is printed in the paper or WLTX's website, is just how bad the people that WLTX has hired in recent times. Misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, etc... I guess they'll hire anyone now and they dont have to have any knowledge of the use of the ENGLISH Language. WLTX, WIS, and WOLO have really gone downhill since the 70's and 80's, and now they really look and sound very uneducated. But then again, what did you expect from people any more?

    Del Bazemore

    28 Dec 17 at 1:26 am

  491. As someone who's worked in/with the business I can say Andrew's comment is pretty much what has happened. Once it was determined that news broadcasts could go from being a prestigious loss-leader/public service to a moneymaker (and better still, that local news could be very profitable because it was locally-produced and the station could keep most of the profit, and that the more half-hours of local news you presented the more you could potentially make), well...there you go.

    The relaxation of ownership rules has done the same thing to television that has happened in radio. It's now possible to go from coast to coast and see local news programs that look and feel exactly alike, just as it's possible to drive from coast to coast, change the radio dial, and hear what seems like the exact same stations. And I won't even get started on the use of technology for its own sake (we sent our live truck out because...well, we have a live truck!). Or how much of the grunt work is done by people who work long hours for low wages (or how much work gets done with the help of interns working for college credit). And let's not even get into how the work of consultants has meant local anchors are no longer calm Voices of Authority but your first-name-only buddies who stop by every day for a visit.

    As for what's happened to newspapers (and The State in particular), it told me everything when I saw the Charleston paper had bought billboards around Columbia. I wish somebody could come in and rescue The State, because it's nothing like the paper it once was. When I can get a better read on what's happening in the State House from the Charleston paper than the Columbia paper, that...seems kinda off.

    Didn't mean to go off on a rant, but as someone with time in the business and who deeply cares about it, I'm saddened by what's happened.

    Alaska Jill

    28 Dec 17 at 8:13 am

  492. The newspaper biz ain't what it used to be. As a kid I used to deliver the Columbia Record after school. I can remember people waiting around out side for me to deliver the paper!


    28 Dec 17 at 4:17 pm

  493. Standards in hiring people now a days has really been lowered. People dont have to be nearly as educated or smart. But since the quality of everything from Retail to TV Stations and other businesses here in Columbia AND South Carolina, you now see the results of all that. High standards went out with the 1970's. And the thing is..that nobody cares about anything anymore.

    Del Bazemore

    28 Dec 17 at 6:07 pm

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