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Cactus Inn, 7349 Garners Ferry Road: 2013   7 comments

Posted at 11:05 pm in Uncategorized







I remember thinking half-heartedly at one time that I needed to get a picture of neighboorhood bar Cactus Inn on Garners Ferry, but of course I didn't, and now the original sign is down and the place is half-remodeled into a title loan operation.

However you can still see the original look on google streetview for at least a while longer.

(Hat tip to commenter Frank)

Written by ted on May 14th, 2013

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7 Responses to 'Cactus Inn, 7349 Garners Ferry Road: 2013'

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  1. I can't remember the name, but in the eighties there was a gas station there. They were an odd setup where you drove in off Garner's Ferry, pumped your gas, then drove to a kiosk at the exit where you paid. They had a huge American flag flying over the station.


    15 May 13 at 6:26 am

  2. That might have been a USA gas station.


    15 May 13 at 4:26 pm

  3. Used to be a Pizza Hut.


    9 Dec 13 at 3:23 pm

  4. @tonkatoy - I think there used to be a gas station something like that at Dutch Square. They had the huge flag and I think the name was USA gas. I don't remember the kiosk but there may have been one.


    9 Dec 13 at 11:10 pm

  5. Yeah, you're right. The Pizza Hut is off to the other side. It was a USA gas station with the big flag. There was a drive-up kiosk where you paid on your way out.


    10 Dec 13 at 12:38 pm

  6. Before it was Cactus Inn it was AIA (Auto Insurance Agency). That was before AIA moved into a building almost across the street in what used to be Burris Hardware. There was Burris Hardware, another hardware store in what is now the Public Library across from Rushs, I believe the name was Moores Hardware, and of course there was Home Quaters Wharehouse in the Shopping Center across from The Veterans Hospital. The only privatley owned hardware store still on this side of town is Cedar Terrace Hardware. I guess we coud say Horse and Garden as well out Garners Ferry.


    10 Dec 13 at 2:56 pm

  7. I remember when Horse World had a huge McDonald's-like W on their store. As I remember, Mickey-D's didn't take too kindly to it.


    11 Dec 13 at 8:01 am

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