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Goodyear Gemini Auto Service Center, 4327 Fort Jackson Boulevard: April 2008   4 comments

Posted at 1:45 am in Uncategorized

I drove up in the parking lot of the Kroger on Fort Jackons Boulevard because I had noticed some activity there and wanted to see what was going on. In the event I'm still not sure about that, though it appears to be water utility work, but while I was there, I noticed that this Goodyear car repair place on the Kroger outparcel was gone.

There's no date on the note they left on the door, but I believe it's fairly recent. I've used the one on Forest Drive, and they seem pretty decent, so I'm not sure what the issue here was. From this real estate report it appears that the property was built in 1974. I guess that would be not long after the Starlite Drive In there went out of business -- I know it was still there in 1973.

UPDATE 5 April 2009: I see in a comment about the Garners Ferry Kroger that I had forgotten that this place closed in April of 2008 -- I've updated the post title to reflect that.

UPDATE 29 February 2012 -- As mentioned by commenter Andrew below, this building has now been razed:

Written by ted on April 5th, 2009

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4 Responses to 'Goodyear Gemini Auto Service Center, 4327 Fort Jackson Boulevard: April 2008'

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  1. The Starlite Drive-In was still there on GF/Ft. Jackson BLVD as late as the early 80's when it closed, then torn down and Family Mart was built there about where the cars would park for the Drive-In. Kroger bought out the Family Mart stores before they build their own building. In fact, the back entrance to Kroger's was the original entrance to the drive in and the ticket booth was right in the middle of the way in, and one way out. Too bad it isnt there anymore.


    11 Apr 09 at 11:54 pm

  2. folks, this building is being razed as I type this...


    23 Feb 12 at 5:55 pm

  3. This was a vacant lot for a while, even following the overhaul into Cross Hill it appears as if a construction crew is up to something with it, but to quote Buffalo Springfield "something's happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear."


    7 Aug 14 at 2:45 pm

  4. It's going to be an AT&T store according to today's State paper.


    8 Aug 14 at 7:20 am

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