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1101 Harden Street: July 2010   32 comments

Posted at 2:23 am in Uncategorized

1101 Harden Street was the address for PT's Cabaret, The Punch Line and Greenstreets as well as a gaggle of other businesses over the years including tax preparers, nightclubs, eateries, and military recruiters.

The building sat on the corner of Harden and Senate Streets (a corner I believe many people would be surprised exists..) across from Time Warner Cable and next to Food Lion. The ongoing demolition is supposed to result in a Cook Out restaurant being built, and although it was a separate address, the old Bob Andrews Motors building was also knocked down as part of the project.

Lots of pictures from three different days follow..

15 April 2010:

9 July 2010:

23 July 2010:

UPDATE 31 Dec 2010 -- As commenter Mike notes, it appears they may have razed a strip with rent-paying tenants for naught. No signe of "Cook Out", and currently the whole lot seems to be for sale:

(19 December 2010):



UPDATE 18 May 2011: Added 9 July 2010 photoset.

UPDATE 22 May 2011: Added 23 July 2010 photoset.

UPDATE 17 July 2011: Added 22 November 2010 photoset.

Photoset 9 July 2010.

Photoset 23 July 2010.

Photoset 22 November 2010.

UPDATE 17 September 2011 -- Construction prep (still for Cook Out?) has begun:

UPDATE 30 September 2011 -- Construction continues:

UPDATE 18 December 2011 -- Cook Out is nearly here:

UPDATE 23 December 2011 -- Cook Out is open:

And I notice they have torn down the corner pylon/marquee for 1101 Harden Street. That had stayed so long, I just figured they were going to leave it.

UPDATE 2 September 2012: Added two more pictures of the pylon with the mule verbiage from 19 December 2010.

Written by ted on July 24th, 2010

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32 Responses to '1101 Harden Street: July 2010'

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  1. In the late 1980s, there was a somewhat upscale seafood restaurant here called "The Last Catch." It was later followed by some other restaurant of more general casual dining. That restaurant had some kind of movie/actor motif in the names of the menu items, but the only one I can remember is the "Herman Muenster Sandwich."


    24 Jul 10 at 12:36 pm

  2. There was also an art house theatre there called the Bijou which almost put Nickelodeon out of business.


    24 Jul 10 at 3:24 pm

  3. In the late 80s the front of the building was an infamous meet market called The Fox and Hare.

    Long ago a friend of mine had a salon inside called Albert's Hair. Other businesses I remember here were the Coffee Bean Barn, Swiftwater Beads, Handpicked and the second incarnation of The (Body) Firm


    25 Jul 10 at 6:14 am

  4. Right around 1992 on the south side was a little bar called The Pub. It was very narrow, with a tiny bar, a few tables, and a dart board. I didn't appreciate it much at the time, but in retrospect it was a cool little bar.

    59 Ford Wheelman

    25 Jul 10 at 7:56 am

  5. Wasnt this the same original buidling (but modified and remodeled) of the Lincoln Mercury Dealer back in the 60's?


    25 Jul 10 at 4:52 pm

  6. I think somebody mentioned elsewhere that it is. Was this a dealership area at one time? I ask because the legend "Chapman Dodge" is still visible on the east side wall of what is now the Greyhound Bus Depot.

    59 Ford Wheelman

    25 Jul 10 at 7:18 pm

  7. I guess I should have said "it was".

    59 Ford Wheelman

    25 Jul 10 at 7:19 pm

  8. 59 Ford Wheelman -- Chapman Dodge was across Gervais St. from the building we're talking about. However, ages ago Wilson Lincoln Mercury was on this corner (where the Exxon station is today). They had a magnificent revolving neon sign. I remember wonderfully kitschy promotion there that had a girl in a bikini sitting on a huge block of ice, with everyone guessing how long she could last. The famous Mercury cougar was also there once.

    Also, your mention of The Pub reminded me that The Publick House (tyranosaurus wings!!) started out in this building -- is that what you meant?


    25 Jul 10 at 8:42 pm

  9. Maybe so. For some reason I remember it being called simply "The Pub", but don't hold me to it. I also recall The Publick House opening soon after, so I long assumed they were related somehow.

    59 Ford Wheelman

    26 Jul 10 at 5:44 am

  10. This was indeed "The Pub." When it moved to Devine, it became "The Publick House." The original home of "Wings on Wheels." I think the original "The Pub" sign is to the right of the bar in "The Publick House." I had my first date there with my wife. Very cool place. One where you could bring your own music. Terry was the bartender. Very good times.


    26 Jul 10 at 8:04 am

  11. "Peanut" Wilson had a Lincoln/Mercury dealer in the location that is being demolished. The Exxon was, I believe, always an Exxon/Esso station. Across from that was the Burnside Dodge dealership which later became Chapman Dodge.


    26 Jul 10 at 10:23 am

  12. The strip of storefronts where Swiftwater Beads was located also housed the offices for Hootie & The Blowfish's briefly lived vanity label, Breaking Records. The label was formed around 1996.


    26 Jul 10 at 10:58 am

  13. Bud, I thought Burnside Dodge was in the Oldsmobile dealership on Garners Ferry Road. Did it move there from Harden Street?

    59 Ford Wheelman

    26 Jul 10 at 6:24 pm

  14. Wasn't there a comedy club somewhere in this complex? I remember seeing Carrot Top there, probably in the late 80s.

    I remember, too, the fantastic neon sign from the Lincoln/Mercury place. It was like a giant star, with the arms of the star rotating in all directions.


    9 Aug 10 at 2:28 pm

  15. ted

    9 Aug 10 at 5:11 pm

  16. Ted, Cary, 59, Jim, et al .. yeah .. great memories .. of all things ..
    shocked as I drove by lw and saw it gone .. didn't know
    Bob Andrews went w/ it, though .. yeah .. I think that
    was where the Punchline went after it first opened
    down Harden St. where some club I used to go to
    was .. upstairs above the old Floyd-Matthews Taylor shop ..
    (it's a b*tch getting’ old) .. and then Greenstreets ..
    (Doc's Gumbo Grill guy was manager) then that great place
    in the early 90's right on the street .. The Fox and Hare (hat tip,
    commenter Dennis).. and
    Pub behind it (Open at separate times, but it's all a blur today) ..
    That place being torn down is like Trenholm Plaza being torn down
    it wipes out 7-9 great years of your life (different periods, of course)


    1 Sep 10 at 4:11 pm

  17. As I mentioned on the Bob Andrews Motors page the "Cook Out" project is apparently dead--the sign on the corner of the lot now reads "For Sale or Lease / Two acres / and a mule". The chain however appears to be progressing. They have recently opened new locations in Hartsville and Clemson.


    31 Dec 10 at 9:00 am

  18. oh I hate that...Darci Strickland was looking forward to seeing this open up as I recall...but I also heard that Hardee's will set up shop along this area as well...I guess we'll just have to see what 2011 has in store for the area


    31 Dec 10 at 3:43 pm

  19. the casual dining actor/movie restaurant was "The Hollywood Grille" ... right after The Last Catch

    Mike H.

    17 May 11 at 4:06 pm

  20. One of the Hollywood Grille founders talks a bit about it here.


    17 May 11 at 10:48 pm

  21. folks, I noticed what appeared to be the beginnings of a new structure going in at this site. No idea what may be going in just yet but stay tuned...


    17 Sep 11 at 11:56 am

  22. I wonder if the "Cook Out" has be resurrected?


    17 Sep 11 at 3:41 pm

  23. Mike, it appears the size for a place like Cook Out but it's nothing but steel studs around what will most likely be a restaurant of some sort...stay tuned in the weeks and months ahead for details (that's my recommendation).


    17 Sep 11 at 6:55 pm

  24. construction is still progressing, still looking like it'll be an eating place, but nothing more than that hypothesis is known to me at this point...keeping a close eye on what's going on and will report back once I have further details...


    18 Oct 11 at 11:26 pm

  25. folks, I found this BoZA plans for this site and the building going up has makings similar to what Cookout proposed so it appears that Columbia might be getting its Cookout after all, but still no official signage on site just yet...

    pay special attention to pages 10-13 for what I'm talking about...and it includes some beforehand site views from the air


    2 Nov 11 at 8:03 pm

  26. folks, after several weeks riding by and wondering what was going in, it appers that the building I have been keeping an eye out for in recent weeks will, indeed be a Cook Out because last night, I noticed a tarp with info on their after months of waiting, weeks of riding by, wondering, speculation, etc. it appears that Columbia will, indeed, soon have its very own Cookout. We can look forward to enjoying burgers from 1/3-½ lb., chicken tenders, chicken breasts, chicken breast filets, hot dogs, 40 flavors of milkshakes and several different side items at this new Cookout..


    12 Nov 11 at 9:42 pm

  27. folks, I have the distinct pleasure of bearing the news that Cookout is now open at this location!!!!


    23 Dec 11 at 4:26 pm

  28. @Andrew -- did you let the whole post load?



    24 Dec 11 at 3:19 am

  29. We tried the Cookout today, not impressed, We ordered two 'cookout trays', burger w/ fries and slaw, bbq w/ rings and chili, cheap enough but not very tasty. Hope others have a better experience.


    1 Jan 12 at 8:33 pm

  30. I went the day after Christmas and really enjoyed going and know I will enjoy it plenty in the new years...but at the same time, I know they can't be everything to everybody


    1 Jan 12 at 9:48 pm

  31. Today, in The State there was an article indicating that Cookout is planning a location on Forest Drive (wonder where??) and a third Columbia stay tuned folks


    27 Jan 12 at 11:41 pm

  32. A new place to try out is "The Diner" on Ft. Jackson Blvd. where The Carolina Skating Rink once stood across from Kmart. Looks like it's doin' really well so far..full lot of cars in front and back. I hope they do good there.. due to it seems that the other businesses that have been there over the years since the 70's have failed. Try them out when you can..looks good.


    28 Jan 12 at 6:24 pm

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