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Gamestop, Dutch Square: 27 June 2010   25 comments

Posted at 12:52 am in closing

Well, back to Dutch Square for another closing...

Gamestop was in Dutch Square on the south side of the main corridor just down the hill from customer service, and the Eckerd's/Piccadilly side corridor.

I don't know a lot about modern video gaming (give me Galaga, Gorf, Joust,Pengo any day..), but this is the third such store that I am aware of closing in the past year (after Game Crazy on Garners Ferry, and Play N Trade on Forest Drive). On the other hand, the Gamestop on Harbison is still going, so it's more likely an artifact of the continuing downward spiral of Dutch Square than anything else.

(Hat tip to commenter Jason.)

UPDATE 14 February 2025: Updating tags and adding map icon.

Written by ted on July 16th, 2010

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25 Responses to 'Gamestop, Dutch Square: 27 June 2010'

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  1. Looks like da game stopped


    16 Jul 10 at 7:07 am

  2. DS Mall is a dead Mall...they need to tear it down and just leave the Theater that's there.. The only Mall that's still going strong since the early 90's is Columbiana Mall..and that's because of it's location.. but that whole area of Dutch Square's heyday was in the early to late 70's.


    16 Jul 10 at 11:36 am

  3. It's actually not a bad mall inside. I liked the theater there better then Columbiana Grande. But it is a dead mall. Hopefully it won't be allowed to just sit there and get vandalized/tagged for the next 10 years.


    16 Jul 10 at 2:41 pm

  4. Yeah, that's a great place to watch a movie... with the sounds of cell phones going off and people actually taking the calls.


    16 Jul 10 at 8:22 pm

  5. Dutch Square feels like a 'dead zone' to me though and so does Hamrick's up the road (I don't enjoy going there anymore b/c of that but my mom likes Hamrick's (as do several other relatives in my family))


    16 Jul 10 at 9:31 pm

  6. It is a very comforatable movie theatre compared to the others in town. Downside is if you go see a movie after dark;its very dark . The kids and I see daytime movies there and go to Columbiana Grande if we know cant exit the theatre before sunset.


    16 Jul 10 at 10:41 pm

  7. Yeah, the demise of the mall had everything to do with this location closing. They relocated the contents of this store to a new store location down near the Walmart on Bush River Road.


    17 Jul 10 at 1:56 am

  8. Agreed O'Reilly, I go during daytime. For some reason, hot summer weekend afternoons make me want to go see a movie there...


    17 Jul 10 at 2:54 pm

  9. Columbia Mall also feels like a dead mall. One side of it is devoid of stores. Once the anchors leave and Burlingtons come in, a mall is marked for failure.


    19 Jul 10 at 5:46 pm

  10. it is really lonely in that mall its creepy


    14 Sep 10 at 3:00 pm

  11. Oh God I Just Had A Dream Last Night Obout This Store and Mall. I Was In The Mall When I Notced That Every Store Was Closed and Everytime I Walked Scary People Attacked Me.


    21 Sep 10 at 5:07 pm

  12. Ladies and Gentlemen, it has just come to my attention will be opening a new location at 1324-D3 Bush River Road at Bush River Village. While I am not 100% sure, it is highly likely that Radio Shack will be moving out of Dutch Square to accommodate this much like this GameStop did.


    31 Mar 11 at 10:06 pm

  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, it has just come to my attention that RadioShack will be opening a new location at 1324-D3 Bush River Road at Bush River Village. While I am not 100% sure, it is highly likely that Radio Shack will be moving out of Dutch Square to accommodate this much like this GameStop did.

    * bolded to indicate omitted wording


    31 Mar 11 at 10:07 pm

  14. Everytime I think of Radio Shack, I think of this Onion article. I apologize if I'm not supposed to link, but it is rather long.,2190/


    1 Apr 11 at 8:11 am

  15. After a contact with RadioShack corporate, on April 12 (Easter 2020), RadioShack will leave Dutch Square and reopen at Bush River Village on April 14 (Easter 2047) if you know of any RadioShack items, it's plausible they'll have a moving sale discount on them in the next couple of weeks. Ted, I suggest you get the closing cam ready to document the aforementioned move.


    1 Apr 11 at 2:34 pm

  16. I thin the DS Radio Shack's heyday was from 1970 til maybe the late 70's or very early 80's. I'm surprized they're still there actually. With that OLD Mall being a Dead Zone, they should rename the Mall " The Dead Zone Mall"...(Enter at your own risk). Or rename it " Gone with the Wind Mall"..or the "Am-was Mall".

    Del Bazemore

    1 Apr 11 at 3:29 pm

  17. Meant to say " I THINK" ...not I thin. It makes me sound like Ricky Ricardo/ Desi Arnez.

    Del Bazemore

    1 Apr 11 at 3:30 pm

  18. "You got some 'splaining to do.."


    1 Apr 11 at 10:52 pm

  19. @Jonathan, there's a lot of truth to that satire (and this and this as well). RS has just done some weird stuff over the years. Remember when they refused to have cash registers (into the 1980s at least..) and would write up every purchase by hand on a slip of paper, doing the math by calculator? And always wanted your phone number? And forget about browsing in a RS -- the staff will latch on like a leech about 5 seconds after you get in there. Still, they did make my lucky set of screwdrivers that I've had for 40 years and I was a member of the "Battery of the Month" club.


    2 Apr 11 at 1:08 am

  20. If you're a hobbyist RS is great for LEDs, resistors etc. I've been repeatedly surprised for 40 years at what they have in their parts bins. Of course selling $1.29 items a few at a time won't keep the doors open. Their share price recently dropped below $15. I even saw a headline on a financial blog the other day that said RS and Best Buy should merge. ???

    Terry Edwards

    2 Apr 11 at 3:37 am

  21. I remember when the DS Radio Shack was selling the newest in stereo "invention"..and that was the 4 channel or "Quad" stereo's and records.. now THAT didnt last long.

    Del Bazemore

    3 Apr 11 at 12:18 am

  22. Well, it's kind of back with 5.1. I'd like to hear some of those 70s quad in that format (not that I have a 5.1 setup..)


    3 Apr 11 at 12:40 am

  23. The thing with the original 4 channel stereo/records/amps, is that it had different things on different speakers such as guitars on one speaker, drums on another, bass on another and singing/vocals on the wasnt realistic enough because that's not how you hear things at a concert..and a lot of people didnt like that.. SO, it never really did catch on. But now with "true" surround sound, you hear things as you should like people talking behind you or things like's real sounding as you would hear it normally and not fake like the early 70's.

    Del Bazemore

    3 Apr 11 at 7:54 pm

  24. I recall listening to a Grand Funk Railroad quad LaserDisk and it sounded just like Del stated. One instrument per speaker with very little cross-channel sound and the whole thing lacked ambience. Having said that, it was a precursor to the CD format and the 2nd rat gets the cheese.

    This might have taken place at a store called OmniVision on the upper level of Columbia Mall.

    Terry Edwards

    4 Apr 11 at 3:12 am

  25. This might have taken place at a store called OmniVision on the upper level of Columbia Mall.


    12 Oct 11 at 11:21 pm

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