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Unity Medical & Wellness, 74 Polo Road: 2 July 2021   6 comments

Posted at 12:00 am in closing








I had never noticed this medical office slightly up the hill from The former Stein Mart, but driving by the other day saw a real estate sign and took a look. According to the door sign they closed about a year ago, and I will say the google reviews are interesting.

I'm not sure how my camera got into 1:1 square aspect ratio, but that's why the first pictures look a bit odd.

Written by ted on June 21st, 2022

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6 Responses to 'Unity Medical & Wellness, 74 Polo Road: 2 July 2021'

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  1. @Ted. I took the bait and looked at the reviews. All I got to say is that they should have never been in business at all!


    21 Jun 22 at 11:41 am

  2. This brings back memories. When my daughter was an infant she needed her first flu shot and, back then, this building was the NE location for her doc. Living in Lexington, we were totally unfamiliar with this side of town. Our directions/GPS put us in the shopping center next door. After riding up and down Two Notch unsuccessfully for an hour, and staving off a meltdown, I finally called a client who lived out this way and he told us what to look for.


    22 Jun 22 at 1:56 pm

  3. @Tom, I had to go and check out the reviews. LMAO, I have never seen any company or business with only 1 star with EVERY comment being negative. All the comments are date "a year ago" So it's a wonder they stayed open this long.


    23 Jun 22 at 8:17 am

  4. It looks like Fusco's Market reopened today.


    23 Jun 22 at 1:55 pm

  5. Oops, wrong place.


    23 Jun 22 at 1:55 pm

  6. This building used to be Palmetto Pediatric until they built their location on Clemson Road a few years ago.


    26 Jun 22 at 6:16 pm

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