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NBSC, 4840 Forest Drive (etc): 19 June 2018 (reflagged)   6 comments

Posted at 12:15 am in closing









Hmm. When I saw the signs being changed out at this NBSC driving by Trenholm Plaza today, I assumed that the bank had been bought out recently and I just had not heard of it (I don't bank there, so in general, I wouldn't).

As it actually turns out, according to Wikipedia, NBSC has always been a local nameplate for Synovus (nee: Columbus Bank and Trust Company), which operated under different names in different states and

In early 2010, Synovus consolidated their thirty separate state charters into one Georgia state banking charter and is transitioning to operate as a more centralized single bank.

I guess they are doing South Carolina now.

UPDATE 21 June 2018 -- Check the comments for some details, but apparently the Wikipedia info about is, at best, imcomplete. NBSC was apparently originally a local bank and not part of Synovus until (historically speaking) recently.

Written by ted on June 20th, 2018

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6 Responses to 'NBSC, 4840 Forest Drive (etc): 19 June 2018 (reflagged)'

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  1. Wasn't that the site of Standard Federal for years?


    20 Jun 18 at 6:46 am

  2. Psst! NBSC was actually acquired by Synovus only in 1995. The previous 90 or so years, it was more or less just a local bank, headquartered in Sumter.


    20 Jun 18 at 3:41 pm

  3. Previous post is correct. Banks used to be only allowed to operate in one state, beginning in 1940 and ending I think in the 80's. Even banks like C&S were different companies in SC and Georgia, until they merged back together in 1985.


    20 Jun 18 at 4:14 pm

  4. Tom, that is right. NBSC acquired them during the Savings & Loan debacle. I want to say 1980, + or - a couple oy years. I don't recall what brought down the S&Ls but issuing 3% home mortgages during the 50s and 60s and dealing with the runaway inflation of the late 70s had to hurt.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    20 Jun 18 at 8:29 pm

  5. I am shocked to find that the information in Wikipedia might be wrong or incomplete :-)

    (Although, really I knew that "only per state" thing until I started typing..)


    21 Jun 18 at 1:22 am

  6. And yes, this was the Standard location, though the Standard building was razed to build this one.


    21 Jun 18 at 1:48 am

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