Salsa Cabana, 2005 Beltline Boulevard: 2016 1 comment
Posted at 12:53 am in closing
I remember at one time having to figure out whether this little Latin Dance club behind the D's on Beltline was in fact a Mexican Restaurant or a nightclub. In the event, it proved to be the later, which was a little disappointing to me. As far as I know they were not affected by the 2011 fire at D's or the October 2015 flood, but I could be wrong.
(Hat tip to commenter Sidney)
UPDATE 13 February 2017 -- Here's an instructional video from the club:
One Response to 'Salsa Cabana, 2005 Beltline Boulevard: 2016'
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28 Apr 16 at 6:03 am
That space can't seem to find the right fit, I remember it being Wit's End, Caymen Bay, and several other titles over the years.