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Archive for the ‘St. Andrews Shopping Center’ tag

Badcock Home Furniture & More, 736 Saint Andrews Road Suite A: August 2024   no comments

Posted at 11:48 pm in closing








Here's the Saint Andrews Road location of Badcock. As we have seen several times recently, the chain is bankrupt and closing all stores.

St. Andrews Shopping Center lost another anchore back in 2013 and came through it OK. We'll have to see what happens this time.

Sub Station II, 736 Saint Andrews Road: December 2019   3 comments

Posted at 12:02 am in closing







I never ate at this Sub Station II. In fact I've only eaten at the chain twice that I can recall. I find that Jimmy Johns is my go-to sub place these days (unless I'm on the coast when it is Dagwood's). I'm not sure exactly when this place closed. They did post a new picture on their Facebook page on 10 December 2019, and a commenter there notes that as of 9 January 2020 they were closed, so I'm going with "December 2019.

What I find kind of ironic is that I have been notified at least three times that neighboring WG's Chicken Wings is closed, and each time I drive out there, I find it chugging along just fine..

(Hat tip to commenter Robert)

UPDATE 31 March 2022: Updating tags.

National Mail Services, 736 Saint Andrews Road Suite D, 27 December 2013   3 comments

Posted at 11:33 pm in Uncategorized






Independant mailing storefront National Mail Services on Saint Andrews Road by the old Fred's closed at the end of December. If you look at the Fred's post, you can see that for some reason, they were not on the shopping center marquee, but apparently enough folks knew they were back there for a 22 year run, which is good for any business!

(Hat tip to commenter Tom)

Written by ted on January 21st, 2014

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Fred's, 736 Saint Andrews Road: 8 June 2013   22 comments

Posted at 10:38 pm in Uncategorized







I've always had a soft spot for Fred's. That's probably because they came to Fernandina when I was in my teens or twenties and were a nice store withing easy walking distance of my Aunt's house to get pretty much any item we might need while visiting. I also liked that they left the big spanish-moss covered oak in their parking lot (inherited from the previous store) alone:

Some years after they moved into the Fernandina area, they started a big push into South Carolina, and on the whole, I think it has not been a success. I feel that perhaps they have too much overlap with Dollar General which got here first, and would have done better to put more Fred's in areas where people already knew the brand than pushing new stores into areas where there was no brand recognition. Of course, the economic crunch can't have helped any either..

I had not expected this Fred's to close as quickly as it did, especially given the protracted proceedings at the Saint Andrews Road Kmart. When I took the interior picture above on 19 May, the store was still almost fully stocked, and the discounts weren't really that good yet, but just a couple weeks later it was gone.

Written by ted on June 26th, 2013

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