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South Carolina State Fair 2018, Fairgrounds: 21 October 2018   5 comments

Posted at 10:25 pm in closing

So this year I had the theory that I would get to the Fair down Assembly Street. "It's a straight shot", I thought, "No left turns like Rosewood or Shop Road".

And three hours after leaving Forest Acres, I met my party at the Rocket.

If you've been following the blog for a while, you know the kinds of things I like, so the pictures won't be any surprise, but I still like 'em.

The handwriting computer and grey-market videos are still absent, otherwise the mix of exhibits and vendors is about the same as in recent years. I still miss the Steel Building, but the dinosaur park in its space seems popular with the kids.

Somehow, the baby duck slide made it through another year, and Fair Food still rules.

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