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Artsy Fartsy, 906 Knox Abbott Drive: May 2014   1 comment

Posted at 12:58 am in Uncategorized






Artsy Fartsy art gallery and coffee bar was one of those places I never could figure out in that I never actually saw it open, but yet it never closed either (though it seems to have rebooted several times). I like coffee, so I was prepared to stop if I ever *did* see it open, but somehow that never happened.

It looks like the place will be rezoned for a thrift store.

Written by ted on June 26th, 2014

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One Response to 'Artsy Fartsy, 906 Knox Abbott Drive: May 2014'

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  1. When my son was in grade school he was very good at art, and still is. He won 1st place (Blue Ribbon) at the state fair two years in a row, for his age group, and came in second another year for his art work. My wife always said he was "Artsy Fartsy", I had never heard that saying before.

    But he does not like coffee. Or bars.


    26 Jun 14 at 3:11 pm

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