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Patrones Restaurante Mexicano Y Barra: 2628 Decker Boulevard (confusing status)   7 comments

Posted at 1:01 am in closing

OK, first Zorba's on Decker closed. Then the old Zorba's sign proclaimed that a new Italian sounding restaurant would be coming. That never happened.

Then a Mexican operation repainted the facade

and nothing happened for a long time.

Then (no picture) they put a paper sign up on the front door seeming to say (I don't read Spanish) that tacos were for sale, but apparently there was nobody at the building during the time this sign was up.

Then they put handmade signs on the Decker street-level "entrance"/"exit" placards saying the place was open:

At the same time they added a ramshackle looking shed to the left of the portico and posted another sign in Spanish that appears to say something about Tacos and tortiallias (Tortas?), but note again that there appears to be nobody there.

Then they took the shed down, and again nothing appears to be going on at the place (the "OPEN" roadside signs are gone too):

And all the while the whole place appears to be for sale:

THEN they put a canopy on the outside deck. Still nobody seems to be there.

Then they turn the lights on the main sign, but the building is dark at all times:

So --- your guess is as good as mine!

UPDATE 2 November 2009: Now the canopy is gone from the deck..

UPDATE 7 August 2019: Add some tags and map icon.

Written by ted on October 21st, 2009

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7 Responses to 'Patrones Restaurante Mexicano Y Barra: 2628 Decker Boulevard (confusing status)'

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  1. Tortas are a kind of Mexican sandwich, very different from tortillas - they are served on crusty rolls or bread. They're really good!


    21 Oct 09 at 7:23 am

  2. Gotta love how the old zorbas sign shows through the new one. Something about airbrushing that really turns me off. I don't picture myself eating there. At this rate it doesn't look like anyone will be eating there.

    Mr Bill

    21 Oct 09 at 7:30 am

  3. The best Mexican places are the ones that have not been Americanized in any sense of the word. Cash only, no English anywhere in the restaurant, especially on the menu where they have to explain what they're serving to all the gringos. Unfortunately, they come and go so frequently. I have not been on Decker for ten years, but would think that the entire corridor is authentic in whatever restaurants are open, from Korean to Mexican. If I was hankering for Mexican, I would definitely stop by if I was driving down Decker. Love what KNC Trading did w/ the Red Wing Sign.


    21 Oct 09 at 8:34 am

  4. Isnt this the old Captain's Kitchen building?


    21 Oct 09 at 10:42 am

  5. Yeah. My general policy is to do one closing for a building that was several places before I started blogging, and then do a seperate closing for each time the building closes after that.

    So, the Captain's Kitchen is talked about on the Zorba's closing.


    21 Oct 09 at 10:50 am

  6. this was Captain's least it was in the 70's

    john burbage

    30 Oct 09 at 5:18 am

  7. I went by about a week ago and this place was open at around 10:30 pm> This was the first time I had seen it open.


    11 Nov 09 at 9:50 pm

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