autoPROS Columbia, 6001 Two Notch Road: December 2018 3 comments
I don't know much about autoPROS Columbia other than that it was a used car dealership, and had an idiosyncratic sense of capitalization and word spacing. This space was previously Stivers Subaru, which closed in 2011. After that, I think the spot was vacant a few years before autoPROS moved in, and probably will be again now.
(Hat tip to commenter Matt)
UPDATE 11 July 2019 -- Now American Car Center:
3 Responses to 'autoPROS Columbia, 6001 Two Notch Road: December 2018'
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Lone Wolf
21 Mar 19 at 10:27 am
I got a car from them, one thing they promised was free oil changes for the life of your car, then they stopped doing it. I feel like this place was a bit shady, but my car is okay.
Mr Bill
25 Mar 19 at 11:28 am
American Car Center is gone now too! I think they closed both the Two Notch and West Columbia locations pretty much around the same time.
10 Apr 23 at 12:03 pm
This place made me scratch my head. I seem to remember they had a decently heavy advertising presence on TV, radio and (I think) billboards. They kept touting all their positive online reviews. Then *poof*! They disappear almost overnight. Wonder what happened...