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Jack Oliver's Pools & Spas, 2829 Millwood Avenue: 2013 (moved)   3 comments

Posted at 12:27 am in Uncategorized

I noticed this empty building on Millwood the other day, and a little research shows it was Jack Oliver's Pools & Spas before they made their move to the old Good Wood building at 3303 Forest Drive (keeping the location's signature giant rocker).












The new location:



Written by ted on January 18th, 2014

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3 Responses to 'Jack Oliver's Pools & Spas, 2829 Millwood Avenue: 2013 (moved)'

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  1. Hey Ted:

    Since my family has been in Columbia and Lexington before our country's independence, I am always very interested in your web site, which brings back great memories of people and places. I love history of any kind, especially that I can relate to!

    I was reading some comments from a few years back and someone wanted to know more about social clubs. I was a member of Les Friponnes which started in 1954. I was a member in the late 70's early 80's.Most of our members went to Hammond,Cardinal Newman, Dreher or Spring Valley. There was definitely some silliness going on with these groups but it was fun and it was a way to meet girls outside of my school. I know high school administrators did not like these clubs because of elitism and hurt feelings and the fact that we had initiation rites at school. I remember having to call all members "Miss So and So" One made me spin around every time I passed her in the hall at school. I also had to buy snacks and run errands for members during lunch. During hell week, we had to wear the same outfit to school all week and we could not wear make up. We would have after school initiations at people houses. We had to do these shoulder, knees and toes motions called buttons and say "I love Les Friponnes" over and over. Members would yell at us and pour disgusting things on us. We would sometimes have tri-club initiations and parties at Legion Lakes- the three clubs were Les Friponnes, LTA (Les Croquettes) and Deboneers In the mid-late 1980s I think schools had had enough of this distraction and banned anything like that during the school day. I am not aware that any of these groups exist any more. Sometimes my friends post old social club formal photos on facebook and it does bring back good memories of my youth.


    18 Jan 14 at 3:42 pm

  2. Thanks Eleanor, that's a fascinating insight into something I had no idea even existed before those comments a while back.


    19 Jan 14 at 12:00 am

  3. They were essentially high school sororities. I went to many of the Les Friponnes & FNV semi-formals back in the mid-to-late 80's. Most were at hotel ballrooms in the Northeast area. The initiations at the girls houses were a lot of fun to watch as a guy, and very similar to the girls initiation scenes in the movie "Dazed & Confused". Lots of fun, good, if not fuzzy, memories. Hope it was worth it ladies.


    19 Jan 14 at 7:14 pm

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