Archive for the ‘5200 Two Notch Road’ tag
Null's Exxon, 5200 Two Notch Road: 9 December 2016 12 comments
Well, this is one of the last old-time "service stations" around town. Looking inside is like visiting another age. The "Maps Here" sign is particularly evocative -- there was a time you got your branded highway maps at a service station. I still have a cubby full of old "Gulf" maps, some predating the completion of the 'I' system. That was also a time when we were convinced that gas was *not* a commodity product, and that "Good Gulf" was better than "putting a tiger in your tank" or vice versa.
And a man would actually come out to your car, pump the gas, check your oil, check your tires, check your battery and radiator and wash your windows.
Their sign says they were here for 33 years, which is a good run.
And for context, you can see two former closing in the background: here and here.
UPDATE 16 March 2017 -- Rather Hopperesque:
UDATE 1 September 21018 -- Something is happening here:
UPDATE 21 February 2019 -- Now a Cheap Way convenience store: