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The Olive Garden, 2547 Decker Boulevard: April 2005   11 comments

Posted at 8:18 pm in Uncategorized

Yep, it's another Decker posting!

The Olive Garden can't get no respect, and I'm not entirely sure why. Yes, compared to your favorite little hole-in-the-wall that you discovered in Little Italy, it's not that great. Compared to the chains? I'm not sure exactly where it rates with Macaroni Grill (MG's bread is definitely better), and it's definitely not as good as Carabbas. BUT: it's not bad. Certainly not as bad as all the insults comics have thrown its way for years. I'd go so far as to say that the "Soup, salad & breadstick" lunch is very nice, and the Capelini Pomodoro is quite good.

This location is another place where my father, sister and I used to eat Sunday lunch from time to time. I can understand why the chain would want to put a new location out on Two Notch near Sandhills -- there's a lot of growth there, and a lot of people to feed. What I don't understand is why opening that new store required closing this one. It seemed to do a good business, and the people in the Forest Acres area haven't gone anywhere. We still eat! In fact, I would probably eat lunch there at least once a week whereas the new location is just too far to go for lunch hour.

UPDATE 19 Feb 2010: Added full street address to post title.

UPDATE 15 Feb 2011: Updated closing date in post title to April 2005 based on commenter Andrew's research.

Written by ted on April 19th, 2008

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11 Responses to 'The Olive Garden, 2547 Decker Boulevard: April 2005'

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  1. endless breadsticks for the pussyfooter


    23 Apr 08 at 1:09 pm

  2. This location was once a Duff's Restaurant. I think it was there in the late 70's early 80's. It was one of those all you can eat places and they served everything under the sun. It was a "pig palace". Many very large people would go through the lines carrying multiple plates. Can see why they didn't stay in business very long. There was another restaurant similar to that called the Filling Station, but I don't remember where they were located.


    28 Sep 08 at 9:01 pm

  3. For just a few years this building was called Studebaker's (99% sure that's right) and it was a confusing concept of happy hour bar, restaurant, and dance club. I remember the place because I ate a mountain of shrimp from their buffet and discovered the hard way that I was allergic to shellfish.


    29 Sep 08 at 8:22 am

  4. you guys are both right I remember Duffs and the Studebakers place. This olive garden was pretty good. I guess they just decided to leave Decker.

    MR Bill

    29 Sep 08 at 10:19 am

  5. This spot seems to be cursed--nothing ever stays there long!


    11 Feb 09 at 7:41 pm

  6. i don't think it's the actual spot where the building is located as much as it is the street that it's on - Decker Blvd. seriously, have you driven down it lately? yikes.


    11 Mar 09 at 2:16 pm

  7. this place closed because of the building was getting to old and it moved to two notch road


    13 Sep 10 at 8:26 pm

  8. Maaaan, on my bday during a rainin night i ordered some spagetti and it had my tummy bloated all night


    4 Feb 11 at 10:21 pm

  9. The departure took place in April 2005


    14 May 11 at 9:57 pm

  10. OK, updated.


    14 May 11 at 10:59 pm

  11. I didn't have many fond memories of the place. The wait-staff were terrible, it was hard to get in and out within a lunch hour.

    Things improved greatly when they got to their Two-Notch/Sparkleberry site.


    15 Jul 13 at 8:52 am

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