Steak Out Char-Broiled Delivery, 2421 Bush River Road / 780 Saint Andrews Road: 4 May 2009 12 comments
I had seen this place on Saint Andrews, and think I saw some of it's flyers, but since I'm not a really big steak fan, I hadn't ever really looked into it. I see that the concept is take out or delivery for steaks instead of pizza, burgers or subs, and that strikes me as pretty odd. First, I have never gotten the appeal of "take out". I'd say that's because I work at home, but even when I spent most of my life at the office, I still didn't want to eat at the house. At a restaurant they have people to bring stuff right to your table and you don't have to wash the dishes or take out the trash. Second, steak seems like an odd take-out item. People are very finicky about it and considering how often burger or pizza topping orders go awry, it's a big leap of faith to expect the right cut and the right degree of doneness when you can't send it back.
I have to say the business strategy being explicated by the door sign seems a bit dubious as well. I want Columbia businesses to succeed and certainly hope they will be back, but it's hard to see how several months without any money coming in will help to make that happen. (And if they remain part of the Steak Out chain, how can they revamp the menu?) It worked for Stevie B's, but more often than not any sign using the word remodeling is followed by a sign that says For Sale.
(Hat tip to commenter Kc!)
Update 24 Jan 2010: Well it seems to me that I can move this one from the "temporary" category to the "not coming back" category. The note from 4 May 2009 promising a "Fall 2009" reopening is still posted on the door, but now an un-picked-up phonebook is on the doorstep and un-picked-up mail is on the floor inside, also as far as I can tell no work at all has been done inside -- everything appears to be in an identical state as to when I posted the original closing.
UPDATE 7 May 2010 -- This is pretty conclusive, I'm afraid:
UPDATE 27 May 2010 -- Now it's up for lease:
UPDATE 19 July 2010 -- Finally got around to taking a picture of the original Steak Out location at 2421 Bush River Road (now Real Mexico):
UPDATE 13 Oct 2010 -- Tony O's Pizza is now open in this building:
12 Responses to 'Steak Out Char-Broiled Delivery, 2421 Bush River Road / 780 Saint Andrews Road: 4 May 2009'
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27 May 09 at 8:00 am
As someone who has eaten at Steak-Out frequently I was sad when I saw the sign posted so I call the main office for more information. I found out that the Columbia Steak-Out is in fact under remodel and will in fact open back up in the fall. Corporate is going with an updated prototype and using Columbia as the flagship location to do so. Along with a more modern look, the location will also have some new menu items. So for those of you who have not tried it yet, I highly recommend it in the fall!
27 May 09 at 8:41 am
Well, sounds like they have a real plan then -- good luck to them!
27 May 09 at 9:56 am
Steak Out started as a delivery/pick-up place only. The steaks and food were always awesome. It was always a great delivery dinner option when you worked evenings in St. Andrews and couldn't leave to pick something up.
27 May 09 at 1:25 pm
They had fantastic cheeseburgers and grilled chicken sandwiches back when I worked late shift and would get them to deliver to my work.
28 May 09 at 6:40 am
Along the lines of the recent theme about places that aren't going to open, I'm afraid we can add this one now.
24 Jan 10 at 3:54 am
And to this day, everything in the building is left the same.
11 Feb 10 at 12:55 am
Something called Tony D's pizza is about to open up in this place...
23 Aug 10 at 2:40 pm
btw I am referring to the 780 St. Andrews Road location...and half of the former 2421 Bush River Road location was a former Sunbeam bread place as well..
23 Aug 10 at 5:56 pm
ok Ted, the Tony D's pizza has one tarp saying they're coming soon but another one saying they're might want to get the closing cam out there and see what you think of it...
20 Sep 10 at 11:29 am
that's a shame these did quite well in Macon and Warner Robins they always had good steak and chicken.nice to have a choice beside pizza and bad Chinese
3 Apr 12 at 5:42 pm
I don't remember one in WR, but I left that godawful place over fifteen years ago.
4 Apr 12 at 6:35 am
This particular Steak Out moved from Bush River Road to St. Andrews. They were located for quite a long time (15 or so years) where the current Real Mexico is, across from Oulet Point, which looks to have originally been a Majik Market, but I could be wrong. This location has only been at it's current address for a couple of years. Based on your pictures, it's brand new. They razed the old 7-11/Waffle House and built from scratch. I don't see what they can remodel, unless they change names. It could be a nice Schlotzsky's. I've never eaten there. I agree w/ you, though. Part of the enjoyment of eating a steak is grilling it yourself.