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Coburg Dairy / Borden Dairy Company of South Carolina, 3020 Bluff Road: 2022   20 comments

Posted at 6:55 pm in closing















I worked in this area for a while, and used to wonder exactly what this Borden facility did. LoopNet says it was a

Former cold storage distribution hub and vehicle maintenance facility.

You can also tell by looking at the pictures on the LoopNet listing, that the place used to be owned by Coburg Dairy. That was one of our main milk brands growing up (after Edisto) and I hadn't really realized they were gone, but apparently Borden bought them out in 2011. Borden is also cutting back in Charleston, but the Coburg Cow remains safe for now.

(Hat tips to commenters Sidney & Jason)

Written by ted on June 20th, 2023

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20 Responses to 'Coburg Dairy / Borden Dairy Company of South Carolina, 3020 Bluff Road: 2022'

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  1. How many people remember the days when the milkman delivered to your home? I still remember the Edisto milk truck coming to the house a couple times a week when I was a kid.


    21 Jun 23 at 2:47 pm

  2. @Homer - Having been born in the late 80s, something I remember is when milk was, well, milk! Not almond milk, soy, cashew, or oat. People just bought milk, and milk came from cows. It might be skim or whole, but it was still just milk. (Chocolate milk was a treat; our parents didn't let us have it all the time. At least, not my parents or most that I met.)

    Also, someone's mom could easily offer milk and a snack to a group of kids, and they just drank it. Hardly anyone had special dietary requirements.


    21 Jun 23 at 4:04 pm

  3. I forgot to add; obviously I didn't have milk delivery growing up. I think it would have been nice, though. One more local job that is gone now.


    21 Jun 23 at 5:08 pm

  4. Back in the sixties, Coburg had a place where Beltline and Rosewood met on a site now occupied by Midlands Tech. They had a giant spinning red milk carton.


    21 Jun 23 at 5:12 pm

  5. @Homer -- with the windows open, we could hear the milk truck coming in the mornings, and sometimes I would go down to the corner to meet it. The driver would let me "drive" the truck around the corner and to our house.

    Those were the days before insurance & liability sucked the fun out of everything..

    I'm not sure when delivery stopped, although we could get Charles Chips potato chip delivery through the 70s and possibly into the 80s.


    21 Jun 23 at 11:01 pm

  6. @Tom -- I remember that. In my memory, the milk carton was upside down and pouring out a stream of milk, which was some sort of twisted metal spiral painted white and rotating so it looked like it was really pouring.


    21 Jun 23 at 11:02 pm

  7. Writing this makes me feel like a true seasoned citizen. We lived on a brick street in rural Indiana in the 1950s and you could hear the milk truck coming with the heavy glass bottles rattling against each other. A checklist with our order was left on a small box on the front porch.

    Like Robin said, a special treat was chocolate milk or a bottle of orange drink.

    Homer, thanks for jogging the memory banks.

    Here is another memory......a mail carrier made morning and afternoon deliveries. We also had morning and afternoon newspapers delivered. Just a hubbub of activity.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    22 Jun 23 at 3:30 am

  8. @ Ted. You are confusing it with the Edisto carton. It was on I-26 near Piney Grove Road (when there was nothing but trees out there). The Coble (not Coburg) one was upright, but at an angle.


    22 Jun 23 at 10:32 am

  9. Joe Shlabontik’s comment on 2x daily newspaper and mail service made me think about a December 2003 commentary from the late Andy Rooney.

    I am too young to know twice daily newspapers or mail deliveries (or home milk deliveries) but it does make me contemplate a change that has been on on my mind lately where general store hours used to be only 1:30-6 on Sundays and also when restaurants used to ask about being seated in the smoking or non-smoking sections (things I remember from my Elementary days that aren’t a thing anymore)…


    22 Jun 23 at 9:18 pm

  10. Andrew

    22 Jun 23 at 9:20 pm

  11. Raw url:

    Apologizes for the overload (technical difficulties).


    22 Jun 23 at 9:25 pm

  12. I thought Coble Milk was on Atlas Rd. back in the early to mid 60's. The only Edisto place I remember was the Edisto Ice cream place on North Main and Beltline in the 60's to maybe the very early 70's? My Mom and Dad moved to Whitehall back in 1968 when nothing was on Piney Grove to speak of, but I don't remember seeing any Edisto Milk sign...but being only 10 at that time, I didn't pay much attention.


    22 Jun 23 at 9:53 pm

  13. @Tom -- I could well be confused. I would have been very young.


    22 Jun 23 at 11:54 pm

  14. @Andrew -- Columbia had an afternoon newspaper The Columbia Record until 1988.

    I have seen EXTRA editions twice in my life that I can recall. One of The State the day Regan was shot, and one of the Augusta Chronicle on 9/11.

    I don't think The State would even be able to do an EXTRA now, with their press in Charlotte.


    22 Jun 23 at 11:58 pm

  15. Several things...

    I also remember when the Liberty Life insurance agent would actually come to each clients house to pick up the monthly premium payments. His name was Mr. Ellis. Funny how I can remember that and can't recall what I had for supper last night!!

    @Joe - when I was a kid, just about everyone in Irmo had a post office box and the little cinder block PO that was right down the street from my house. Irmo, at the time, only had around 500 people and the town was exactly 1 square mile. The postal workers knew everyone that came in. Mrs. Koon and Mrs. Adkins; there comes the long term memory again. Anyone outside of the town had an RFD address.

    @Ted - my Dad swore by the State paper. For some reason he did not like the Columbia Record. I cancelled the newspaper three years ago after my Mom could not longer read it and they are still delivering it daily. Go figure. Speaking of the State being published in Charlotte, I picked up a copy of the Charlotte Observer a couple moths ago and aside from the local stories and local ads it was identical to the copy of the State I received that morning. Cost cutting to the extreme. My, how the newspaper industry has declined.


    23 Jun 23 at 9:45 am

  16. Found a picture of the old post office with Mrs. Koon standing in front.


    23 Jun 23 at 9:59 am


    This link will take you to a photo of a Coble Carton in NC that was identical to the one at Beltline and Rosewood.


    23 Jun 23 at 1:18 pm

  18. Homer's photo of Sybil Koon at the Irmo PO has me thinking that the building was on Woodrow Street and has me wondering if such building is still earliest memories of Irmo's PO was when it was at the intersection at St. Andrews and Thames Valley (behind where Lizard's Thicket is now) suffered an electric fire around Independence Day (4th of July) somewhere in the 1995-99 timeframe and then they had a temporary location in the Kroger-anchored Irmo Village before building the building they're in now.

    Furthermore, what Homer stated as far as The State and Charlotte Observer being of similar templates speaks to a bigger issue where locally owned newspapers, radio stations and news outlets aren't local anymore they way they were 30-40+ years ago and now they're owned by these large companies and that's the reason for the similarities and I frankly wish I had the authority to put the local back in those outlets...


    23 Jun 23 at 10:21 pm

  19. Andrew, reading your Rooney link reminded me that my grandfather walked to the street corner every morning in Vincennes to buy his newspaper. The newsboy at the time was Red Skelton.

    Seventy years later with the help of I learned of The Skeltons in my family moving from South Carolina to Indiana in the 1800s. Over a century later I arrived full circle in SC and have called it home ever since.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    24 Jun 23 at 4:33 am

  20. The old post office sat on the corner of St. Andrews Rd (it was considered Woodrow St. back then) and Fork Ave. where Irmo Smiles is currently located. There was a footpath from the elementary school to the post office back when that entire area was wooded.


    24 Jun 23 at 6:15 am

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