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Quiznos Sub, 1602 Airport Boulevard: 30 April 2010   11 comments

Posted at 2:07 am in Uncategorized

Although I've never eaten at a local Quiznos, I believe I did eat at a DC area location once, and recall it as pretty good. Of course that may be partly because one of the other guys I was eating with was a nice guy but had an interesting personality quirk such that he was never completely satisfied with anything, so at least I liked it better than he did! I find it a little bit interesting that the name they use in their signs has no apostrophe and has the singular, "Sub", not "Subs". You almost have the image that if you were the second guy to get there, the sub would be gone.

This Quiznos, the latest of a number of the chain's outlets to close around town, was at the intersection of Airport Boulevard with the Charleston Highway, across the street from Piggy Park and at the edge of Airport Square with the closed Food Lion. The building looks to have been some other type of fast food outlet before the Quiznos.

I think the door note in this case is pretty straight-forward and classy.

The main Airport Square building is like two sides of a square, with one side parallel to the Charleston Highway and the other parallel to Airport Boulevard. While I was taking these pictures, I noticed a family picking some sort of fruit from trees growing at the end of the building that comes closest to Airport Boulevard. I can't think what is in season now, and I didn't want to bother them by heading towards them and maybe make them think I was some sort of Airport Square guy coming to say "stop that" -- I'll have to go back and see what that was.

(Hat tip to commenter Tom)

UPDATE 4 Feb 2011 -- It's now open again as Best of China restaurant:

(Hat tip to commenter Andrew)

Written by ted on May 11th, 2010

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11 Responses to 'Quiznos Sub, 1602 Airport Boulevard: 30 April 2010'

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  1. I'm not really syrprised they closed. I was very excited when I heard the store was coming, but holy, moly, they were expensive. I doubt I ate there ten times the whole time the store was open.

    Shame for the owner. he seemed to be a really nice guy.


    11 May 10 at 7:15 am

  2. I want to say it was a "Steve's Deli" before it was a Quiznos.


    11 May 10 at 8:07 am

  3. I was there a couple times in its final weeks. One of the main probs with that particular location was you often don't notice it until you've driven by, and so it was easy to pass by or be really close but in the wrong lane and decide oh well I'll just hit the next lunch spot.

    Mike D

    11 May 10 at 9:17 am

  4. It was definitely another sub place, but I think it was a Miami Subs. I remember seeing some at the beach 10+ years ago, and one on Two Notch where the Splendid Buffet is, and this being the same.


    11 May 10 at 5:22 pm

  5. It was definitely a Steve's Deli... I used to eat there quite a bit when I worked near the airport. It thrived at that location for quite a while -- from the mid 80s (it was originally in the shopping center behind it) and was there at least through the early 2000s or so.

    IIRC, there was a Miami Subs kinda near there -- toward town on Knox Abbot - near the Wendy's.


    11 May 10 at 8:08 pm

  6. E.J. your right the miami subs is where Zaxbys is now.


    11 May 10 at 9:02 pm

  7. Steve's Deli is now on Platt Springs Road.


    12 May 10 at 6:31 am

  8. For awhile there, Quiznos had a "Monday Triple" deal. After 3 pm, you could get three small, three regular, or three large subs for a special price. I would get three large subs, and get them to cut each in halves or quarters; half of a large sub was a meal, M-W-F, for the next two weeks.

    I don't know whether they still have that deal. I haven't had a Quiznos for two or three months; it was at this store, and I wasn't paying attention. The next closest Q to me is downtown, which has, or used to, an afternoon closing time. Really annoying if you want to pick one up for supper on your way home.


    25 May 10 at 3:13 pm

  9. it was a steve's deli and also was a sub station II at some point


    4 Oct 10 at 5:21 pm

  10. This place is about to become a 'Touch of China' type restaurant...


    16 Jan 11 at 10:20 pm

  11. Ok folks I can now confirm that a place called Best of China is now open in this spot...

    I don't eat Asian cuisine but thought I'd share for those that are interested in it...


    2 Feb 11 at 1:19 pm

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