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Ruby Tuesday, 120 Columbiana Circle: March 2020   15 comments

Posted at 11:54 pm in closing










I did a closing for the Dutch Square Ruby Tuesday back in May. At that time I took pictures of this one, on a Columbiana Mall outparcel, as well. Since, unlike the other, there wasn't any clarity that this one was permanantly closed, I held off doing a post.

I drove back by today however, and nothing has changed. The "temporarily closed" sign is still up, but at this point I suspect that is no longer accurate. At the least, it's worth a mention and if they re-open later great! In the meantime, chalk up another one for for COVID-19.

UPDATE 7 June 2021 -- Razed:










15 Responses to 'Ruby Tuesday, 120 Columbiana Circle: March 2020'

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  1. Did you notice the for sale/lease sign out front?


    20 Sep 20 at 10:13 pm

  2. @Homer -- I did not. I drove by at night, entering the lot before I guess where a sign would be. At any rate I did not see it. Not surprised though.


    20 Sep 20 at 10:57 pm

  3. And, yes, the temporary sign is still on the door.


    21 Sep 20 at 8:22 am

  4. Yeah, I got out of the car, and checked *that* with a flashlight :-)


    21 Sep 20 at 8:49 am

  5. Looks like Rocky Gomez is gonna need a job. LoL


    21 Sep 20 at 4:25 pm


    As of August the company had "quietly" closed 169 locations and is rumored to be "struggling."


    21 Sep 20 at 10:17 pm

  7. Sheez, that building and lot are monstrous. Apparently, all these family style restaurants were for built families of sixes, when the trend for years has been smaller families and takeout.


    22 Sep 20 at 3:49 pm

  8. Does anyone know if the Ruby Tuesday that's left, the one on Garners Ferry, has the salad bar running? I like that for lunch sometimes, but I don't want to drive out there if it's shut like Moe's salsa bar.


    22 Sep 20 at 6:52 pm

  9. I haven't done dine in at any of these restaurants since COVID started festering (I have stuck with drive thru for the most part) but I wouldn't hold my breath for the salad bar that ted asked about to be in operation in general...the thing of it is, Columbia has 3 remaining Ruby Tuesday locations...the Garners Ferry one ted mentioned as well as the one on Highway 1 in West Columbia and one on US 378 in Lexington...


    23 Sep 20 at 9:28 am

  10. Yeah, I had forgotten both of the others even though I drove by one for the Maurice's pictures.


    23 Sep 20 at 9:32 am

  11. Sad to hear it! I worked at this Ruby Tuesdays location circa 2005 and had lots of good times there.


    23 Sep 20 at 11:00 pm

  12. Ruby Tuesday’s in Lexington does have the salad bar open. However, it’s not serve yourself. Waitress brings a pen and a paper menu of items on the bar. You circle what and how much you want and the waitress prepares the salad from the bar and brings it to you.

    Barbara Prosser

    24 Sep 20 at 2:50 pm

  13. I figured I had better use a Ruby Tuesday gift card last evening or lose it after reading the above comments. As Barbara stated the waitress at the Garners Ferry location handed me a checklist for the garden bar items. The rack of ribs and baked potato were excellent and I am really going to miss the garden bar.

    Their website states the chain started in 1972. Good long run.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    26 Sep 20 at 5:09 am

  14. Folks Ruby Tuesday has filed for bankruptcy.


    7 Oct 20 at 3:03 pm

  15. A steel frame has gone up on the site. The Ruby Tuesday sign is still at the streetside though. I suspect the sign will be reused. I couldn't slow to look for more signs for what might be going in on the lot because this is a busy entrance to the Columbiana Mall from Harbison.


    28 Aug 21 at 10:34 am

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