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Wendy's, 6892 Garners Ferry Road: October 2017 (open again)   18 comments

Posted at 11:32 pm in closing








As mentioned by commenter Andrew, this Landmark Square Wendy's is being remodeled into the style of the Assembly Street store (though not as tall).

Now, I have only eaten in this Wendy's once, when I was working out on Bluff Road and didn't have time to go all the way to Panera. My observation at the time was that they seemed pretty unclear on the concept of exchanging food for money, or at least on implementing that concept, which a new building won't help.

(Hat tip to commenter Andrew)

UPDATE 21 February 2018 -- Open again:



18 Responses to 'Wendy's, 6892 Garners Ferry Road: October 2017 (open again)'

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  1. They frequently fouled on my order. Agreed that a new building would not help.


    26 Oct 17 at 6:36 am

  2. I saw the sign saying now hiring? I guess all the employees were let go?

    mike mann

    29 Oct 17 at 8:00 am

  3. Good. They need a clean start along with the regional manager who obviously had little control over the old crew. Just because a building is aged doesn't mean it should be filthy.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    29 Oct 17 at 12:17 pm

  4. I've seen it mentioned in articles when (say Bi-Lo) closes one of their stores but has other ones nearby that they'll offer employees of an impacted store a chance to transfer to the remaining/nearby locations. So perhaps what happened in this case is that the crew may be working at a different Wendy's and prefer to stay at the new one. The other thing is that places like this do tend to see a fairly regular turnover anyway so perhaps some of them were ready to move on for different reasons and this remodel was the straw that broke the camel's back. Truthfully I believe that it's a combination of these (and other) factors...


    29 Oct 17 at 3:36 pm

  5. Andrew thank you. I never worked in fast food only at Bi-Lo in high school.

    mike mann

    29 Oct 17 at 4:36 pm

  6. Remember when Wendys had a salad bar?


    31 Oct 17 at 3:18 pm

  7. I can't fathom Wendy's having a Salad bar (it had to have been at least 25 years ago if they did)...


    1 Nov 17 at 12:19 pm

  8. Not only did they have a salad bar but there was a hot baked potato bar with it.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    1 Nov 17 at 6:11 pm

  9. Joe you are right! loved the tater bar! Where did Wendys go wrong?


    1 Nov 17 at 6:44 pm

  10. Back in the early 80s I worked at Wendy's on Two Notch rd.
    Yes we had a great salad bar and yes we had loaded baked potatoes.Wendy's also sold deep fried apple dumplings!


    1 Nov 17 at 7:09 pm

  11. I remember when they stopped the salad bar. My sister was miffed as it cut off one of her regular lunch places. I don't think it was quite as long ago as 25 years though. Wikipedia suggests it was dropped in 1998.

    I don't know if it was the lack of founder Dave's vision or what, but Wendy's did indeed seem to lose its way at some point.


    1 Nov 17 at 11:00 pm

  12. I imagine it was not profitable.
    It was pretty amazing how much dressing,vegetables and toppings were used in a day.
    Same thing with Quincy 's.
    When I first worked there as a waiter they only sold steaks and the tips were good! When they added the hot/salad bar, things went down hill fast.
    Quincy's on Sundays was like the Sponge Bob episode where all the anchovies would show up by the bus load.


    2 Nov 17 at 8:56 am

  13. I think back in the late 90s Wendys was trying to promote a healthy alternative to their burgers with the salad bar. I, for one, liked it and made it a weekly visit. Broccoli, carrots, ranch dressing and my favorite was the linguini alfredo. But, as noted above, it didn't catch on. Anyone remember when McDonald's tried the salad-in-a box?

    John R

    2 Nov 17 at 5:56 pm

  14. Im pretty sure they called it the Super Bar. I used to hit it up once every other week or so and make a massive taco salad. They probably lost money on me just in sour cream alone :)


    3 Nov 17 at 6:13 am

  15. That brings back memories! I had forgotten about the salad bar and baked potatoes.


    3 Nov 17 at 8:36 pm

  16. Bad Potato


    4 Nov 17 at 2:57 am

  17. This location has reopened.

    Joe Shlabotnik

    9 Nov 17 at 8:30 pm

  18. Now the Wendy's in Cayce on Knox Abbott Drive is being remodeled... (making me wonder which others are next in line)


    2 Dec 17 at 10:42 pm

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