Archive for the ‘barbershop’ tag
Distinguished Gentlemen Barbers, Dutch Square: 2018 (moved) no comments
I noticed this empty storefront recently when I turned into the parking lot here to fiddle with the stereo.
Distinguished Gentlemen was the follow-on operation to Baskin Robbins in this outside-access-only Dutch Square storefront. I believe they were setting up shop here in 2011 when I made that post. Now, if I am drawing the right conclusions from what google is telling me, they have moved to the church complex in the old Intersection Center as Frontliners at 118 Diamond Lane, Suite 17C.
The first picture amuses me a bit when I see how small the Planet Fitness sign is compared to the behemoth Belk's building they moved into.
Sims Barber Shop, 6204 Shakespeare Road: 2015 7 comments
I noticed this vacant storefront in the Shamrock Corner section of Shakespeare Road the other day. This is not far from the former Shakespeare Fish Market.