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Archive for the ‘1645 Airport Boulevard’ tag

Toyata Center, 1640 & 1645 Airport Boulevard: June 2014   11 comments

Posted at 10:59 pm in Uncategorized


This Toyota Tercel station wagon was the only car we ever bought from Toyota Center. Usually we dealt with Dick Dyer since they were a lot closer, but for whatever reason, Toyota Center had the car we wanted at the time we needed it (even then, 5-speeds were getting harder to come by). The car (which we called The Leatherneck based on a title in the detailing) was a bit of a dog, as Toyota never should have put an engine that small in a body that big, but that wasn't Toyota Center's fault, and as I recall they were fine.

This summer they pulled up stakes for both their new and used operations from their longtime Airport Boulevard location, and relocated to US-378/Sunset Boulevard near I-26. I have not yet seen the new location, but judging from nearby billboards they have also changed their name as part of the move.

On Airport Boulevard, the "new" car center was on the west side of the street at 1640 and the "used" car center was on the east at 1645.

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Written by ted on August 6th, 2014

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