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The Village Gourmet, 1410 Colonial Life Boulevard Suite 150: August 2012   5 comments

Posted at 2:09 am in Uncategorized







I have to admit I was not really aware of The Village Gourmet, but according to the nice little note currently still on their web site, the place had been there over 17 years. I have to say the lunch menu looks quite good, and I wouldn't have minded trying a grilled four cheese croissant at all!

It looks as though another eatery is already setting up shop in the space, Spork Food And Beverage Cafe.

(Hat tip to commenter Jason)

Written by ted on September 18th, 2012

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5 Responses to 'The Village Gourmet, 1410 Colonial Life Boulevard Suite 150: August 2012'

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  1. OK, note to Spork and all other businesses (or bidnesses, as they were called where I grew up):

    There are some of us that loathe social networking. I know it is hard to believe, but there are. Those of us in that category absolutely detest being told to like some business (bidness) on Facebook and to check Facebook for updates. In fact, there is no quicker way to lose me (or ensure I will never give your business (bidness) a chance) as a customer than put your business (bidness) info on Facebook only, with no website alternative.

    It also makes you look extremely cheap, as you are unwilling to pony up for your own website.



    18 Sep 12 at 6:38 am

  2. @tonkatoy I agree. I'm not using my social networking (I don't Facebook anyway, but let's pretend I do) to read advertising. I'm not going to "like" a commercial product on Facebook much like I'm not going to try to sell my close friends on where I work.

    Anyway, I ate at Village Gourmet a few times, since it's not far from work (which I will not be pitching or advertising here). It was really good. I'll be sad to see it go.


    18 Sep 12 at 6:59 am

  3. I took clients and fellow coworkers here frequently over the last 10 years. This place was great and I'm sad to see it go.


    18 Sep 12 at 10:56 am

  4. Yeah, the food was always very good and the staff were really friendly. I'll miss it.


    18 Sep 12 at 6:21 pm

  5. Simple push v. pull advertising.


    19 Sep 12 at 6:09 pm

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