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Eckerd Drugs, 3414 North Main Street: 2000s   6 comments

Posted at 1:09 am in closing

Here's another Eckerd's that didn't survive into the Rite Aid era. This one is at the intersection of North Main and Sunset Drive and is now a Family Dollar. Not related to the store, but I've always disliked this intersection because just after it crosses Main, Sunset narrows to one lane with very little warning. I move into the left lane before crossing, but it seems as though someone always gets caught by surprise and wants to merge suddenly into my lane.

UPDATE 10 August 2020: Add map icon, update tags.

6 Responses to 'Eckerd Drugs, 3414 North Main Street: 2000s'

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  1. If I remember correctly, This site also held a Crown Gas Station before the Eckerd bought the land.


    25 May 09 at 8:37 am

  2. I'm pretty sure that building was built as a Rite-Aid to begin with, and then was subsequently acquired by Eckerd. It's very much a Rite-Aid prototype, although I have seen a lot of them taken over by other chains in areas that Rite-Aid later abandoned; a lot of them in NC became Kerr Drug locations.

    The irony would be if it had started as a Rite-Aid, become an Eckerd, and then become a Rite-Aid again at the time of the merger. I'm sure that's happened with many locations.

    A couple of images of this Rite-Aid prototype design:


    25 May 09 at 9:04 am

  3. That does look like the same design. I guess that would be true of the one on Two Notch as well then, and would explain why it was coming up just as a Rite Aid in my searches.


    25 May 09 at 10:21 am

  4. Eckard's biggest mistake was when they moved from inside Dutch Square to the corner on B. River Road/St. Andrews where a gas station used to be in front on Boozer. That was last nail in the coffin for them..then they started dissapearing.


    25 May 09 at 11:24 pm

  5. I think I remember this one not lasting long. I've seen several around town that were Eckerds then Rite Aide bought them and closed 'em. I think there's one near walmart on highway 1 in W Cola like that and another one in W Cola on the corner of 12th and 378. They were built only to close within a couple of years of opening.

    Mr. Bill

    26 May 09 at 8:40 am

  6. Yep. This was definitely Rite Aid first. Looks like an early 1990s build to me. Might want to add that.

    Bobby P.

    17 Sep 11 at 5:54 pm

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