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Hurricane Helene, Midlands: 27 September 2024   2 comments

Posted at 10:58 pm in closing




Well, I'm really irritated with myself because I only got two pictures of all the storm damage. I was out drving this morning looking for a place I might be able to find coffee & Internet to work from as my power was out. There were all kind of trees down, including huge ones, and one which fell across Beltline just a few minutes (apparently) after I had passed by going the other way. Sylvan @ Trenholm was completely blocked, and Kilbourne seemed to have a tree down in every yard. So, intead of thinking to take pictures, I got worried about whether I could actually get home (given I couldn't go back down Beltline), and totally forgot to take any shots other than the ones of the Caro sign.

Hope everyone is OK!

UPDATE 30 September 2024 -- Well, to revise & extend my remarks, as they say, based on the comments, it seems that the Caro sign was damaged before the storm. I will leave the pictures, because that's it's done, but I will add a few mild actual storm damage pictures below. When I wrote this post last Friday, I thought we had been through a medium-bad event, nothing like the Flood of 2015. Obviously I now know that while we were not hit that badly here in the Midlands, our fellow Sandlappers and Tarheels took a major blow, and I urge everyone to contribute what they can.








Written by ted on September 27th, 2024

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2 Responses to 'Hurricane Helene, Midlands: 27 September 2024'

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  1. I think the Caro sign was actually taken out a week or two ago in a high speed chase.


    28 Sep 24 at 11:00 pm

  2. I agree with Larry, I noticed the Caro sign early last week although I didn't have any idea what happened to it.

    Go drive down Spring Lake Rd and you can see more than 40 trees along the road and on the golf course that got blown over.


    30 Sep 24 at 12:49 pm

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