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McDonald's, 2929 Charleston Highway: Circa 2013 (Changes)   1 comment

Posted at 11:18 pm in closing








Here is one where I just kept misplacing the pictures over and over. I observed back in 2013, when the first photos were taken, that this McDonald's on the Charleston Highway near the junctions with I-26 & I-77 still had the boxy kids' play area architecture. Since I like that look and knew that the chain was phasing it out, I took some pictures. And, indeed, at some point after that, they remodeled and dropped that look completely. The problem was I kept taking pictures of the new look and forgetting to do anything with them while they were still near the top of the stack. Finally when I did the Lazy Llama closing I took some more and remembered before I lost track again.

I have to admit I have not really eaten at a McDonald's in years, but they do now have a quite good cup of coffee.

Written by ted on December 20th, 2021

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One Response to 'McDonald's, 2929 Charleston Highway: Circa 2013 (Changes)'

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  1. I miss the old look. I took shots of a few of them around Columbia when I knew they were phasing them out including this one. I missed a lot of stores due to a medical scare and long recovery process from 2015 to about 2019

    Joe Hinson

    10 Apr 22 at 4:33 pm

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