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Pancho's Mexican Restaurant, 5400 Forest Drive: 7 March 2018 (reflagged)   3 comments

Posted at 11:03 pm in closing







My memory is a big vague, but I believe this restaurant (in the former Redbone Alley/Corky's building) actually started out as a San Jose, but that was causing some heartburn at the old Forest Drive San Jose which is now Pasta Fresca, so it was reflagged as Pancho's while still being in the San Jose family.

For whatever reason, that was undone on 7 March, and it is now officially a San Jose again (though some of the signs have yet to be changed).

Written by ted on March 8th, 2018

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3 Responses to 'Pancho's Mexican Restaurant, 5400 Forest Drive: 7 March 2018 (reflagged)'

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  1. I think this was originally a Corky's BBQ before it went through Mexican restaurant roulette. Corky's is out of Memphis, and there was a 10-year period where they went on a franchising binge which ended very poorly, resulting in them scaling back to just their Tennessee locations. My "fondest" memory of eating at Corky's here in Columbia was the day I went and they were out of BBQ. By my estimate, the Corky's here closed around 2003 or 2004.


    9 Mar 18 at 1:37 pm

  2. I think it was actually a Red Bone Alley when it first opened, and was open as that for 2-3 years, then became Corky’s. I could have that backwards though.

    I believe Red Bone Alley is a Florence based restaurant that opened a fairly short-lived second location in Columbia.


    11 Mar 18 at 10:36 am

  3. It was Redbone from 98-01. This might have actually been the third location, as there was one in Sumter, too, but closed about 10 years go. And for just a few weeks after Corky's closed, it was called 'Jaylens,' but that closed after the owner went to the pokey for alleged drug dealing.

    The owner of Corky's refused to let Free Times drop off newspapers there after they had given them a less than sterling review.


    11 Mar 18 at 10:08 pm

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