J. Patrick's Southern Kitchen, 1301 State Street: June 2012 1 comment
This Cayce home cooking restaurant was at the corner of State & Jansen Streets, right across from Brookland Cayce High School, and right next to the old radio station studio. As you can tell, these pictures were taken on a very grey and gloomy day, otherwise the old brick building would look much more inviting.
I know for a while they advertised themselves online as either the follow-on or alternative operation to the old Southern Skillet when that restaurant closed.
In the event I had never heard of them until quite recently, and never got around to checking them out until it was too late.
(Hat tip to commenter badger)
One Response to 'J. Patrick's Southern Kitchen, 1301 State Street: June 2012'
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15 Jan 14 at 8:25 am
I saw some new signage that said something like "Chef Aaron's Southern Cuisine." Haven't had a chance to stop by for a closer look-see, but it appears that someone else is going to roll the dice here.